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[06/25, Sat] DGN Aftermath

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I drank waaaay too much and misbehaved, danced a little, saw some people I know (too lazy to list names), and met a bunch of people (names esscape me right now, sorry!). It was one of those nights where I don't quite remember how I got home, and passed out on my couch because I was too drunk to make it to the bedroom. I also woke up with bite marks and black lipstick on my neck, and I don't quite remember how those got there either...I will assume it was a fun night :happy:

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Guest Game of Chance

I was there...for like 20 minutes...was fun, but not fun enough...had other things to attend to...see you all next week

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Ok.....I was there

DID NOT see Phee. Why not? Did not see some of the regulars like Meg, Jarod, Morbid Suicide, GothMom?(sorry I forget your exact user name), Medea, Dollar Dave, Nienna, Tripp and a few others.

However I did see:

MsMaldoror - it was great as alsways. You are dreamy :swoon

and no one else matters. good night.

just messin!

I saw

Dark Chylde - Interesting as always, with some funny stories.

Troy Freakin Spiral - Making more connections, networking, dancing, was all over the place. Thanks for buying me a drink. Actually you didn't buy me a drink so thanks for nothing jackass! J/k

Granted - He rarely posts but I met him for the first time last night. Very nice guy.

Game of Chance - Thank god you go to CC nowadays so I can talk a little NBA and hear your smack talk. CC was certainly lacking good smack before I met you.

Daevion / Bella Morte - Daevion is also good at running smack. I'm glad you were there this weekend, the convo is always good.

Crank - Again, happy belated birthday! You looked like you were having a good time.

Goth Kitty - Hi! I don't think we've actually exchanged 2 words yet but nice to see you.

Dirty Whispers - Nice to see you, still have yet to have a conversation.

Sybil - what can I say that hasn't already been said? I don't know what that means but whatever.

SoulRev aka Brian Fucking Warner - YOU ARE THE MAN. Finally got to meet you, did you end up meeting up with Scary Guy that night? When you're 21 I will buy you drinks but I can't go to prison right now because I got the feds all up in my shit like I'm Dennis Kozlowski and shit. Word.

Goth Brooks - Again good to see you, let's just say I don't think you have too much to complain about this week. I'll leave it at that. :laughing

SomeDanGuy - Looking a little more goth than usual. You were certainly in a "up" mood. You're anbother one of those guys who I think is important to have around to balance out the blend of personalities. Always enjoy talking to you.

Nerdcore - Why the hell did you leave so early? Why do you keep walking by us without stopping for some conversation? WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Saga - Nice to meet you, we will talk more in the future.

Paper Hearts - Go have sex with Che Guevarra you pinko bastard. :laughing What was up with the X on your forehead? You're right about Depeche Mode even if you're wrong about everything else. :grin

Cirques Draonus - I was hoping you would punch me in the stomach at least once before you left but sadly it wasn't meant to be.

Lady Windstone - We usually get to chat for at least a second, apprently last night you were too busy with all your boyfriends to talk to me :grin .....just messin with ya.

MsMaldoror - Did I already mention her? Oh well I think it bares repeating....she looked.......like a perfect ten to me. I am so lucky :tear .

sorry to anyone I missed, it wasn't intentional, I can think of two people right off the bat who I didn't name but I can't recall your usernames....you know, when you talk to 20 different people in one night it's hard to remember everything...and plenty of people have left me off their lists too!

It was fun!

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I see that i was missed last night.... sorry all i had to work until two and be back there at 830 am well that and no sitter. I'm hoping that i will be there next weekend. It seems that i may not of missed that much. Except that one of my friends is now off the market (she's a lucky girl). Anyways keep your fingers crossed that i'll be there next weekend. btw, thanks for missing me all that did

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hehe you're a cool guy BS9.

Yeah my friend Aaron had a good time, too.. He was getting hit on all night by that one guy but other than that he had a good time hehe.

Now that I feel motivated to type-

Becky, was great to finally meet you after ALL this time! Too bad ya didn't stick around a bit longer.

LW - was great to see you again and I meant what I said, you did look great Sat night.. :)

Dan - thanks for the drink, and covering my ass when bouncers came around, you're a good buddy! Hehe.

Troy, good to see ya again my friend.

Daevion- thx for teh clove d00d! lol.. another cool guy.

Rambo, Crank, good to see you guys again always a pleasure, especially Rambo when he's drunk hehehe :p

I met other people too but I was a bit buzzed so I may have forgotten your names but I won't forget your faces :)

I danced just about the entire time I was there so my body is still sore from all that.

I went and hung out with David aka Scary Guy for a little while at his house and he let me and Aaron catch a few hours of sleep before we headed for home..

PS David - Sorry we left without saying goodbye but I think you were asleep and Aaron had to get home cuz he had stuff to do.

I probably won't be back till the weekend Brenda comes out due to my money shortage and being unemployed at the moment, but if I come across some cash I'll try to make it out next weekend or the weekend after.

Also just out of curiousity, for those of you who have seen me dance, what do ya think? I think I'm a good dancer damn it! Lol..

Jarod you're a dirty slut for not showing up! LOL Just kidding bro, but hope to see ya sometime soon my friend..

Does anyone know that tall black guy's name? He's there every time I go to CC seems pretty cool, doesn't talk much though. He was snapping pics Sat. night on the dance floor..

Anyway like I said, Aaron had a good time I think he'll be coming out there with me again.. He's got more guts than I do and was talking to like every girl in CC Lol.. Actually I wasn't trying to talk to any girls cuz there was only 1 I wanted to talk to and she didn't show up :( Spent all night looking for her (which I think might be the reason I was on the dance floor all night)...

Yup yup.. Hope to see you guys again soon.. God I love Detroit. Except when I paid 10.14 for 2 packs of cigs in a gas station near David's house.. Eugh.

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i showed up like planned with gothkitty me. i've met ppl that i haven't before which is always good planning on being there next week also so hopefully i will meet more of u wonderful ppl here are some of the ppl i remember seeing i think i got them all and ppl i met that i didnt find out there names i am sorry

>troy-always a pleasure hope u liked the mini shoulder rub (if u even noticed lol)

>black sunday 9-once again i met u and still couldnt remember me (i cries now) j/k

>morbid suicide-even if was only a split second on ur way into the club

>gothkitty-thats a given i was ur ride lol love ya hun

>goth brooks-sorry i wasnt 21 to take ur last beer from ya but i will be soon

>dirtywhispers-dont think she even knew who i was but its all good

>MsMaldoror-nice seeing u again like always looking for many more meetings lol

>darkchylde-sorry i didnt say hi but i still saw u none the less

>circedragonus-didnt say nothing to ya but still saw ya

>somedanguy-very good pleasure meeting u and from the looks of it u enjoyed ur shoulder rub very much lol

>Lady Windstone-always a pleasure with u around cuz you're so damn adorable

>daevion-hope u made it home okay seeing how u couldnt figure out which car was yours for a second

>crank-i'm sorry i cant believe i forgot u the first time i still love u lol once again happy birthday

>dragoth-cant beleive i forgot u at first too i'm sorry u gotta stop wearing hats into the club eventually u are goin to leave without one wouldnt want that to happen now do ya lol

that is everyone whose name i knew for everyone else i am sorry and i will try to make it up to u i promise lol


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it was a fun time as usual. i danced more this time.

anyways of the people i know crank, ramboo, paperhearts,circle drac

i met blacksunday officially. thou im sure ill forget. it does take a few tries

anyways many more people i said hi to. or talked with but sadly i cant remember all the dgn names

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Heh Heh have been there. Hubby sometimes goes hmmmmm but knows I come home alone. Figures the bite marks might be from a girl or a young cute guy and is ok with either lol.

I drank waaaay too much and misbehaved, danced a little, saw some people I know (too lazy to list names), and met a bunch of people (names esscape me right now, sorry!).  It was one of those nights where I don't quite remember how I got home, and passed out on my couch because I was too drunk to make it to the bedroom.  I also woke up with bite marks and black lipstick on my neck, and I don't quite remember how those got there either...I will assume it was a fun night  :happy:

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>black sunday 9-once again i met u and still couldnt remember me (i cries now) j/k



I do remember you, it's just that there are too many kittie screen names here. I actually meant you when I said goth kittie in my thread. I have talked to you but have never met goth kitty, I was and still am confused :nut . You told me we met last time, you have dark hair and it was pulled back. So there!

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It was an ok night, despite the horrid heat. I think I had a good time....I don't know, I was in a strange unchatty mood and drank too much. I ran into many people!

Bella Morte - evil incarnate...the fruit of the devil :devil

Circedraconus - city won't be the same without you, but goodluck with your new job!

Ms.Maldoror - crazy on the dancefloor and you rawk!!

black sunday - totally rawks!

somedanguy - almost didn't recognize you

crank - guarding the only ac in the place

darkchylde - whats CC without you? it would suck, trust me

gothkitty - humped my carbumper!

gothbrooks - molested my carbumper as well!

soulrev - lurking

sybil - nice tan :wink

dirtywhispers - nice..umm..shirt :tongue:


paperhearts - I think you looked drunker than me




game of chance

dragoth - incognito, almost didn't recognize you


I think thats all...sorry if I missed anyone!!

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Guest MsMaldoror

OK, I'm going to try to name every DGNer I saw, but please forgive me if I accidentally leave you off the list...







Paper Hearts



Troy Spiral



Goth Brooks



Game Of Chance

I showed up with BS9, my sweetheart. It was good to see everyone. I hope to see you all again soon, probably next week.

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.....too much and misbehaved, danced a little, saw some people I know (too lazy to list names), and met a bunch of people (names esscape me right now, sorry!).  It was one of those nights where I don't quite remember how I got home....

Sorry i missed you. I dont think we've met have we? Oh well hope you had a good time =)

I came, I saw, I danced. Had a good time. Handed out 3 cards to people who I thought were worthy of 'em ;p

Hopefully I'll be back next weekend.

Thanks for trying to help out sir. Can use all the promotion help i can get (and its hard to get)

Ok.....I was there

Troy Freakin Spiral - Making more connections, networking, dancing, was all over the place.    Thanks for buying me a drink.  Actually you didn't buy me a drink so thanks for nothing jackass!   J/k

I'm pretty poor nowadays. Hopefully that will change soon. Weres my tacos.

I see that i was missed last night.... sorry all i had to work until two and be back there at 830 am well that and no sitter.  I'm hoping that i will be there next weekend.  It seems that i may not of missed that much.  Except that one of my friends is now off the market (she's a lucky girl).  Anyways keep your fingers crossed that i'll be there next weekend.  btw, thanks for missing me all that did

You were missed. =)

Anyway like I said, Aaron had a good time I think he'll be coming out there with me again.. He's got more guts than I do and was talking to like every girl in CC Lol..

Hang out with a guy like that long enough and you'll pick up his habits, just have to not be afraid of rejection (easier said than done i know) he seemed like a nice guy. Just be careful not to overdo it. Sometimes you end up attracting the kind of girls you dont really want. But its a good skill to be able to just go right up and talk to somone without worrying so much if they are going to judge you. =)

>troy-always a pleasure hope u liked the mini shoulder rub (if u even noticed lol)

I actually thought it was somone else whos name starts with an S, but then i turned around... thanks it was pretty good. You have skills.

We need to get gothkitty's booty on the board more often also. =)

it was a fun time as usual. i danced more this time.

anyways of the people i know crank, ramboo, paperhearts,circle drac

i met blacksunday officially. thou im sure ill forget. it does take a few tries

anyways many more people i said hi to. or talked with but sadly i cant remember all the dgn names

Not sure we have met have we SaGa? If we did and i just dont remember i apologize. Glad you had a fun time. =)

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Wait a minute. I so don't remember getting carried out....yeah I know I didn't get carried out. Don't make me beat you up in a drunken rage! (j/k)

Well we had gone to O-tep at Harpos right before so I had been drinking ALL day long. So shit faced that when I was at Harpos I tore my back about 10 inches long on a nail or screw that had been in the wall. Hurts like a bitch now, but it didn't then.

I don't really remember anything about city club (other than I did WALK out right behind the really hot guy with pink hair that dances with Keith all the time).

People are trying to convince me to head out there next weekend for Friday at least but I don't know yet. I do leave in a week and a day. We'll see.

Next time BlackSunday just ask me and I'll hit ya :wink .

But it's nice to know that even if I don't remember who I saw or even where I was, other people do.

Oh yeah, and at City it started out lovely (voice dripping with sarcasm). Even though I was completely drunk Nadina locked my keys in my van. Now that usually isn't a problem, even if I am drunk. My back hatch is held on by bungee chords so it's easy to get in to. However, the latch decided, that on that night only it would be miraculous and work. So no opening the back of Norman. I'm so drunk I can't even freak out. Nadina was freaking out enough for both of us. We almost broke my window, jay had to pull my side window (only opens about 3 inches by the lock) so I could get my fat ass arm in there. But I did!!! I was very proud of myself. Plus no breaky breaky the norman.

Anyways I'm pretty sure I had a blast. And I will miss EVERYONE!!!!!

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It wasnt so hot there like I thought it be, although I still sweated a bit though, some chick came along with me and crank there, seemed like she wasnt having a good time and wanted ta leave early, of course we letted her know ahead of time that we close the joint down no matter whut so that was her fault for still insisting on tagging along, she started actin little like a bitch before we left when we was talking ta some of you guys outside. Other than that I had a good time like usual, im not gonna list anyone this time cuz my memory's all fucked up for some reason. It was kewl talking ta all you guys! :happy:

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Heh Heh have been there.  Hubby sometimes goes hmmmmm but knows I come home alone.  Figures the bite marks might be from a girl or a young cute guy and is ok with either lol.


Where were you???!!! I missed you at the drum circle!

Went to an outdoor drum circle before CC, so I arrived smelling like citronella. Mosquitos suck! Anyhoo, ended up not drinking anything but water for once, didn't have that much fun. Might have had something to do with the low attendance this week. Was it just me or were things slowing down by about 2:30? Managed to drop my last clove on the floor that I was saving for the ride home. :cry Thanks go to Daevion for giving me another. :bow

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Wait a minute.  I so don't remember getting carried out....yeah I know I didn't get carried out.  Don't make me beat you up in a drunken rage!  (j/k)


I read that and my jaw about hit the ground. Then, realized that it was just a joke. Haahaa. Sounds like it was an awesome freakin' time.

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