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Our Piercings

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So, here I am on a supposed "Goth Board" seeking out the obligatory "Which Piercings Do You Have" thread...and what do mine eyes perceive: a few individual quandaries, but no collective exchange of the holes that be in our bodies.

So, let us hear the details and stories behind the ways we have "added" to our design. Themes of note would be:

~ What piercings do you currently have?

~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why?

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?

~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?

~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?

~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites?

Myself, I have but one piercing: Daith in my left ear.

And I believe that is all I shall get. I am quite satisfied with the exquisite nature of the location (for one, I have never seen anyone else with this piercing).

My piercer even noted how perfectly suited my ear structure was to house this type of piercing; Odd that it did not appear on the "menu" of piercings that hung

on the back wall.

You might ask: "well if it wasn't on the menu and you hadn't seen it on anyone else, how did you know what to get?"

To answer that, I would have to say this:

I knew the "place" on my ear I wanted pierced; I did not know its name, so I asked the lovely lady who would later drive a metal spike through my upper lobe.

It was a matter of pinching the area I desired with my forefinger/thumb and proclaiming: "I would like it here".

The inspiration came, I suppose from seeing a brief clip on an anime (one that I do not own nor have seen). You may guess at which one that was, as it would

provide interesting foot and eye-work. Regardless, it was an instantaneous falling in love with the idea of that specific piercing.

This was my first; Shall it be my last? I have no plans, but plans are meant to be tossed aside. We shall see.

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I'm actually am unmodified so far. No piercings, no tattoo's. I barely left the house though until I was like 26 (social phobia) and I kind of feel like if I start getting that stuff now my family would think I was going crazy or something. I do kind of want a couple tattoo's though.

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~ What piercings do you currently have?

-Ears (several), ears - 2g & 4g, tragus, septum, lip

~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why?

Nose (both nostrils) - I got tired of it

belly button - didn't like it

nipple - it migrated and I didn't want it to work it's way all the way out

labret - the jewelry fell out in my sleep and I couldn't get it back in

monroe - same as labret

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?


~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?


~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

I have always felt like they were to enhance the look of an area, though I feel that more so with tattoos than with piercings.

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?

I got my nose pierced in 8th grade, which apparently was against the rules. The school threatened to suspend me if I didn't remove it. I refused to remove the piercing, so I was suspended for a week. Someone started a petition to allow me to keep the piercing, which was signed by over 200 kids, but, of course, it did nothing. I still managed to keep the piercing and had it until I was 26.

~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites?

I have plugs in my ears, and a hoop in my tragus. I usually wear a small stud in my lip, especially if I'm wearing a circular barbell in my septum.

Edited by bean
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What piercings do you currently have?

- I currently have eight piercings.

Two on my upper-mid left ear, two on my left earlobe (one of them gauged to a 2g).

One on my upper-mid right ear, two on my right earlobe (one of them gauged to a 2g).

And finally, the left side of my lip is pierced.

What piercings do you no longer have? Why?

- I have kept all of my piercings so far.

Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?

- Yes.

I've been planning to get two or three more on my upper left ear and possibly a third on my left lobe.

Also to get another mid-ear on my right ear as well as an industrial on my right ear.

I haven't gotten them yet because I can't afford it and I generally take my time between piercings to avoid infection.

Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?

- When I got my lip pierced I planned to get snakebites. But I decided to do them separately. Of course, now I have a job where you have to wear a clear retainer in your lip. But when you get a new piercing you have to keep a steel stud in your lip for 6 weeks before changing it out...so it is unlikely.

I'm no longer interested in snakebites, though. I would prefer spiderbites.

I've also debated on nipple piercings, but I'm a wimp.

What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

- Hmm...my first inspirations were probably from the metal I used to listen to in highschool. Now, I just love the look of piercings. I suppose reading Nana was also an important part in why I want so many ear piercings.


Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?

- Haha! All I can recall is when I went with a couple friends to a piercing parlor. I had just met this girl who was getting her nipples pierced (we had maybe known each other for two hours). I somehow ended up being the one to sit in the room with her for support...a very bonding experience, lol

What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites?

- I prefer simple, small silver hoops for my ears. I dislike gold jewelry. For my lip, I like captives (any color, really)...but I can't work them, haha!

As for my gauges, I've been wearing flesh tunnels for almost a year now because its comfy.

I've been wanting some of the spiral-styled gauge jewelry lately.

Edited by Eevee
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So, here I am on a supposed "Goth Board" seeking out the obligatory "Which Piercings Do You Have" thread...and what do mine eyes perceive: a few individual quandaries, but no collective exchange of the holes that be in our bodies.

So, let us hear the details and stories behind the ways we have "added" to our design. Themes of note would be:

~ What piercings do you currently have?

~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why?

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?

~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?

~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?

~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites?

Myself, I have but one piercing: Daith in my left ear.

And I believe that is all I shall get. I am quite satisfied with the exquisite nature of the location (for one, I have never seen anyone else with this piercing).

My piercer even noted how perfectly suited my ear structure was to house this type of piercing; Odd that it did not appear on the "menu" of piercings that hung

on the back wall.

You might ask: "well if it wasn't on the menu and you hadn't seen it on anyone else, how did you know what to get?"

To answer that, I would have to say this:

I knew the "place" on my ear I wanted pierced; I did not know its name, so I asked the lovely lady who would later drive a metal spike through my upper lobe.

It was a matter of pinching the area I desired with my forefinger/thumb and proclaiming: "I would like it here".

The inspiration came, I suppose from seeing a brief clip on an anime (one that I do not own nor have seen). You may guess at which one that was, as it would

provide interesting foot and eye-work. Regardless, it was an instantaneous falling in love with the idea of that specific piercing.

This was my first; Shall it be my last? I have no plans, but plans are meant to be tossed aside. We shall see.

There are some posts like this but its been awhile. I'm glad you started this one. (seriously, despite my goofball remarks below)

~ What piercings do you currently have?

None - Spend all my money on eyeliner and saving up for the hearse!! (and the self-piercing process is to much of a temptation.)

~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why?

I did, have a pierced eye (can't think of the name of the area atm), but it was unintentional. Now its just a scar. Unfortunately its not a cool badass scar, its more of a omg you dumbass, type scar.

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?

I'll see how things go after Operation Impeding Doom II ends. No reason for me to get my hopes up just yet.

~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?

Hadn't thought of that, yeah the whole job thing (was) one of the things holding me back, although currently that's not an issue.

~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

Generally I just don't want them in any place that is easy to er.. "snag" on. When there's a sale on said eyeliner I don't want to be the last freak in line because of a detour to the emergency room.

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?

I went with my friend Wendy to get her tongue pierced (Wendy Simpson on DGN for the old-old-oldschool kiddies) and I was holding her hand sitting there and had just the right angle to see the piercing, so they shove the silver dagger into her tounge and blood squirts out EVERY GOD DANG WERE all down the front of her face / chest /mouth, it was bizarre , i thought I was watching a movie. Normally blood doesn't bother me that much but DAMMMMMMMN. Odd thing was, she barely noticed (she was already just stressed out by the whole process) I felt like she was holding my hand to calm me down after that not vice versa.

~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites?

I like FILLING holes , its sort of a passion.. oh , damn, nvm.

- I have no plans, but plans are meant to be tossed aside. We shall see.

So many diabolical plans so little Chloroform and gas in the van with no windows....

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I take such goofiness in stride, Troy.

I realize I may have left some of my own questions unanswered.

Since my piercing is rather new, I have not switched out the horse-shoe bar for an earring of my choosing. Thusfar, I do own a pair of hook earrings with long feathers dropping down.


My pair has white and black speckled feathers at the top, though. In general, I will all ways be on the lookout for styles that dangle and are light (as a feather, in this case). Metal chains would not be out of the question.

Edited by Iris
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~What piercings do you currently have?

Lower part of the lobe pierced twice on each ear. Rook on the right side.

~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why?

My second set of lobe piercings are there but barely. I want to get them redone. I just sort of left them empty for too long and don't feel like doing it myself to open them back up. It's only going to be like 13 bucks to get redone. Plus one was a little off and it bugs me that they don't match lol. So I want them realigned anyway.

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?

I am debating my eyebrow...probably left due to having the rook on the right, but it seems like it might be a pain in the ass to tweeze my brows then and costs money to do lol. Although then I could wear the same jewelry that fits my rook.

~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?

Sure a lot of them...nipples (don't want them to umm, change later lol), tongue (too many nerves and too many germs to take that risk), industrial (too much money and seems bulky), industrial ran through my tragus intrigued me very much (this would be the one I would get if I did get one from this list, but again bulky.)

~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

Lobes...ummm because I like how it looked? Lobes again...because I liked the idea of more than one set but didn't want my whole ear pierced. Rook...I liked how it looked and my friend really wanted me to come and get something pierced too.

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?

Q-tips work wonders for cleaning a rook. Pay attention to how big your fingers are when getting the inner ear pierced...mine are too big to change the rook easily. But overall I still like it anyway. Finding the curve that fits my rook is a pain at times, have found eyebrow jewelry works best. Also do eat something before you get it done and drink water...I felt like headed after when I got my rook pierced since I was nervous and got it on an empty stomach. Also my rook has made my ear super sensitive although i'm not sure why. :p

~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favorites?

Long dangley things for my lobes. I also like hoops and studs. Anything cute pretty much, like my skull butterflies. :p For my rook, I like the barbells since the curve fits the curve of my piercing. Captive bead rings look too round to work for it.

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~ What piercings do you currently have?

4 helixes, 2 conches, 6 lobes (2g, 6g, and standard), center lip, tongue, navel

~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why?

nipples they weren't done right :( I was very sad when I had to take them out

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?

going to gauge my 3rd lobes to a 6 2nd lobes to a 2 and 1st lobes to a 00, 1 more helix, nipples, rook, and probably 4 snugs and an industrial only reason I haven't gotten them yet is because I just got some piercings (healing time and stuff) and money.

~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?

I love bridge and septum piercings but I think they would look silly on my face.

~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

I just love the way they look I'm completely obsessed >.>

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?

not really

~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites?

usually wear spikes in the helixes, captives in the conches, gemmed face curved barbell in the navel, studs in the lip (would prefer a captive but the rings still bother my piercing), plain barbell in the tongue and the lobes I change way to much to say what I commonly wear. My favorite jewelry has to be my horn bat earrings and bone skeletons and ear skins

What piercings do you currently have?


Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?

- When I got my lip pierced I planned to get snakebites. But I decided to do them separately. Of course, now I have a job where you have to wear a clear retainer in your lip. But when you get a new piercing you have to keep a steel stud in your lip for 6 weeks before changing it out...so it is unlikely.

I'm no longer interested in snakebites, though. I would prefer spiderbites.

I've also debated on nipple piercings, but I'm a wimp.

nipple piercings really aren't that bad (or else I wouldn't probably consider getting them re-pierced lol) although healing kinda sucks

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I have three holes in each ear lobe and the upper cartilage pierced on my left ear. I also have my nose, lip (center with a stud), naval, and nipples pierced.

Last night I added a VCH piercing to the mix and I'm having a hard time not stopping to go look at how freakin' cute it is every few minutes.

I'm planning on getting four dermal implants, two on each side, about an inch apart and inch below my collar bones. Hopefully by the end of summer!

I haven't ever had a reason to take a peircing out and let the hole close up. I almost took my lip out at one point but I'm glad I kept it and went back to stabbing more body parts! Yay stabbing body parts!

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~ What piercings do you currently have?

My septum and my ears.

~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why?

My nipples, because one side started rejecting and I didn't want to look unbalanced with only one.

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?

I want to get my cheeks/dimples pierced. I haven't because my job wont allow them.

~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?Not piercings so much, but I really want dermal horns and my ears pointed/elf earring.

~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

Lots of things, mine? beauty.

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?

My mom thought I was crying when my eyes teared up with my septum.

~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites?

I tend to go with pinchers for my nose hole,

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~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?Not piercings so much, but I really want dermal horns and my ears pointed/elf earring.

Not sure I ever saw such a thing (not in real life anyway) Interesting. *randomly googles some terms*

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~ What piercings do you currently have?

Middle lip, two in my left ear and one in my right, and my left nipple.

~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why?

Eyebrow. Got infested and had to remove it, twice.

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?

Ive thought about getting my naughty bits pierced... and more ear ones.... and maybe my nose. Havn't got the money?

~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?

Not really...

~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

Uniqueness and self art. I just loved the look of mine from the start.

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?

Nipples hurt when you do it the second time! And if you have one done when your pregnant then it'll leak.... tons! :stuart:

~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites?

been a stud in my lip for the last year, but loved my horse shoe before.

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What piercings do you currently have?: I started out with two on each part of the bottom ear, Then I added 2 cartilage piercings on the top right ear. Then 2 weeks ago starting monday I got my Tongue Pierced. Very happy about that.

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?: I Would love to get my nose pierced with tusk right below the bone, but my soon to be boyfriend asked me to keep what I have, solid, nothing else..so I am.

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?: I love the feel of my Tongue ring rolling around in my mouth..I actually do think..I found I happy spot in there >.> Keeping it PG Shush.

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What piercings do you currently have?

I have six piercings in my left ear: 3 cartilage (all 14g), 1 conch (10g) and 2 lobes (0g in 2nd hole, 5/8" in first hole). 3 piercings in my right ear: matching lobe piercings and one random cartilage piercing, at a 10g. I also have my labret pierced, at a 14g.

What piercings do you no longer have? Why?

I used to have surface piercings in my upper back but my hair was long and kept snagging on the jewelry so I had the PTFE barbells removed.

Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?

Nah. I'm pretty content with my array of metal adornments. If I wanted any more, I'd just get my surface piercings redone. It isnt a priority though and I dont have the money. I've more important things to worry about than my next poke mod.

Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?

Not so much that intrigue me really. I usually just go "Hey, that looks cute on you!" if the piercing goes with the person's anatomy (facial, durr) but I cant think of any piercings that make me super curious.

What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

I've found the labret to be a rather flattering piercing if the jewelry is proper for the person's face. If the ball on the end of the labret is too big, it either looks trashy or too distracting from their features. With proper jewelry, the piercing itself can accent their features (add to a natural pout, etc).

Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?

When I got my cartilage pierced at a 10g (right ear), it was the first time I heard my cartilage make the crunching noise and I let off a good several F-bombs when I heard the noise. That didnt deter me from getting my conch pierced but I dont have a good story about that piercing. I specifically asked the piercer (and owner of the now-defunct shop) to pierce me one way, and he pierces me a different way... one that caused an immense amount of swelling. I knew that because the piercing was going to be bigger than normal, of course my ear is going to bleed and of course it's going to swell something fierce. So pierce me at a 10g and put 12g jewelry in the whole... more room for swelling. Instead, I was pierced at a 9g and had 10g jewelry put through the hole. I couldnt rotate my jewelry for almost a week. It healed fine but apparently keloided slightly. When the piercer pointed that out, I nearly said "Oh yeah, about that... had you did what I told you to do, it probably wouldnt have happened."

What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites?

I wear a plug for each 5/8" piercing, and steel tribal earrings for my 0g holes. The 3 cartilage piercings in my left ear have labret studs in them, my conch has a horseshoe barbell. The 10g cartilage piercing in my right ear has a ball-less captive-bead hoop in it (my ears hate captive hoops when the ball is on them).

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  • 3 weeks later...

My ears are guaged and my nose is pierced.

I used to have my belly flab pierced. I took it out because I did it myself and it was done wrong.

I get keyloids when I do piercings so I'm sticking to tattoos.

I would like to get my eye brow and my lip done. But several people say I would look bad with my eye brow done and lip piercings are supposed to be bad for your teeth. That scares me.

I got all of my piercings because I liked the idea of them. I always wanted a ring in my nose and now I have one.

When I got my nose done the lady put the needle through. She took off the clamps. Next thing I know she says, "You are going to hate me." She then took the needle out and shoved it back through. She said it wasn't all the way through the first time, but I saw it and it was. Now the hole is messed up and at a really bad angle. So I just leave my horseshoe in because it's hard to change.

I like to use metal horseshoes for all of my guages. I hav 10's and a 16.

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~ What piercings do you currently have?

Prince Albert, I am royalty.

~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why?

Labret and tongue web. Labret fell out and hole closed, web I just got tired of cleaning.

~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet?

Nope, I'm done with piercings.

~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)?

nipple rings.. I don't have the chest for it.

~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts?

I have a gorgeous peen, the ring increases that by 1000x

~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children?

My tongue web was done by a 6'3, 300lb cuban with sausage fingers.. which he had to get inside my mouth.. ouch.

The labret.. I almost kicked the girl doing it in the crotch. Reflex from pain.

The PA, they told me to wear a condom for a few days. I didn't. I was at work when it bled all down my pants, very icky. Man period.

~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites?

I have the original CBR, I've only removed it twice. Once for a military physical, the other for a MRI.

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As birther of this thread, and to quell the outcries for more pictures. This is what a Daith looks like


I am not certain as to exactly what type of earrings you are "supposed" to pair with this area...but frankly, I do not care one bit. I will have dangles. Of course, now that this area is finally healed, I am looking forward to pairing my daith with an upper-daith

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just when I promised myself the piercings would end with a daith, a quaint idea landed in my head: dermals. Ideas are all ways making their way in and out of my thoughts...most float away, to be fluffed off as misbegotten inspiration. Something about this particular one instantly hit home; The image was clear in my mind but still very much a vague outline. As I put it to Melisa (my piercer): "I know what and where I want my piercings, I just don't know the vocabulary behind them".

Not even two days later (even that seemed like an eternity), I entered the shop once again. It was very much a learning experience, and M is quite easy going and comfortable to talk to. Part of the excitement is not knowing what to expect. A tray of different gem-themed caps are laid out before me, and initially my indecisive nature kicks in:

M: "We usually start you out with gems, then from there you can switch them out with skulls or whatever...did you want a coloured gem, or perhaps black or a clear white one?"

Iris: "Topaz would suit my birth stone better, but Emerald looks nice too"

M: "Did you want one of each? Here, let's take a look at them side by side"

What I did find odd is how quickly I made up my mind after that. Did I want it to be black or neutral: fuck no...I want this thing to be seen and adored. Did I want to something I "should" get or something that just looked nice: the Emerald looked nice, I got both of my dermals in emerald. The darker green stands out more against my pale skin and looks plain epic.

Choice is made, have no idea how these things are going to be inserted (but I have a high pain tolerance, so yeah).

M: "Ok, breathe in....and breathe out"


M: "How you doing?"

Iris: "Well, now I know what it feels like to get a staple gun to the chest"

M: "I wouldn't know what that feels like, but ok"

Pictures shall follow, once I snap some in the coming week.

M: "we accidentally ordered some Snoopy bandages instead of the plain ones; Now, did you want the regular spot bandages, or Snoopy"

Iris: "Hells yes, I want Snoopy"

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I've recently started thinking about dermals too. I have a flower tattoo at the top of my cleavage that I think would look snazzy with a gem in the middle. I have a high tolerance for pain as well, but I don't deal with piercings quite as well as I do with tattoos. When I get a tattoo, I doze off sometimes. When I get pierced, I always get a little anxious. Then again, a dermal isn't exactly like a piercing. Plus, I'm not sure the shop my tattoo artist owns even does dermals and I really really don't want to go somewhere else because I have serious issues with people (strangers, new acquaintances) touching me. I also think I need to research the whole thing more anyway. Gah!

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I've been debating on removing my lipring lately. The backing of the clear retainer I wear at work has rubbed against my gum and caused it to recede. If it continues, I'll have extreme tooth pain. So I've started to completely remove my lipring at work and to just put the hoop back in after my shift ends.

But I still worry that it might still irritate the gum, despite my dentist saying he usually only sees the issues with studs.

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@ Bean: Unlike a regular piercing, which is a quick sharp pain...dermals are a much more dulled annoyance. Have you ever received a quick blow to the rib-cage...yeah, its sorta like that :"Ow, What the fuck!?!?" Before I get my last dermal inserted, I am going to get a cameo broach tattoo-ed on my chest, so the whole thing looks like a permanent necklace!

@ Eevee: I'd get a second opinion on how rings affect the gumline. Anything metallic that comes into direct contact with soft tissue for extended periods would logically cause wear and tear. Then again, logic sometimes throws one for a loop and does the opposite of how its "supposed" to behave :X

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@ Bean: Unlike a regular piercing, which is a quick sharp pain...dermals are a much more dulled annoyance. Have you ever received a quick blow to the rib-cage...yeah, its sorta like that :"Ow, What the fuck!?!?" Before I get my last dermal inserted, I am going to get a cameo broach tattoo-ed on my chest, so the whole thing looks like a permanent necklace!

That sounds like it will look really cool once it's done.

I can deal with punch to the ribcage pain. I just don't know if I want something that will have to be cut out of me if there is a problem or if I tire of it at some point. Hmmm.

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@ Bean: Unlike a regular piercing, which is a quick sharp pain...dermals are a much more dulled annoyance. Have you ever received a quick blow to the rib-cage...yeah, its sorta like that :"Ow, What the fuck!?!?" Before I get my last dermal inserted, I am going to get a cameo broach tattoo-ed on my chest, so the whole thing looks like a permanent necklace!

@ Eevee: I'd get a second opinion on how rings affect the gumline. Anything metallic that comes into direct contact with soft tissue for extended periods would logically cause wear and tear. Then again, logic sometimes throws one for a loop and does the opposite of how its "supposed" to behave :X

Well the hoop seems to be fine. But the retainer was irritating it after I realized the gumline has gotten lower. The backing of the stud would rub, while a hoop hugs the lip more.

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