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No. England has been on a constant cycle for as long as anyone can remember of hierarchy which oppresses and oppresses, dividing rich from poor, splitting privilidge and equality between aristocrat and peasant.

Every so often the misery and strife reaches such a level that the people revolt. Rinse and repeat.

It is the way of my people :tongue:.

In a week they will blow up parliament (:tongue:), the rich fucks will see the people are super serioul again, talks with be had, deals will be worked out, and the meter will reset all over again.

The big difference is that it seems a little more easy for the people to revolt in a somewhat "free" country, as opposed to how Britain has always been run by royalty who have the ultimate say and control everything at the snap of a finger (logical decisions/opinions or not).

Edited by Chernobyl
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The only thing that I don't agree with is attacking the businesses of innocent civilians. Just because the common notion may be that they are evil and only out to get money (well they DO run a business) that doesn't mean that you need to hurt them all.

Good idea but the actions need to be organized and focused otherwise they may lose support that may have been theirs and even some that is already theirs.

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The only thing that I don't agree with is attacking the businesses of innocent civilians. Just because the common notion may be that they are evil and only out to get money (well they DO run a business) that doesn't mean that you need to hurt them all.

Good idea but the actions need to be organized and focused otherwise they may lose support that may have been theirs and even some that is already theirs.

Exactly, that is what spoils any good riot. People who are tired of oppression begin to resist, most of the times peacefully over and over again, and when peaceful protest and negotiation doesn't work...w00t, time to overthrow!

What cheapens these people's efforts, however, is the inevitability that in almost any riot, after the initial "legit" crowd comes through, douchebags who are either of the "FUCK YEAH, SHIT IS FREE!" or the "YEAH I'MA FUCKING BREAK SUMTHIN WIT DIS HEERE BRICK LIKE HULK CAUSE IT'S COOL!" crowd, and then after that the original message is lost or diluted at best.

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Actually this is a remake of the 1969 Detroit riots or the L.A. Rodney King riots. Started with something, and then went on for the heck of it. They are running off with big screen TV’s to feed their families? What are they gonna pawn it at the pawn shop that they just burned down? I don't think so. The "rich" people are the shop keepers, people who work for a living and they are robbing them because they can (even the police don't carry guns).

Why is this happening? The British government cut back on the welfare payments because of austerity measures. Like us they don't have any money but they have been handing out free-bees for a longer time than us. They have endless unemployment benefits. The people committing these crimes are unemployed and bored and they want stuff they feel entitled to have. Their government kept providing "bread and circuses" and now they can't print any more money without making so it worthless that a wheel barrow full of money won’t buy the wheel barrow.

This is how Rome fell because it ran out of the ability to expand and pillage other people (the rich =everyone not them). London will look like Detroit after a period of time after all the shop keepers left and the working people who could buy stuff followed. This will be played out in this county fairly soon.

Did you know that 51% of the people in this county pay no federal income tax? For years I didn't even pay social security or income tax because I was a single mother and I got the equivalent that I did pay back in an Earned Income refund. I was very careful to keep my income within a certain range therefore I could spend more time at home raising my daughter. It didn’t pay for me to earn extra money then so I didn’t. I would have had to pay that money to baby sitters, for take out meals and higher taxes. I figure everyone is at least as smart as I am so they are probably limiting their income too since the Earned Income and child benefits are much more generous (thanks to Bush) than years ago. Limited income means limited tax revenue so the government takes in less. Also did you know that 36% of Social Security payments do not go to the elderly? I really don’t think the money will be there for me at the rate our government is spending it and I’m 57. Check it out. But Social Security is another discussion.


The London riots are happening in Greece and other countries that are trying to reduce their free-bees. We didn’t reduce them at all during the last debt-limit debate so that is why S & P downgraded the United States. We will have to reduce them suddenly when we run out of money in the future.

So the London riots are “coming to a theater (actually a city) near you”. The question is are we going to be honorable and orderly during a disaster hits like the Japanese were when the earthquake hit or are we going to be like the London thug in that You-Tube video that went through that kids’ knap-sack while he was sitting their with a bleeding head and stole his stuff?

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Exactly, that is what spoils any good riot. People who are tired of oppression begin to resist, most of the times peacefully over and over again, and when peaceful protest and negotiation doesn't work...w00t, time to overthrow!

What cheapens these people's efforts, however, is the inevitability that in almost any riot, after the initial "legit" crowd comes through, douchebags who are either of the "FUCK YEAH, SHIT IS FREE!" or the "YEAH I'MA FUCKING BREAK SUMTHIN WIT DIS HEERE BRICK LIKE HULK CAUSE IT'S COOL!" crowd, and then after that the original message is lost or diluted at best.

Yeah the only protest I ever went to where nobody fucked shit up was the smoking ban protest...but all of us smokers were trying too hard to breathe so we couldn't break shit.

But seriously, I don't see any point in protests because you could just make a little wheel and spin a pointer to guess which stupid ending it will have. Basically, ever protest starts with a brief glimpse of the actual point and then they quickly cover it with a nail filled poop bomb and throw it at anyone that walks by. That is the other problem...if you are not with them then you MUST be against them so they will start shit with you...makes me sick sometimes.

Edited by candyman
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Yeah the only protest I ever went to where nobody fucked shit up was the smoking ban protest...but all of us smokers were trying too hard to breathe so we couldn't break shit.

But seriously, I don't see any point in protests because you could just make a little wheel and spin a pointer to guess which stupid ending it will have. Basically, ever protest starts with a brief glimpse of the actual point and then they quickly cover it with a nail filled poop bomb and throw it at anyone that walks by. That is the other problem...if you are not with them then you MUST be against them so they will start shit with you...makes me sick sometimes.

More docile and laid back than a cigarette anti-smoking ban rally?

A medical marijuana protest :rofl:. That's seriously easy-going.

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Riots / mobs are more and more rare as time goes on. Its hard to see with our common sense notions / short lifespan but on a large scale they are on the decline.

People just don't have the spine for violence the way they used to, nor do they even pay attention to what is going on around them as much as they used to and believe it or not the respect for the rule of law , while we are all cynics, is much higher on a century-long timescale than it used to be. Mobs / Riots / Lynchings / Tar & Feathering / public whippings were fairly common and more common the further you go back in history. Around the time of the founding of the USA they were very common, around the time of say, reconstruction, they were common but not as much as further back in history, in the 50s-60s they were starting to become rarer, nowadays a riot is world news.

Also the severity of the physical violence tends to be less and less as you get closer to modern times, probably due to another historical phenomenon, that is, human life seems to have a higher value per-person the further you get to modern times. Killing / Murder and such were far more common (per capita obviously and accounting for the weapons used if any.) the further you go back in time, and considered far less serious offenses than they usually are now.

People still rebel, still stone people, still say down with "the man", its just not as common nor as widespread as it once was.

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