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USA Becomes Food Stamp Nation

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That would be true, if every reputable school wasn't a school of choice. So you're wrong on that.

No not really.

Chern, I know ya well enough from your posts to know that I shouldn't have to get deeper into economic detail, and expose other scholastic issues with my kids, but I'll humor you.

Lets use an area of Detroit that I am intimately familiar with. Do you know where Sindbad's Restaurant is? Most of my life my house was 1 block away.

MAP HERE please not that that cross street Edlie didn't exists when I moved. I also hope that newly constructed neighborhood fails. They murdered a lot of Detroit architectural flavor with those boxes they put up.

Naturally from there to 8 mile would be where I would look for a home.

I did find 1 location with everything I would require from a property in Detroit.

Enough bedroom that CPS wouldn't be called on me over.

Armorguard on every door and window.

Security system.

Yard is completely fenced in.

Zero mold.

No soft spots in the roof.

Cabinetry isn't warped.

Plumbing is in reasonable condition.


You know, not a slum lord property.

550 a month.

Closest A+ school that successfully teaches children with severe AHHD wile they are unmedicated.

roughly 15 miles at 5k a year

Public school, 60 miles.

Closest Plane 'ol A+ school roughly 30 miles. considering this one? Is a school bus going to pick up and drop off my kids? Yeah that's right, school of choice is still a school of "Can you afford for your child to go there?" People looove to forget about that.

Kay, now I have to drive my kids to school.

That means 60 mile round trip drop off.

Then my wife will have to drive me to work because we can afford 2 cars. about 110 round trip.

60 mile pick up for the kids and 110 for me.

1650 miles a week. that doesn't evenly divide by 18 so I'll significantly reduce it to 1008.

AT 1008 that is only 56 gallons of gas a week. even at 2 bucks a gallon, 448 a month doesn't make any sense and gas is 3.75 right now.

Oh I know the answer. Give up my full time job for lower pay and less hours, assuming I could find a local job at all. Yeah right, ughugh sure.

Even If I didn't have to pay transportation to and from school, the distance I would have to travel for my job would kill savings in rent and then some. Call it a 100 mile round trip once a day. 500 miles a week divided by 18 miles a gallon multiplied by 3.75 a gallon times four weeks equals 416.666...

How about the cost for my son to see his pro bono therapist?

Looking at it from a school standpoint cheaper rent can cost my children their already bleak future and looking at it from a strictly monetary stand point it can cost me even more than what I am paying.

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No not really.

Chern, I know ya well enough from your posts to know that I shouldn't have to get deeper into economic detail, and expose other scholastic issues with my kids, but I'll humor you.

Lets use an area of Detroit that I am intimately familiar with. Do you know where Sindbad's Restaurant is? Most of my life my house was 1 block away.

MAP HERE please not that that cross street Edlie didn't exists when I moved. I also hope that newly constructed neighborhood fails. They murdered a lot of Detroit architectural flavor with those boxes they put up.

Naturally from there to 8 mile would be where I would look for a home.

I did find 1 location with everything I would require from a property in Detroit.

Enough bedroom that CPS wouldn't be called on me over.

Armorguard on every door and window.

Security system.

Yard is completely fenced in.

Zero mold.

No soft spots in the roof.

Cabinetry isn't warped.

Plumbing is in reasonable condition.


You know, not a slum lord property.

550 a month.

Closest A+ school that successfully teaches children with severe AHHD wile they are unmedicated.

roughly 15 miles at 5k a year

Public school, 60 miles.

Closest Plane 'ol A+ school roughly 30 miles. considering this one? Is a school bus going to pick up and drop off my kids? Yeah that's right, school of choice is still a school of "Can you afford for your child to go there?" People looove to forget about that.

Kay, now I have to drive my kids to school.

That means 60 mile round trip drop off.

Then my wife will have to drive me to work because we can afford 2 cars. about 110 round trip.

60 mile pick up for the kids and 110 for me.

1650 miles a week. that doesn't evenly divide by 18 so I'll significantly reduce it to 1008.

AT 1008 that is only 56 gallons of gas a week. even at 2 bucks a gallon, 448 a month doesn't make any sense and gas is 3.75 right now.

Oh I know the answer. Give up my full time job for lower pay and less hours, assuming I could find a local job at all. Yeah right, ughugh sure.

Even If I didn't have to pay transportation to and from school, the distance I would have to travel for my job would kill savings in rent and then some. Call it a 100 mile round trip once a day. 500 miles a week divided by 18 miles a gallon multiplied by 3.75 a gallon times four weeks equals 416.666...

How about the cost for my son to see his pro bono therapist?

Looking at it from a school standpoint cheaper rent can cost my children their already bleak future and looking at it from a strictly monetary stand point it can cost me even more than what I am paying.

Congrats. Food stamps are right for you and maybe 1/3 of the others on it. I agree with the OP, a lot of people on it are abusing it. I got a buddy that makes roughly 8.50 an hour, 30 hours per week. By choosing to eat less-quality food, he supports himself in an apartment that is $650 per month plus Internet, and Electric. I won't say he does this no problem, but he is putting more money INTO his bank accounts than what comes out. Rammen Noodles, McDonald's, and Mac and Cheese with $5 Multivitamins may not sound good/health to you, but it keeps a man alive. Anyone using food stamps should be on the same starvation rations at that. Canned goods only, maybe fresh produce if you're lucky, but nothing Vegan or Organic or any other "luxury" class food, such as junk food. If/when you make enough money to do so, THEN you get the choice of what to eat. If you're relying on handouts, you get just enough quality to prevent health issues.

That's my stance. Don't like it, move away from Capitalistic states. I hear China is looking for english speaking teachers.

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Rammen Noodles, McDonald's, and Mac and Cheese with $5 Multivitamins may not sound good/health to you, but it keeps a man alive.

If you're relying on handouts, you get just enough quality to prevent health issues.

Do you really think a person eating such a diet is going to be free of health issues?

The sodium content alone is astronomical. Then there's the fat, which is off the scale.

Canned foods, frozen dinners = same thing.

It's not impossible to eat healthy on food stamps. But you don't have to eat like you describe. So long as a person can saute any kind of meat, steam a veggie & boil a potato, they can do alright.

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Do you really think a person eating such a diet is going to be free of health issues?

The sodium content alone is astronomical. Then there's the fat, which is off the scale.

Canned foods, frozen dinners = same thing.

It's not impossible to eat healthy on food stamps. But you don't have to eat like you describe. So long as a person can saute any kind of meat, steam a veggie & boil a potato, they can do alright.


When you figure I can get 6 large ears of corn for $2 canned corn would have to be less than 50¢ to be cheaper. Last can I bought was Great Value (walmart brand) for 68¢.

If I wait till the green beans start to wilt I can usually get them cheaper than canned.

I do the same with wrinkled green peppers, limp carrots and celery (water will rejuvenate them) brown spots on lettuce. Oh man you should see how much perfectly edible good tasting fruit gets thrown away because of an age blemish. But then again when minimum wage was 3.80 I use to eat worse out of grocery store garbage cans because I was to proud to ask for help.

When it comes to ramen you get what, 12 oz for a $1? My wife picks up a pack here and there for the kids as a quick treat. I get 32 oz spaghetti noodles for $1.25 and enough bullion to make 16 cups for $1. Ramen proves that most people pay more for convenience without realizing it.

McDonald's, even eating off the dollar menu is more expensive than making it yourself. Plus I cant stand the smell (use to be a grill chief) so when the kids use to get the bimonthly happy meal they had to eat it outside. Now they don't eat fast food at all.

The only alcoholic beverages I consume outside of gifts is hard cider made by me. I get the cider in trade for labor.

I will agree that not everyone who is collect should be.

I would kick everyone off who never payed income tax and adults without dependents.

Do back ground checks on addresses and do pop inspections to make sure a couple isn't gaming the system. I new a couple who divorced so the wife could collect stamps and welfare wile the husband made twenty something an hour at Chrysler.

Restrict what can be purchased. No carbonated beverages, candy, crap like lunchables.

Kick Subway off the list and assassinate the restaurant lobbyists trying to make any or all restaurants legal.

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