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DGN day at Ren Fest, 9-25-11! Now updated with place and time!

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Ladies, gents and otherwise! It looks like September 25th will be DGN day at Ren Fest!

I'll edit this once we've decided what time/where inside to meet. ;)

Adult - $19.95

Child - $10.95

Student/Senior $17.95

1pm. Mermaid statue near the front right after the entrance. My GPS (Eevee) says -

When you enter, if you go nearly straight across, there is an opening where a fountain is. There is some stoned paths in that area as well.

If you can't find it, feel free to drop me a text. My phone *should* work there. PM me if you need the number.

This is child friendly so don't be afraid to bring yours if you have one. I'll have my 12 year old with me.

Edited by Raev
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I only went to one of these Renaissance festivals. maybe i took some photos of some of you----there were some cool looking people including one lady who had the Xena look. i don't have a car and am trapped in "wasteland" (westland). if anyone is going and lives near me i'd love to go (hint hint). i loved the pirate days since i've been into pirates big time since i was a child. do they still have no restrooms (only porta-toilets) and no washrooms? they really need to change that! i always wondered how the workers who prepared the food washed their hands.......all those huge turkey legs creeped me out (i did give up red meat 25 years ago but do still eat poultry but still a turkey leg creeps me out). however, the turkey legs are keeping up with traditional Medieval banquets.

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Late Sept sounds good to me as well. Hoping that I will be in a job that has the weekends off by then. I hope to have plenty of money so I can purchase a couple more needed items that go into my armory. Sucks that they don't allow tied weapons anymore though. Just doesn't look right using something in place that doesn't look good without the real thing.

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ah HAR! thar be a fine lass wot knows how ta pick a date! Thar should be plenty'a lubbers ta pilfer from, whilst schoolin' em' on tha finer points'a pirattical parlance!


*talks hans n frans-like* Ya, yoo talk like pirate and sound girlay! Yoo need monsta outfit to pomp yoo op!

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I'd prefer September...a little bit cooler and the beginnings of the changing leaves.

But i am definitely down for it.

Same here, It is harder to dress up when it's a scorcher outside. 25TH sounds great because it falls on a Saturday, and when RenFest closes people can head to CC.

Edited by Pestilence
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