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the most morbid thing you do


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I work at a trash place fixing trucks.Every few days a load of reciently dead persons stuff gets dumped by those who loved them.We call them dead people loads.In almost every load i go through i find and keep a candle. I have "dead people" candles. And thats the most morbid thing i do what about you?

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I save fur from every pet that dies so I can always remember my babies and be "close" to them. Some people think it's cute and touching, some people think that it's shit serial killers do.

Edited by Chernobyl
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I save fur from every pet that dies so I can always remember my babies and be "close" to them. Some people think it's cute and touching, some people think that it's shit serial killers do.

Well serial killers typically start by killing small animals for a sense of power, and gain gratification from the memory of the killing.

Sometimes keeping something of theirs to help the memory of the killing.

Edited by Pestilence
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Well serial killers typically start by killing small animals for a sense of power, and gain gratification from the memory of the killing.

I was simply referring to how they take keepsakes to remember the incident by.

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I used to collect personal mementos from strangers who died, especially by OD or suicide, or were forcefully evicted. But that was when I lived by myself in Detroit and was clinically depressed. My favorite items were the audio cassettes this guy made of he and his dad's truly dysfunctional relationship and the mildly bloodied hoodie of a crack whore who was beaten in the alley. Oh, and I preserved a headless preying mantis I inexplicably found in the bathroom of my fourth floor apartment. They just reminded me both of the utter meaningless cruelty and isolation we endure every day and, counterintuitively, how desperately I wanted to live in spite of all that ugliness.

I still like reading obituaries, too.

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Guest Megalicious

Enjoy helping a former professor and mentor strip cadavers down system by system (for your basic A & P course). Yes I said enjoy- yes mostly done in my free time- yes system by system- there is nothing as stunning as the first sagittal sectioning of a cerebellum - the Arbor Vitae is a thing of beauty.

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I drive up and down the roads up north here where I am, looking for the occassional dead hawk, eagle, turkey, or animal. Then I take the carcass(if its not to decayed or damaged) put it in the back of my truck and go home strip the useful stuff, then clean the carcass up and do the ceremonial things and take it out back to the woods. Sometimes I have to take the oldest with me so he can learn the prayers and the right way to do things. There is nothing like driving around the woods looking for dead things with your son. I enjoy it we get to talk and spend time together just him and I. I guess the morbid part would be the looking for dead things...

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This is probably morbid. Generally spiders have a short life span if I find them in my house but I allow this little fellow to life as long as it stays at this window. Its been coming to this window every spring and summer for the past couple of years. You can see how small it is compared to the openings of the window screen. As long as it stay where its at and eats bugs I'll let it live.


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