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Our Piercings

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~ What piercings do you currently have? Snakebites, septum, gaged ears to 3/4 and second hole in left ear (I let the right ear close up because it was pushing up against my gages and it hurt).

~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why? Lip ring, previous set of snakebites that lasted all of probably a day or 2 and then a monroe and lip ring because I had to take them out for work and they eventually closed up and I didn't know at the time I could just kinda push them back in, so I just left them out. Or, I probably just lost the jewelry at some point and didn't have any spare at the time. Something like that.

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet? Nothing I'm currently planning as of yet. I'm always open to the idea and thinking about it though.

~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)? I've thought about cheek piercings for a while but I haven't got them because they're more difficult to hide if I ever need to and I hear they can have a lot of complications. Thought briefly about getting my nipples pierced but I'd get fed up with them catching on fabric and I hear they REALLY REALLY hurt. I know I have a high pain tolerance but I'm not sure if it's THAT high.

~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts? I just like the aesthetic of the ones i have and/or want. No deep meaning behind them or anything. I just simply like how they look.

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children? Other than the epic amount of snot that came pouring out of my nose when I got my septum pierced?............No.

~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites? I just usually buy my jewelry from places like Hot Topic, Spencers, the tattoo shop I go to or the stands in the malls.

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  • 3 weeks later...

~ What piercings do you currently have? I'm down from 13 piercings to just having 7! I have each lobe pierced twice, nipples and a VCH.

~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why? The ones in my ears I ended up taking out because I just missed sleeping on my side. (damn double industrial I had nearly destroyed my ear.)

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet? I've always wanted to get the center of my lip pierced, but because of my job I was never able to, and now with other things to spend money on I'm not sure if I'd get it even if I left Starbucks.

~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)? Corset piercing. Fucking beautiful, but too expensive for something that isn't meant to be permanant.

~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts? They make me feel pretty. My piercings (nipples especially) gave me something pretty to look at when I felt dreadfully ugly. I have an ex boyfriend from years ago to thank for that body image...

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children? Um...well I didn't have any epic stories, except when I had my double industrial done, I nearly passed out from the pain of him having to re-pierce one of them 3 times...and I despise needles so that many pokes at once = me on floor.

~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites? Right now I only wear earrings occasionally in one set of holes in my ear, and I have barbells in my nipples and a simple curved barbell in my VCH. I have a set of hoops with hanging spikes for my nipples and a curved barbell with spikes for my VCH that I LOVE LOVE LOVE, but they get stabby...

Edited by f0rged
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  • 3 months later...

Updaaate. Wasting time before work when I should be working out. You know, whatever.

~ What piercings do you currently have?

I have the same ear piercings as before, four on my left and three on my right.

The four earlobe piercings I have are gauged. The main ones are 2g and the second ones I am in the process of gauging, they are currently 10g. I'm debating on gauging the main ones to a 0g.

~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why?

I no longer have my lipring. At work I got a complaint about the hoop, so I began wearing a clear retainer, the backing eventually rubbed too much against my gums and so I decided to remove it.

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?

I originally wanted spiderbites on my lip, but that's obviously out :p

Now I want to get spiderbites on one nostril. That's my next plan. I also want an industrial on the right and more regular piercings along both ears. I just haven't gotten around to it. I usually end up getting more tattoos instead >__>

~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?

I have been curious about getting nipple piercings, but I most likely will never get them.

~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

The tons of ear piercings I wanted after reading a manga called Nana. The drummer inspired me because he was bald with tons of hoop piercings on his ears.

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?


~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites?

I like stainless steel hoops in my ears. For the biggest gauges, plugs or flesh plugs. For the second gauges, they are currently pinchers. Probably plugs later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

By reading this threat I got the perception that there is a difference in the public view on piercings, dermals, tattoos and stuff between the States and Germany.

I have 12 piercings, three tattoos and barely a problem on getting a job. Ok, one pharmacy where I applied told me even to take off the four "earrings", but I decided not to work for such a dumb-ass ^^

8 of the 12 are more or less visible, twice lobe on both sides, one on the upper ear on the right, nose on the right side, labret and tongue. The other four piercings are more "secret" ;)

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  • 4 months later...

Old thread resurrect!

~ What piercings do you currently have?

Regular lobe piercings: 2 in left, 1 in right (started out as a single left piercing)

Industrials: 1 each ear

Nostril: left side

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?

I'd like to have conch piercings in each ear-- two in each side (imagine the folks who get multiple helix piercings and put a single spiral barbell through all, but think of it in terms of a conch piercing). I haven't done it yet for a few reasons... 1. Funds 2. Lazy (would be a "project"-- I'd have to see my piercer and discuss jewelry, order said jewelry, go in and get pierced, wait for piercings to heal, then insert final jewelry...) 3. Time. Not sure if I feel like spending another year-plus healing cartilage piercings (the industrials were done within the past year-and-a-half or so and I'm still just a bit tired of having long-healing piercings).

~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?

I'd love to do my lip-- right in the center-- but that might just carry things too far as far as employers and parents and who-knows-who-else complaining. Not to mention my dentist-- my teeth, etc. are bad enough on their own. and, well, ick factor... I know the gunk that comes out of new piercings and I do NOT want that in my mouth, ew ew ew!

Also a bit intrigued by nipple piercings, but not sure if I'm intrigued enough to actually get them (seems like they'd be a huge pain to heal, for one)... and I'm not sure I could ever take my shirt off in front of my piercer!

~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

They're nifty? :)

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?

Not really, but I always tell people that industrials just aren't as bad as everyone says. Before I got my first one I was terrified because I'd read so many accounts that they were just so painful-- from people who were no strangers to piercings, from people who said if they'd known how much the actual piercing and healing would hurt they never would've done it, etc. And, well, I'm a total wuss for pain. Then I did it... and... I was like, "is that it? Really?" I mean, yeah, it hurt, but damn, not that much; the pain was pretty much over as soon as the piercing was done; the healing didn't hurt unless I bumped it... I just... didn't see the big deal. Got the second one done, was scared again in case the first had been a fluke... nope... still no huge deal.

~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites?

Meh, I'm relatively boring. In part because I'm just too lazy to change jewelry out very often. The industrials still have the straight bars they were pierced with 'cause I've not gotten around to getting anything cool for them. Nose is usually just a plain jeweled stud (I keep losing the stones out of these and have just taken to buying tiny Swarovski crystals at the bead shop and epoxying them in, rather than buying a whole new nose screw), though I love the Indian-style nosepins, but they tend to be either expensive or small-gauge or both. The trend these days seems to be teeny-gauge jewelry more and more as well so it's getting harder to buy cute stuff at the store-- 22 gauge? Really? Lobes are... well, whatever I feel like, relatively boring for easy maintenance, but again I'm lazy so I might keep the same earrings in for months, and sometimes during dance competition season I'll take the out and never get around to putting them back in until competition season is over... I do love the way I look in dangly earrings but only wear them sometimes (not low-maintenance! lol)

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