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Okay, Let's try to get some fun facts out of the way. I cooked up some CopyPasta for this in order to move things along nicely.

Name: Pherik.

Location: Back in Detroit, Born and Raised

Gender: Male, last time I checked. *Peeks* Yep, still a guy.

Employment: I work at a Telecom contractor in the area as a Drafter/Programmer. My unofficial title is "Solution Provisioner." It involves me solving everyone's problems and acting like a goofball.

School: BS in Computer Science from University of Detroit Mercy

Children: Nope. At one point I was certified to provide child care in the state. The more you get to know me, the sillier that concept is.

Relationship Status: Totally Janked. Long story with too much drama for an intro.

Hobbies: Cycling (Used to work at a bike shop,) Computers (Used to work at a computer shop) Cooking, Learning stuffs, being silly. Anything outside is a blast to me.

How did you find out about DGN?: Oh, this lovely lass at City Club mentioned it...

How did you choose your DGN name?: Pherik is a name that has a very special meaning to me for reasons I won't get into here. It has to do with some of my past spiritual beliefs and my self-growth through life.

Some other things:

-Okay, I have a rather whacked out sense of humor. It takes some time to warm up to but typically I wind up being considered one of the "funny people" in a group.

-I know a bunch of useful stuff.

-I know a bunch of useless stuff.

-I have rather extreme boundaries on friendship. There's a lot I'll do for a friend, and yet some things I find more tolerable than most would, and others... far less.

-I'm pretty friendly, though. Try to be, anyway.

-I love to talk about technical stuff. Bikes, cars, doesn't matter, it's all good!

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"copypasta" lol

Pherik - Pronounced Fair - Ick ? Rimes with eric?

Employment: I work at a Telecom contractor in the area as a Drafter/Programmer. My unofficial title is "Solution Provisioner." It involves me solving everyone's problems and acting like a goofball.

School: BS in Computer Science from University of Detroit Mercy

Relationship Status: Totally Janked.

How did you find out about DGN?: Oh, this lovely lass at City Club mentioned it...

What do you draft/program? (I started out as a fine art major (been into art my whole life) but ended up going to U of M for computers, took some CAD along the way).

"Totally Janked" its probably not funny but it sounds funny the way you said it hopefully I'm laughing as intended by the wording. lol. I've been "totally janked" several times. /failmodeon lol

Ok the "how did you find out about DGN" question is kind of a thing around here, any guesses as to who this was? Name on DGN I mean? (we try to keep track).

Anyhow welcome to the joint, hopefully we can trick you, i mean talk you , into sticking around and throwing your two cents in on a few topics *points all around*

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"copypasta" lol

Pherik - Pronounced Fair - Ick ? Rimes with eric?

Yeah... you got it. =)

What do you draft/program? (I started out as a fine art major (been into art my whole life) but ended up going to U of M for computers, took some CAD along the way).

Ahh, Fiber optic networks, and the permits needed to build them. It's a pretty cool job because I'm always doing something new, but it's also really stressful because there's always crazy deadlines and you have to think on your feet. I love that about it though.

The programming side of my job is a little more vauge. The main programming I do is drafting routines. As you could probably guess when you're drawing certain things there's a lot of repetitive commands that could be automated... I do that. I also do some Database stuff for general operations.

"Totally Janked" its probably not funny but it sounds funny the way you said it hopefully I'm laughing as intended by the wording. lol. I've been "totally janked" several times. /failmodeon lol

The one saving grace in my life is most bad events in my life get far, far more amusing as they progress. This is no exception, thank god.

Ok the "how did you find out about DGN" question is kind of a thing around here, any guesses as to who this was? Name on DGN I mean? (we try to keep track).

Oh crap, See the problem is I'm terrible with names (almost always takes a couple gos to get them,) they were waiting with me outside the door to CC before it opened a few fridays ago, and alas I don't even remember the first letter of her name.

Anyhow welcome to the joint, hopefully we can trick you, i mean talk you , into sticking around and throwing your two cents in on a few topics *points all around*

Hopefully I can provide a contribution to the community. Or at least some lulz. Thanks for having me. =)

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Yeah... you got it. =)

Ahh, Fiber optic networks, and the permits needed to build them.

Oh crap, See the problem is I'm terrible with names (almost always takes a couple gos to get them,) they were waiting with me outside the door to CC before it opened a few fridays ago, and alas I don't even remember the first letter of her name.

Hopefully I can provide a contribution to the community. Or at least some lulz. Thanks for having me. =)

No no no we gotta figure that name out. Tall? Short? Red / Black / blonde ? Under 21? over? Talking BEFORE it opens is an unusual thing, that should help. There is honestly only maybe 40 girls that it could be so there's a 1 in 40 chance, and if she had black hair that cuts it down to 1 in 35 right off the bat! hehe.

Is most cable these days fiber? Back 15 years ago when I worked for a small-ish telecom company it was still (which I was in shock of) mostly all coaxial / twisted pair / copper still for the "last mile" which is all we worked on. I gotta assume its gotten orders of magnitude cheaper than it was then.

Definelty seem to have a good sense of humor. Now we just gotta get you to post *plots and points around*

As you can see *points up* people are pretty friendly around here, hopefully that is a good thing that will help keep you around.

Welcome again.

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No no no we gotta figure that name out. Tall? Short? Red / Black / blonde ? Under 21? over? Talking BEFORE it opens is an unusual thing, that should help. There is honestly only maybe 40 girls that it could be so there's a 1 in 40 chance, and if she had black hair that cuts it down to 1 in 35 right off the bat! hehe.

Is most cable these days fiber? Back 15 years ago when I worked for a small-ish telecom company it was still (which I was in shock of) mostly all coaxial / twisted pair / copper still for the "last mile" which is all we worked on. I gotta assume its gotten orders of magnitude cheaper than it was then.

Definelty seem to have a good sense of humor. Now we just gotta get you to post *plots and points around*

As you can see *points up* people are pretty friendly around here, hopefully that is a good thing that will help keep you around.

Welcome again.

Oh, She was between 5'6" and 6'0"... She was studying Psychology if I recall. Don't know if that helps. (Theoretically that would narrow it down a lot, right? Unless you're all trying to shrink each other here... ;)

It's -still- Hybrid Fiber/Coax (HFC). Fiber has gotten cheaper, yes, but a lot the upgrades over the last decade have been more of the "Retro" variety. They'll try and stick with the existing cable that's up there and just replacing the equipment. The RF equipment manufacturers have been the big facilitators of this, they knew they had to provide incentive to stick with Coax (And more importantly, their brand of equipment) so a lot of the latest generation of stuff actually is "Housing compatible" where you can just put different electronics in the same casing and save on the splicing costs. (I can tell you though, notating all the replacement work is another matter entirely!). Cox is actually using 3GHz capable passives in all of their build for potential future expansion.

I think HFC will probably stick around for a little while longer, in any case, if only because most of the Fiber to the home solutions are ~250 homes for a single fiber, and you can get double that off the same fiber from HFC... God I'm rambling.

Also... I said Cox. *giggles* (Yes, I giggle in the real world. It's actually a little spooky... >_>)

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Oh, She was between 5'6" and 6'0"... She was studying Psychology if I recall. Don't know if that helps. (Theoretically that would narrow it down a lot, right? Unless you're all trying to shrink each other here... ;)

It's -still- Hybrid Fiber/Coax (HFC). Fiber has gotten cheaper, yes, but a lot the upgrades over the last decade have been more of the "Retro" variety. They'll try and stick with the existing cable that's up there and just replacing the equipment. The RF equipment manufacturers have been the big facilitators of this, they knew they had to provide incentive to stick with Coax (And more importantly, their brand of equipment) so a lot of the latest generation of stuff actually is "Housing compatible" where you can just put different electronics in the same casing and save on the splicing costs. (I can tell you though, notating all the replacement work is another matter entirely!). Cox is actually using 3GHz capable passives in all of their build for potential future expansion.

I think HFC will probably stick around for a little while longer, in any case, if only because most of the Fiber to the home solutions are ~250 homes for a single fiber, and you can get double that off the same fiber from HFC... God I'm rambling.

Also... I said Cox. *giggles* (Yes, I giggle in the real world. It's actually a little spooky... >_>)

Yeah a psych major cuts it down by like... 10% (insane how many women are psych majors) so tall-ish, psych major, did she give you a card or just tell you verbally about it? And I assume you mean you were under the impression she was still in school, not she had majored in it in the past (which would cut it down more).

I've been hearing since I was a little boy "we have to upgrade/fix the infrastructure" apparently its like the school system, it just never actually gets done right over the bigger picture. I guess partly becasue its out of sight out of mind, and the money guys don't really have it high on their priority list. (the school system is out of sight out of mind for most people unless they have kids, totally different situation but the same concept.) And the theory of "good practice" vs "actual practice" always seems to err on the side of just KISS , which sounds good, but doesn't help improve the situation.

I'm not sure it matters THAT much though, since it seems like the bottlenecks are more on the server or "point of entry" side if my impression is correct with the data just not getting pushed out in er.. "enough bluk" lets call it. (The classes about the OSI model and the proper terminology is failing me). Like seeing a 1.5 meg download from the internet is like winning the lotto maybe once a year, yet supposedly the "pipe" to my house can handle insane amounts, (I've never , ever seen a 2+ mb download and supposedly i'm paying for 5mb.) I just never see it pushed out that fast, even at work where we had supposedly the best connection we could realisticly have, it seemed like the problem was "out there" not really to do with the lines. Or is that really probably an infrastructure bottleneck problem and I just think its a 'source' problem? I don't really have any experience with wireless / RF , not much anyway so I cant even really start on that subject.

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