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Ok I can answer some of those for sure right now haha.

Current location? Rochester

Where from? Rochester

Gender? Male (obviously)

Work? Yes I do

School? Not now but i graduated

Kids? No

Married? No

Single? Yes, and looking haha

Hobbies? Magic the Gathering, Playing video games

How Did You Find DGN? I was told about it by Pestilence and given a card

Other Stuff? I'm called a leprechaun all the time, and well just ask me haha.

MTG? fuuuuuuck yeah. You playing actively?

Anyhow welcome to the place, hopefully we can convince you to stick around.

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MTG? fuuuuuuck yeah. You playing actively?

Anyhow welcome to the place, hopefully we can convince you to stick around.

I do play actively, and stay up to date with current happenings as best I can in MTG. It's a great game and it helps with thought process and abstract reasoning. So it's good brain excersise.

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I do play actively, and stay up to date with current happenings as best I can in MTG. It's a great game and it helps with thought process and abstract reasoning. So it's good brain excersise.


Yeah its good for a lot of cognitive issues. (If not getting a GF lol)

I was playing (most) every Tuesday & Friday at Pandmonium in Garden City although I've gotten a little out of touch due to some (partly health partly money) issues.

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Yeah it happens though you know.

I've failed to quit MTG like 7 times. Although I gave up trying to quit, I'm just on a temporary hiatus. It wont last long, especially now since I decided its ok to play with "good proxies" (that is printed out on a color printer) so i don't even have the money excuse anymore heh. (On tuesday at pandemonium theres ass-tons of casual players that couldnt care less if you have the actual cards or not).

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I've failed to quit MTG like 7 times. Although I gave up trying to quit, I'm just on a temporary hiatus. It wont last long, especially now since I decided its ok to play with "good proxies" (that is printed out on a color printer) so i don't even have the money excuse anymore heh. (On tuesday at pandemonium theres ass-tons of casual players that couldnt care less if you have the actual cards or not).

I'm one of those players that won't allow proxies because, I find that even in casual play its cheating, if you dont have the card go get it or trade for it. I never ever use proxies because if i don't have a certain card I substitute for it. There are cards out there that are indirect copies of others so problem solved haha. But i'm not a freak about it though, I've met some MTG players that are anal nobody will play with them because they think they're the best.

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I'm one of those players that won't allow proxies because, I find that even in casual play its cheating, if you dont have the card go get it or trade for it. I never ever use proxies because if i don't have a certain card I substitute for it. There are cards out there that are indirect copies of others so problem solved haha. But i'm not a freak about it though, I've met some MTG players that are anal nobody will play with them because they think they're the best.

That last part is a common problem with all competitive games, unfortunately, some people are just douche bags. In robot terms they are R2-D Bags. Luckily there are several good groups of guys I know that are all nice and even though some of them are (literally) "the best" (in terms of their ELO / Tournament wins / some even have pro points) in some of the groups at least around here, they arent dicks.

Soon as I realize someone is a douche I just drift away from them. I want to have FUN. I mean I don't love losing, but i like PLAYING , I don't need to win (or if I do win I dont think that "makes me cool") its just silly childish crap.

Think about it like this:

Generally the idea is that your are "play testing" that is, you are seeing if the deck is good or not, or if you "like" the deck. Its accepted practice and is even fully supported for various reasons.

I know several professional MTG players and they all never bat an eyelash at a proxy. Although they are so familiar with all the cards they don't even use "good" proxies they just stuff a piece if white paper in a sleeve and write "depths" on it (Dark Depths- note the part at the bottom for printing proxies), and since they know it all by heart that's enough. For guys like me that SUCKS because I don't know the cards by heart (not all of them anyhow, especially in Legacy or Vintage formats). My proxies look like real cards, never had someone like say Micheal Jacob (US National Champion) or Patrick Chapin (probably worlds most well known pro magic player) have a problem with a proxy.

- Does it change the game play?

- Is it worth spending $400 bucks only to find out the deck is no good?

- Is it worth risking say, messing up a $200 card because of what type of paper it is? Especially a problem with Vintage format cards. (cardboard as opposed to say lazer paper)

- If you made your own chess set would that be cheating?

- If you played monopoly with instead of say the battle ship and the shoe as your peice, and used a quarter or a warhammer minature instead is that cheating?

The only real reason to use the actual cards is:

1. If you don't have a decent proxy and your playing with guys (like me) that don't know all the cards by heart.

2. Your in an actual wizards tournament were , to make money, they require it. (Friday night magic for instance).

3. The guys you play with don't get it (the above) in which case, I'd basically have to quit playing "real" magic, since I cant drop $300 (at all) and if I did, i wouldn't do it until i actually was able to test the deck first) Luckily its not a problem at any game store / group I've ever been to.

What type of "paper" the cards are on, as long as they are clear, doesn't change the game at all if the card is paper or cardboard. Plus it lets poor people play the game as its intended to be, that is, on a level playing field were you don't have to play a 20 dollar deck vs a 500 dollar deck. (that is poor play testing anyway)

Ho Le Crap I went off on a novel writing project there hah.

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Thank you veru much Nyxiin. And I can understand the sue of proxies but, i'm to close to the real rules to allow it, if i had the card I use it, if I don't then i use something else it's simple as that. I understand the monetary value of a card but still I don't know every card so if your proxing a card I don't even know it's kind of unfair. I don't Proxy nor do I plan on it, if i was facing a guy that used a proxy I will be unmericful in trying to beat him because I see it as cheating.

I agree with the "I don't love losing" I love playing it's so much fun and the cards are sometimes amazing to look at.

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