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MANFAST Aftermath Topic

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I was scared when the fire Hacky was happening.

I should've participated in that one. Back in high school, my best friend and I were the best hackers in school. We made a fire hack at his house once and were pretty good with it. I wonder how I would've been with the Manfast one. I thought I saw a good one on a webstore somewhere, but the one I was thinking about didn't have it. I'll have to check some others. It was crocheted out of kevlar wicking and filled with BBs so it looks, feels, and acts just like a regular hack, just on fire.

TWB & Spook: It was great just sitting around and chit chatting, and watching TWB all fluffy drunk. :innocent:

I thoroughly enjoyed the time we all got to spend together.

Eevee: YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED! :crybaby:

I concur. Calix and I have a HUGE tent. It has a big main room, a porch, and two separate bedrooms divided by privacy screens. One even has its own door. So you could've stayed with us if you wanted to without actually having to stay with us ... unless you wanted to of course. I do thank you for coming to tell me goodnight. I was so happy to see you there but then I got hit with that killer migraine and had to seek solace in bed and just rest and recover. Getting a hug goodbye totally made my day.

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It won't let me view it. Says i don't have permission to view this feature, as if I'm not logged in. When clearly, i am lol :)

I just did it as a non-logged person and it works, something must be messed up with your group permissions. *looks*

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It was good to meet the new faces, and see the old again. I for one recognized Dave right away and I am pretty sure he knows. Been too long Troy and it was good to see you and the new look. That is actually a good look for you. I also was able to see The Eternals entrance in his manpers and his Tommy characterization from The Room. Good times and I was at least able to get some of Friday's fun on video. Next year I shouldn't have a job to contend with to deter me from participating again. And thanks for making Jen (now Jenocide) feel comfy and invited in the group. Helped her while I was away although she got carried away Friday night trying to hang with the big boys and girls lol. :cylon-pancarte06:

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Physically and Mentally Exhausted (pasted out cards at MANFAST :streetteam: ) while doing competitions, hurt in areas that only show up if you can't reach them also a bit bloated from 20 pounds of chicken (exaggerating only ate 5). I am not sure but there is a possibility that I talked to everyone between activities :gathering: . Excuse me while I go faint in a corner to heal or is it dieing I don't know which ever one comes first.

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I just did it as a non-logged person and it works, something must be messed up with your group permissions. *looks*

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no. I keep getting this:

[#107142] Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available.

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CONGRATS to this year's winner: BLACK JACK! :unworthy: It's been a long time coming, but you finally made it :animier:

Also, our friend, James, took everyone by storm. Nobody expected that guy to take second! I'm just glad he lives a mile or two away so we can go over there and get tanked with the new boot. :chug:

AND THE PART THAT BENEFITS DGN: The raffle made the board SEVENTY dollars and Tyger took home seventy ALSO! Calix was also the runner up in the drawing and got a nice new-in-package Bluetooth headset.

So SEVENTY DOLLARS goes right into funding DGN. I'm not even sure about the can donation yet because I have so wiped out. I competed so hard this year I came home and started bleeding out by 'gina a whole week early because MANFAST says: "FUCK YOU ESTROGEN, I WILL DESTROY YOU." And so it occurred.

There will be videos in HD sometime this week, hopefully today. I can't believe the turnout and how absolutely perfect everything went! NO ROADBUMPS AT ALLLLLL THIS YEAR! Hell, we were even able to get some unexpected non-outdoors people out in the woods to be awesome and stop by, which was ABSOLUTELY appreciated.

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Sunday I came home and passed out. Monday I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off getting supplies for teaching my 4-H class...but I can post now. :p

I had a whole lot of fun! It was nice to get to finally meet people who i have known for like 4 years and had not met yet. :p Was also nice meeting new people, friends of friends, and seeing people who I have not seen for like 2-3 years. :D Although I did not get a ton of points I still had a whole lot of fun anyway. Now that I know how it sort of works I think I will be better prepared for trying to get insane points next year lol. There were just too many things to do in too short of time!!! XD

We had a blast though. :) I cannot wait to go back next year or to see people sooner than next year hopefully. :p

Some of the best things were being better at arm wrestling than I thought I would be. :p Taking everyone down with charge the rope. Enishi's new nickname rofl. And learning that I can leave my hands in ice for a half hour and they won't fall off. :p

Edited by EAF
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no. I keep getting this:

I pounded my head against that for awhile, i put in a ticket to the company that makes the software, it has to be a setting or something buried that I just cant find. Can you view any user galleries? Like say mine (little picture icon next to my name over there <----)

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CONGRATS to this year's winner: BLACK JACK! :unworthy: It's been a long time coming, but you finally made it :animier:

Also, our friend, James, took everyone by storm. Nobody expected that guy to take second! I'm just glad he lives a mile or two away so we can go over there and get tanked with the new boot. :chug:

AND THE PART THAT BENEFITS DGN: The raffle made the board SEVENTY dollars and Tyger took home seventy ALSO! Calix was also the runner up in the drawing and got a nice new-in-package Bluetooth headset.

So SEVENTY DOLLARS goes right into funding DGN. I'm not even sure about the can donation yet because I have so wiped out. I competed so hard this year I came home and started bleeding out by 'gina a whole week early because MANFAST says: "FUCK YOU ESTROGEN, I WILL DESTROY YOU." And so it occurred.

There will be videos in HD sometime this week, hopefully today. I can't believe the turnout and how absolutely perfect everything went! NO ROADBUMPS AT ALLLLLL THIS YEAR! Hell, we were even able to get some unexpected non-outdoors people out in the woods to be awesome and stop by, which was ABSOLUTELY appreciated.


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It won't let me view it. Says i don't have permission to view this feature, as if I'm not logged in. When clearly, i am lol :)

Holy crap that was complicated. (there is a spider web of overlapping permissions like 3 layers deep for various reasons) I THINK you should be able to see all the pictures fine now.

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