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This is so sad! How could she do this!


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http://news.yahoo.com/calif-baby-tossed-building-mom-arrested-124242460.html This is depressing. How could a mother do this to their child? Where were her feelings and did she even look at the babys eyes before she did it? She is a MONSTER and i say lets toss her off of that same building!

Edited by havoc
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Clearly a mental-case, shouldn't have been allowed a kid. I'm sure the father feels crappy, because I'm sorry, but it's SO rare for something like this to happen without ANY warning. She was probably depressed, maybe post-pardum, but like most people, he probably didn't want to acknowledge it. Obviously he can't be held accountable, but I feel sad for him knowing he's probably sitting at home thinking to himself "Why did I do something? What went wrong?" and all of those "what-ifs" that anyone loathes thinking when someone dies (but especially with a case as tragic as this).

Since she's female, they're probably going to give her 10 days in county. Don't believe me, check the link in my signature, in feminist-oriented countries this happens a lot. Men can shoplift a candy bar and get a 90 days, mom kills kid (ohhh say, Casey Anthony) anyone or sleeps with a 12 year old boy and gets a slap on the wrist.

Edited by Chernobyl
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My daughter was a product of rape. I had dissociative events quite frequently in the two years following. I was terrified that I would do something to her. Unfortunately, letting the parents of my rapist (ex-husband) adopt her seemed my best option. [No one except my ex-husband and I knew about the rape and I was still too beholden to him to leave him for reasons that seem inexplicable to me now, but, anyway.]

Yes, I think it's a terrible thing, and no, it wouldn't excuse her, but I wonder if she felt trapped in an abusive relationship and helpless to get help because here illegally. Normally, US born children are prized as they have rights to American citizenship and can serve as an anchor for the family. It would have to be a pretty extreme psychological circumstance to drive her that far.

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