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Glitch and I have a new friend visiting us, and it appears he's renting out underneath our dishwasher and fridge. I have been convinced by Glitch to catch him and give him away (I do not want to, however if Sephiroth has rabies then I probably should, but I will miss his little mousey-ness forever. and ever.)

Does anyone have any stories about mice?! funny, scary, whichever, I know I remember when I was younger my mom found one and my cats were freaking out and didn't know what to do except bat at it [because I love them but they are retarded and wouldn't know what to do with a mouse if they COULD catch it] and finally my dad got it after likeee an hour of trying.

but overall, they are so adorable and I wish I could keep him forever :[


Pic related, this is what Sephiroth looks like.I love him.

Edited by victoriavengeance
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Clicked on this to see the amazing miss V's latest crimes against the English language... and lo! there aren't really any. :peanutbutterjellytime:

Oh, hrmm.. mice... I found a little baby (old enough to have fur) mouse in the basement sitting right in the middle out in the open when i turned the basement light on. I thought he was dead because he wasn't moving at ALL. Shocked me for a second and then I realized he just didn't have anywhere to run. (I've read that is what they do occasionally, they dont know were to run, the get so scared so the next option is just to freeze in place and hope no one sees them)

He was SO obviously not "hidden" i was starting to feel bad that maybe he had something wrong with him. I really felt bad for the tiny little guy all alone there. I just sort of stood there looking at him for awhile after that , i guess he finally got used to me (That or just figured I was a moron saying "are you ok?" to a little mouse) and ran off. Never saw him again.

Figured that story was better than the one when later on we had a problem with mice and i found these kick-ASS rat-electrocution traps.

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About ten years ago when I lived in Detroit, we had mice. It was christmas morning and one of the cats caught a mouse, killed it and just left it in the middle of the dining room. My grandma was always the first one awake, her room opened up to the dining room. She comes walking out her room without socks or slippers on and sees the mouse there and she starts kicking it around the house trying to get the cats to play with her. My sister and I got up and she was like "I dont know whats wrong with the cats they dont want to play with the mouse toy your mom got them." My sister and I looked at each other and said to my grandma "Mom didnt get the cats any mouse toys she got them cat treats" (my mom always buys our animals presents for christmas). So we go in the dining room where the mouse was and it was a dead mouse all gross looking and crumpled the way no animate thing should be. She was disgusted she had been kicking around a dead mouse in her barefeet, my sister and I thought it was hilarious. Even though my grandma has been gone for a few years now we still laugh on christmas morning about the time when grandma kicked the dead squishy mouse all over the house in her barefeet.

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Glitch and I have a new friend visiting us, and it appears he's renting out underneath our dishwasher and fridge. I have been convinced by Glitch to catch him and give him away (I do not want to, however if Sephiroth has rabies then I probably should, but I will miss his little mousey-ness forever. and ever.)

Does anyone have any stories about mice?! funny, scary, whichever, I know I remember when I was younger my mom found one and my cats were freaking out and didn't know what to do except bat at it [because I love them but they are retarded and wouldn't know what to do with a mouse if they COULD catch it] and finally my dad got it after likeee an hour of trying.

but overall, they are so adorable and I wish I could keep him forever :[


Pic related, this is what Sephiroth looks like.I love him.

Our neighborhood just has rats, not mice, and those are some CUTE LITTLE FUGGERS OMFG. I love watching them run across the street at night.

Sadly...I never see them anymore since Gitzie started going outside...I wonder why that is :tongue:. Oh well, neighbors love my cat now, so she's happy.

The photo...is that a rat or mouse? I'm confused, it looks like a rat.

Edited by Chernobyl
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At a store I use to work at. We had a vending machine in the brake room full of candy bars and bags of chips. One night a mouse somehow go into the vending machine and ate on all the candy bars. Some people where freaked out by this but I thought it was funny and very clever of the mouse. :peanutbutterjellytime:

At a factory I worked at for a while, the brake area was full of mice. They sort of became like pets because at lunch time they would all pop out and the workers would toss food at them to feed them. They would run right out into the brake area, snatch up the food, then run back. It was fun to watch. But the owner ended up calling an exterminator because the mice were getting into the office and chewing up the paper work. So we lost our pets. LOL

Edited by LadyKay
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Our neighborhood just has rats, not mice, and those are some CUTE LITTLE FUGGERS OMFG. I love watching them run across the street at night.

Sadly...I never see them anymore since Gitzie started going outside...I wonder why that is :tongue:. Oh well, neighbors love my cat now, so she's happy.

The photo...is that a rat or mouse? I'm confused, it looks like a rat.

It's a little field/house mouse :]]]] just super up close; that's what Sephiroth looks like ^_^ (Glitch doesn't like that I named him I don't think. because I'm super attached to him. hahahaha)

At a store I use to work at. We had a vending machine in the brake room full of candy bars and bags of chips. One night a mouse somehow go into the vending machine and ate on all the candy bars. Some people where freaked out by this but I thought it was funny and very clever of the mouse. :peanutbutterjellytime:

At a factory I worked at for a while, the brake area was full of mice. They sort of became like pets because at lunch time they would all pop out and the workers would toss food at them to feed them. They would run right out into the brake area, snatch up the food, then run back. It was fun to watch. But the owner ended up calling an exterminator because the mice were getting into the office and chewing up the paper work. So we lost our pets. LOL

God, they're clever little things! I can't bring myself to trap him with anything inhumane, so I set up a coffee can and a ramp and peanut butter and a cracker. :p

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God, they're clever little things! I can't bring myself to trap him with anything inhumane, so I set up a coffee can and a ramp and peanut butter and a cracker. :p

I can and do use traps. But I use the wooded traps with the arm that snaps down on their head and kills them instantly. I refuse to use the glue boxes because I think an instant death is more human then letting the poor thing get stuck to a glue box and die a slow death of starvation. One guy told me he used the glue box and one night a mouse got its front paws stuck to it and spent the whole night running all over the kitchen pushing the glue box that he was stuck on. He said he will never use glue boxed again.

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The first house Jon and I moved into in North Carolina was this old, shoddy POS. Mice started running rampant all over the kitchen, even after we got Ripley, our first cat.

We got a live trap. Set it under the sink.

And promptly forgot about it. Even after Ripley started pawing at the cupboard under the sink frequently, we didn't remember the trap.

Then came the smell. And both of us were mystified. "What's that smell? Where's it coming from?"

I don't remember how we finally looked and found the trap.

But to this day, I feel like absolute shit for buying a "humane" trap and then letting a mouse starve to death in it. :(

I love mice. I've had two as pets. But I'm horribly allergic to their droppings and REALLY don't want them around my food. When we first checked out the house we're currently renting, there was a freshly dead one up on the fireplace mantle. My husband saw a little one in the front sunroom, but since the 11 cats have spread their smell all over, we haven't seen any others.

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I won't use glue traps, i've heard horror stories of it injuring their skin. I do the hippie traps. coffee canister, toilet paper tube, bait. bahah

If you just want to keep them out buy the electric sonic ones. There spectacular. Ive had them for two years now and have had no mice. :thumbsup: It doesn't hurt them, they just don't like the noise. There also supposed to keep out roaches and certain buggies.

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