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Recomend A Movie / Documentary

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Note this is different than the "last movie you saw" thing, this is, recommend a solid movie regardless if you saw it last week or not.

One thing I'd try to avoid is recommending a movie you haven't seen in 20 years.. sometimes our memories fail us and we fondly remember something that actually is fairly weak, we just personally have some sort of attachment to it, but if we saw it today it might actually suck.

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Perhaps not the feature lentgth documentary you were looking for but....

Nova: What Are Dreams

Currently running on PBS.

I had actually intended to avoid this title. An intensely personal topic for me, I was afraid that my view of dreams would be in direct conflict with the take that this science based program would present. Gladly I was mistaken. This is a very thought provoking piece that not only presents the cut and dry factual details from scientists but also presents sides of spiritual and psychological purpose for dreams.

Watch it now in full length on PBS website: http://video.pbs.org/video/1336469535

Then ask yourselves - why do people in the most technologically creative countries (Japan)and corporations (google,apple) support their employees taking naps during the day?

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From Here to Eternity (1953)

Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift, Frank Sinatra

Based on one of america's most controversial novels a human passion story and how it is affected by historical events.


Set in Hawaii just before the bombing of pearl harbor in the context of a love story and the sadistic treatment of some U.S. army soldiers by their own comrades.

Considered unfilmable for a decade and unmarketable due to its gritty negative portal of (some) U.S. Army officers, became one of the iconic films of the industry, Influncing generations of lesser films. Finally getting the help it needed to be finished by Buddy Adler the films producer(a Lt. Colonol durring WWII) using his still strong influence in the army to get the shots they needed.

Awesome performances by the very young Lancaster, Sinatra and one of my favorite "good guys" Ernest Borgnine, who in this film plays a total complete asshole to perfection.

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Nova: Origins by Neil De Grass Tyson (one of the three guys most like to get the title of "the new Carl Sagan"

That is the origins of ... us, the universe, all of it.

I usually suggest a progression of that, then Hyperspace.

then the money shot (should be required watching X2 by all humans Carl Sagan's Cosmos The guys passion for the subject just draws you in. How people get to be like 20 having not seen this is a epic fail on the part of educators and the media.

Bonus Points:

Brian Greene's : The Elegant Universe

This is important stuff, even if your not naturally inclined to watch such things, I'd urge you to push yourself. All of these are the sort of things that should be watched X2 or more, especialy Origins and Cosmos.

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