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I'm in favor of him not killing himself just yet, too. The families and all those affected deserve an answer for this, no matter what it is. This wangnut could never justify what he did, but I feel having an answer is better than not having one. After he gives it, I hope they throw him to the rabid beasts.

Crazy people of this caliber never truly understand what is "right" and "wrong" on even a basic human level. By doing this, he justified in his own mind that killing other people would further his cause, which is ridiculous.

A different side to this.......Another article mentioned that he played video games like WOW. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Those journalists are wangnuts, too, for even trying to link gaming to this. They always try this, and I hate it. There were ax murderers, serial killers, and terrorists way before gaming, and modern music, so I wish they would just STFU about stuff like that, and get to the real deal. This guy was also a Christian, and an organic farmer, but I bet we won't see either group demonized in the press like goths and gamers are. We'll never see, "News at 11. Beware of the organic farmers, they talk to the vegetables!!!!"

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I both understand and agree with his sentiment (let the flaming begin), but I don't believe killing anyone, especially random people whom are most likely not at fault for anything excepting living their daily citizen lives, is the way to solve things.

I believe in cultural diversity and tolerance. I don't believe in forced cultural takeover and elimination by one group onto another. It was wrong when white people did it to black people. It was wrong the multiple times Asian countries have tried it on each other (Japan on China really comes to mind with this). It was wrong when Britain dropped off several places surrounding the Indian ocean and forcibly wiped/modified the culture out in that area. It was bullshit when preppy tourists came into CC JUST to make fun of US in our "natural habitat", if you want to think of it as such. Native Americans are STILL pissed off that they were pushed into small percentages, and fucking hell, they certainly have the right to be mad.

It's wrong that a huge amount of the Muslim community has dedicated their existence to wiping out white "Western" culture, and they should be stopped. When a "team" has DECLARED publicly that they are our enemy and are trying to kill us and/or breed us out of the world...it REALLY makes you think "wtf is our problem?" for not standing up and doing something about it.

In Britain they've even tried to make Sharia Law a country spread thing, even for indigenous Caucasian people :no. If that isn't a red flag to us...then maybe we're stupid enough to want to be wiped out. Australia was the SMARTEST country in all of this. They basically said "We don't mind immigrants, but when the immigrants attempt to forcibly take over traditional Australian ways, they've gotta go." America is the only country it would not work in because we are a country founded on cultures taking over, that's what we're about, that IS the "American Way".

We've done it SO much to other cultures...I guess maybe it IS karma (or our own stupidity in trying to be "politically correct", all the time and holding hands to sing the Barney "I Love You, You Love Me" bullshit while people stand there and throw stones in our face taunting us all).

This entire thing is what the Serbian war was about, they would actually select young Muslim girls as "breeders" SPECIFICALLY forcing them to have 12-13 kids IN ORDER to wipe out the indigenous Serbians. WRONG WRONG WRONG, SICK AND DISGUSTING.

Edited by Chernobyl
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As tragic as this is, I figured something like this would happen eventually. When political correctness gets people like Lars Hedegaard accused of racism for calling a spade a spade, extremists from the other side of the fence start coming out of the woodwork and everything escalates...

Edited by Enishi
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