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Stupid Commercials with stupd music

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okay, it's not going to be long before all the evil huge corporations start using subliminal messaging to get us to buy shit. *gag* they already use the absolute most eye & ear friendly stimuli they can find. haven't you ever noticed that in commercials, fat people are always depicted as stupid? they're turning us into zombies! haven't any of these fucks ever read "farenheit 451"?!
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there has only been 1 that I liked, and it's old. it was a McDonalds one, but it was a boy teasing his cat with a string toy, the cat couldn't reach it, next scene the boy is jumping up and down because the cat is on the garage, with fries in a string and the boy can't reach it. I laugh my ass off everytime I think about how my cat would want to do that with my coffee.

other than that, I hate the stop smoking ones, I don't want to quit, I want to smoke when I see all the people in them smoking...12 years and counting, I'm not stopping just because someone doesn't like it and bought comercial time to tell me I'm gross.

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Me too... nothin' like it after the bars close & you spent most of your $$ on booze!  I missed it like crazy when I lived in SF & when I lived here before... there's one in Lansing now but back when I could've really used it there wasn't.


That might be worth a drive someday! LOL

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I saw one today that made me want to stab my ear drums out. There is a new Target commercial that has the Baby Got Back song, but they reworked the lyrics to fit the commercial..it's awful!

I also really hate the Old Navy commercials...they are what is going to send me over the edge one of these days and cause me to slit my wrists.... :blink

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  • 2 months later...

I dug up some more idiotical tasteless and retarded commercials in VHS tapes. Yes I am that bored.

Well first off to continue this thread I agree with both PH and JD that EMPIRE commercial is annoying as all hell. It must DIE!

Found one with Levi pants. Those turd burglars had the most idiotic, piss-poor commercial I've seen all year. They show pictures of peoples torn-off umbilical cords (belly buttons or whatever) and animate them to music.

Everytime I saw this stupid worthless piece of fly shit came on, I just wanted to go kick a toilet off the wall, stuff a pair of 501's down an unflushed urinator filled with rotten cat piss and then throw it through a LEVI's outlet store.

Or what about that Twix commercial with the American Idol winner girl shilling a candy bar. I wish I could ram a thousand plus twix in her mouth so she would be chewing it out of her asshole for a week.

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The Vonage song is called Woo Hoo by the 5,6,7,8's. Found it while downloading music from the Kill Bill movies. I hate that commercial altho some of the stupid things people do in them can be funny and painful.

White Castles rules.......

The Old navy ones suck.

Don't forget the Walmart smiley as Zorro.

I also hate the Westwood Insurance ones with the cowboy and the GO phone ones using a Ramones song.

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