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Huge Massive Save The Farm Yard Sale

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Below is the Email I sent to Every one in my cantacts List.... Either way I am having a huge Yard Sale..........

OK I have to have a yard sale because I need to raise money to pay my mortgage, I am asking each and every one of you to forward this to whom ever you know so I can have a very successful yard sale and get allot of traffic and hopefully make allot of money. The link is to my online add and it lists many of the things I have for sale.

Also if all of you could pray that Brian and I find the strength, energy, and motivation to keep going and do what we have to do to save our home, pray that this does not cause damage to an otherwise awesome relationship and please pray for the safety and well being of my children it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You all for your help.


http://detroit.craigslist.org/gms/81344136.html (after viewing my add everyone should take a look around ( http://detroit.craigslist.org/ ) here you can post adds for your business, find things to buy, it is like a huge online free classified section, We posted an add for handyman services ( http://detroit.craigslist.org/sks/79419742.html ) and Brian has gotten allot of response to the add for estimates already)

Huge Massive Yard/keep the house out of foreclosure Sale

July 1 2005 to July 3 2005 9 am to 5 pm

25531 Paige Roseville MI 48066

Many Interesting and Useful Items available

The Following are just a small Representation of what you will find:

**I have 42 cases of natural slate tile for sale $14.00 a case each case has five pieces 16X16 covers 8.89 sq feet (see pic)

**I have allot of brick pavers that were salvaged from the resurfacing of Woodward in Downtown Detroit. I am asking $1.00 per brick, you pick up the ones you want and haul away (see Pic)

**2 Alpine, v- power, MRP-M350 mono power amplifier, 700 W max, each amp has one channel for one speaker 2 Alpine type R 12inch dual voice coil 4 ohm x 4 ohm 1000 watt peak power they were purchased in 2003, professionally installed and were only used for 4 months then we had to sell the car we had them in and they have been sitting my closet since then. They all work, in extremely good condition, and may still be under some type of manufacture warranty. THIS EQUIPMENT HAS NOT BEEN BEATEN UP or USED VERY MUCH AT ALL I am asking $450 for the whole set originally paid $880 I have the receipt if you want to look at it. (See pic)

** Little Tikes step 2 Rocking Angel Fish $5.00 (see pic)

** Little Tikes Step 2 Sprinkler Pool No holes, all plugs/parts still there $10.00 (see pic)

**Little Tikes Log Cabin Play house $50.00 (see pic)

** Little Tikes Back Yard Variety Climber (swing set w/slides) $150.00 (see pic)

** Assorted toddler out door riding toys (see pic)

** Assorted Kitchen items, character cake pans, pots and pans, assorted glasses and other useful kitchen items

** Curtains

** Assorted knickknacks, vases, decorative materials

**Assorted men’s (size large or bigger) woman’s Size (5 to 12) and children’s clothing/shoes (girls and Boys sizes 4 to 10)

** Assorted children’s toys for both boys and girls

** Assorted Vinyl Records Lp’s and 45’s

** Assorted Cd’s (country, goth, rap etc….)

** Assorted Books fiction, none fiction, Cooking, Educational, Macomb community college text books (Paramedic/ psychology/ auto mechanics)

** And many more things that are just too hard to place in a category

Looking forward to barging with you all!!!!

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Dyno and Brenda Thank you so very much, i appreciate your thoughts, prayers and well wishes.

The first biggest help any one could give me would be to pray and pray and pray or what ever you do for us to make this happen, like I have said before we have no problem working for it we just need the opportunities to be there and have the things we are trying to do be a success.

The second best help anyone could give me, would be to copy and paste all the info above and forward it to any one in Michigan you know of, the more people I have walk through my yard the better chance I have of this being a success.

The third thing would be come out bring friends and look at the stuff I have to offer, hopefully you will find something you like and buy it.

Also my city does not require me to have a permit or anything for yard sales so what ever is left I plan to try again with the yard sale thing in a week or two if any of the stuff left I worth having another yard sale for.

I also have a friend who is working on getting an eBay account set up ( I don’t have a credit card or a pay pal account) so I can sell some of my more precious stuff there, once I get the eBay things up and running I will post info about that.

Those of you lurking, who are praying for us and what not, I thank you. I know allot of people don’t post there best wishes but still have them and I appreciate those as well.

With allot of Love and Appreciation,

Lilith a.k.a Harmony

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I would like to tell every one that as a result of my add on craiglist and what i think have to be allot of wondeful thoughts for us, that i have already sold the large childrens outdoor play equipment and the people who bought it should be here tonight to pay me my full asking price (thats $221 :grin for the items they will be getting) and pick it up. IF it falls through i will let every one know if the stuff is still available.

So far it feels like this should be a good week end for me. I will post updates as things go along, maybe not so much for you guys but for me so i remeber things are working, and i feel better.


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Harmony - my thoughts are with you. I've been there, sweetie. We gave up and sold the house, but we didn't care about it - to us it was just 4 walls. I understand you feel very, very differently about where you live, so I'm hoping the best.

Please let us know how your yard sale does.

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So here goes the update.........

The Mortgage Company:

Tuesday -- I talked with Mortgage Company and they got working on a repayment plan before the other office gets paperwork in for foreclosure.

Thursday -- I talked with Mortgage Company again and I find they did not get the repayment together in time. So I talk with them for about an hour or so and being that I am now at a stage that any minute they can give me a sale date for my house, I agree to a plan that I have no idea if I can pay. The plan required that my first payment be $1863.00 by end of business Friday. Well at the beginning of Thursday I had no $$$$ and by the end of Friday business, by the grace of god, I made the payment. My next payment is due July 19 for like $1500 and well even though on a regular basis I would have to laugh at that cause I know i probably can’t pay it, I am feeling pretty good about my chances because well i made that other payment and I never thought i would. After The July 19 payment i have another due on Aug 5 of about $1200 and then finally Aug 20 will be my first normal mortgage payment paid on time and no worries of immediate dome. Allot of stress and worry and work ahead of me but for the moment i have hope and drive to get it done.


Well in the middle of this Lestat went from a part time temp employee for Budget electric/mechanical to a full time employee, so now his hours will count for his license and well he is full time which means no worries of weeks and weeks with out work just perhaps a day here or there. He does not get paid any more right now but the hours counting for his license will eventually make it where he will be making big $$$ and i hope after some time the company he is working for will decided to just pay him more.

Also the same company is bouncing around the idea of taking me on as a full time office girl, so perhaps this will all work out. If i do end up working in the office i wont have to remove any of my piercing or anything wither since I wont be dealing with customers in person just on the phone. WOOOO HOOOOOO!

Yard Sale:

Well for the most part yard sale-ing your stuff is for the birds, OMG the work for this thing sucked so bad, i mean if i had garage maybe it would have been fine but everyday i had to put everything out and every night take it all down. Really to much work for one person.

The money side of it was good however, i made better money at this garage sale then i ever have before, Friday i would consider it to have been a record day i made almost $200, Saturday was sooo slow i only made $61, and then on Sunday i made another $170, and i made that in about 2 hours, i had a rush of people and then nothing the rest o the day. It served its purpose well and i am grateful for the amount i made, but honestly i don’t think i can do this every weekend till Aug 20, yeah i don’t consider my self out of the dark until i make that First on time payment and even then i feel i might not be in the clear, but i know once i make that first on time payment how much relief i will feel.

My plan of Attack:

Well lestat will be working everyday, and his cousin is building a house right now so any time down will be filled with working on the house with his cousin said he will pay him for any work he does. I hopefully will be an office girl soon. I am not doing the yard sale thing next week end i need a break from that. I gathered a few names of people who are interested in certain types of items, i met these people at my yard sale, any how i am going to dig up my old baseball cards, and gaudy jewelry for them and hopefully they will buy something. I plan to place the following type of items for sale on eBay by the end of the week ( i actually hope i have them up by tomorrow) Barbie’s from the past 28 years still in the box, any baseball cards, Lestats subs and amps, a radar detector which was given to us to sell so we can make $ for this, a gas powered RC car with a ton of upgrades, Crystal and tons of it, assorted color glass and things of that sort which i have no idea if it is worth anything but it is old as hell so i am sure i might get something out of it, all those cloths i have been given which i have never worn and still have the tags on them, assorted Cd's and what ever else i can dig out of boxes that i think might go on eBay.

We also have found a buyer for Lestats Truck, they have put down a $50 deposit and plan to pay us the rest in about 2 weeks, but that is only $700, but a good chuck of $ that we need desperately.

And that's pretty much the lowdown, i don’t if it will all work out well but i plan to try and get as close as i can. I Have Hope!

Thank You guys so much for your well wishes, they have helped allot.



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I am SO hoping the best for you!!!

Good job getting that first payment. My goodness, what you must have had to do.

I'm on pins and needles, hoping all goes well. Wish I had a safe full of money, I'd so help out. Unfortunately, I'm often in need of someone else with a safe full of money!

Glad you're doing eBay. If you need any advice, let me know - 6 years of full-time auctions have taught me a lot.

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It's so freakin' hard sometimes, isn't it? I know more about what you're going through than I care to. I've been there myself. And just because Wayne has a really good job doesn't mean that we're even out of the woods yet! We were so far behind that there was NO light at the end of the tunnel. I'm not even joking. There was a good couple of years where I barely ate so that Ian and Sierra would be able to do so.

However, you are very strong. Just like me. And you will get through it. Just like me. And I assure you, it feels good to have taken care of even a tiny bit of your business. It takes a tremendous load off of your chest. You'll breathe and sleep a whole lot better. I'm still crossing my fingers for you and Brian.


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I am SO hoping the best for you!!!

Good job getting that first payment. My goodness, what you must have had to do.

I'm on pins and needles, hoping all goes well. Wish I had a safe full of money, I'd so help out. Unfortunately, I'm often in need of someone else with a safe full of money!

Glad you're doing eBay. If you need any advice, let me know - 6 years of full-time auctions have taught me a lot.


Well the first payment omg i was flippin crazy nuts anxious till we got to western union and sent it off.

Brian was owed $450 for work completed, and begged for a $400 advance so he owes a few days off work this week, which cuts out a few days of guranteed money for the next payment but since we had more time we choose to take the chance. The lady who was buying the large play equpiment finally showed up thursady night and paid me $221 which was my full asking price for it all, i sold about $198 in stuff in the yard sale, had a $10 donation from a friends client, got a $50 deposit on Brians truck and unfortunaly borrowed the $700 my mother in law had saved form the kids birthdays for there new wood playscape, so Brian and i Owe the kids allot, and we so plan after we make that first on time payment to do what we can to get the new wood playscape built, my mother inlaw said she saw no use of saving the moeny for a play scape if the kids were not going to have a yard to build one in. I was worried i had a feeling since we were trying so hard it would happen i mean we had all of our hearts and souls into this first payment and well we did with nothing illegal or extreamly hurtful to any one else, well some of it boke my heart but as long as i can make amends in the end withthe kids it will be ok.

I do want every one to know i am not looking for anyone to hand us the money, eve nthough i know some of you would and it would make you feel temedously good, i really think that somehow Brian and i need to learn a few hard lessons and once we have those lesson under our belt things should be smooth sailing. Honestly if some one came with a safe full of money i would jump on it but i dont think that is what we need right now, we need small miriricales that we work hard for and we learn from. I dont know it just seems that once we boht jumped in to action with hearts on the same path even though it is hard it has been easier and is happening rather well with all things considered. I dont know just things and thoughts that have been i nmy head.

I will probally send ya a note or two about the ebay thing once i get in there and start poking around, i actually already thought that if i ran in to anything i was unsure of i would IM you or something so i am glad you threw the offer of help outthere already. Thank You.


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It's so freakin' hard sometimes, isn't it? I know more about what you're going through than I care to. I've been there myself. And just because Wayne has a really good job doesn't mean that we're even out of the woods yet! We were so far behind that there was NO light at the end of the tunnel. I'm not even joking. There was a good couple of years where I barely ate so that Ian and Sierra would be able to do so.

However, you are very strong. Just like me. And you will get through it. Just like me. And I assure you, it feels good to have taken care of even a tiny bit of your business. It takes a tremendous load off of your chest. You'll breathe and sleep a whole lot better. I'm still crossing my fingers for you and Brian.



Oh i do know even with good paying jobs things do not allways work well, Brian and i have been there befor and we have come a very long way, hell we do not have any credit card debt, and only a few small med bills, no car payment all we have is this house and reg utility bills, we have worked 8 years to make it that way and we still cant make it. It just seems so stupid to me at times butthat how the cookie crumbles i guess.......

Ya know what is funny, ya mentioned food, well every one has been telling me all week end how skinny i have gotten and so on and i just want to kick em all cause well its not like i ahve worked out and went on a strict diet and worked hard to loose weight, i just eat less out off others needs and well i am sure stress ahs melted more then a few pounds away.

What i have noticed is that i am not as hungry as i usually am, did this happen with you?, i just feel some how my need for food is less as a result of others needing it more then i do.... i hope that made sense.

I do have to say making that payment on friday did relieve allot, even though it was just begining it was probally the hardest to come up with and well it just made me feel revived and gave me allot fo hope that as long as i bust my ass with my end of it it can and probally will happen.

Gesh i wish you were here in MI Brenda right now cause i would so give you a IRL hugg, i just think i would feel nice. Thank YOu dear your words are extreamly helpful!


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To help feed yourself, just in case you haven't thought of the following already:

See of any friends work at food places that "dump" their food at the end of the day. When Jon and I were in very, very bad straits in Florida, we were lucky enough to have a friend in a guy who worked at a bagel shop. He gave us the day's end "throwaways" by the bagful. I ate several bagels every day, to bulk up the .25 cent pot pies & fish we caught ourselves out of the ocean.

Bread company thrift stores sometimes give away bread at the entrance to the store. Also, you can get a loaf of bread as cheap as .25 cents a loaf. They usually carry other foods pretty cheap, too.

Deli's, especially ones associated with farmers markets, usually put together trays of cut-up meat & cheese ends at the end of the day. Usually, the trimmings are fresh - just the butt ends of lunchmeat loaves they cube-up and put on a tray for a reduced price. (I worked at one that did this, so I know. :wink)

Go fishing. Area lakes are full of all kinds of fish that are relatively easy to catch. I can give you great tips on everything from what size & type hooks to use to where to go if you'd like. Just remember - you're of child-bearing age and your kids are young, so you have to limit how much freshly-caught fish you eat due to mercury. You'll be limited to about once a week, Brian can eat about twice as much, within reason.

Return those pop cans & bottles - and SAVE THE MONEY for FOOD only. Good places to find lots of them are the trash barrels at metro & state parks. Good gracious - this was just 4th of July weekend. They're sure to be BRIMMING with returnables people are too lazy to return.

Trash dig - I think you've read how Jon and I got started on eBay. There are hundreds of dollars worth of stuff waiting in the trash. I can give you tips on this as well.

Most grocery stores now publish their weekly sale papers online. I know kroger does (www.kroger.com), but the rest I know of are strictly NC stores. Check online and compare, compare, compare! You'd be amazed how good the sales on things like meats are at stores that are generally higher priced, such as Kroger. I used to get great deals at Kroger all the time by watching their sales papers.

If you have a super Wal Mart near you, SHOP IT. Their everyday prices are cheaper than most other places on, I'd say, 75% of items. But do price comparisons from other stores for meats - Wal-mart never puts their meats on sale, except for yellow-tag "gonna be past due" items (which I have taken advantage of, too). I almost never buy my meats at Wal-Mart, but buy a lot of everything else there.

Even better than Wal-Mart is Aldi's. I probably buy 3/4 of what I need there on a weekly basis. Lunchmeats, cheeses, cereals, milk, eggs, canned goods, juice - it's all cheaper there, by a mile.

If I can think of anything else we do in our toughest times, I'll post it here.

PM me for any specific help you might want. =)

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To help feed yourself, just in case you haven't thought of the following already:

See of any friends work at food places that "dump" their food at the end of the day. When Jon and I were in very, very bad straits in Florida, we were lucky enough to have a friend in a guy who worked at a bagel shop. He gave us the day's end "throwaways" by the bagful. I ate several bagels every day, to bulk up the .25 cent pot pies & fish we caught ourselves out of the ocean.

Bread company thrift stores sometimes give away bread at the entrance to the store. Also, you can get a loaf of bread as cheap as .25 cents a loaf. They usually carry other foods pretty cheap, too.

Deli's, especially ones associated with farmers markets, usually put together trays of cut-up meat & cheese ends at the end of the day. Usually, the trimmings are fresh - just the butt ends of lunchmeat loaves they cube-up and put on a tray for a reduced price. (I worked at one that did this, so I know. :wink)

Go fishing. Area lakes are full of all kinds of fish that are relatively easy to catch. I can give you great tips on everything from what size & type hooks to use to where to go if you'd like. Just remember - you're of child-bearing age and your kids are young, so you have to limit how much freshly-caught fish you eat due to mercury. You'll be limited to about once a week, Brian can eat about twice as much, within reason.

Return those pop cans & bottles - and SAVE THE MONEY for FOOD only. Good places to find lots of them are the trash barrels at metro & state parks. Good gracious - this was just 4th of July weekend. They're sure to be BRIMMING with returnables people are too lazy to return.

Trash dig - I think you've read how Jon and I got started on eBay. There are hundreds of dollars worth of stuff waiting in the trash. I can give you tips on this as well.

Most grocery stores now publish their weekly sale papers online. I know kroger does (www.kroger.com), but the rest I know of are strictly NC stores. Check online and compare, compare, compare! You'd be amazed how good the sales on things like meats are at stores that are generally higher priced, such as Kroger. I used to get great deals at Kroger all the time by watching their sales papers.

If you have a super Wal Mart near you, SHOP IT. Their everyday prices are cheaper than most other places on, I'd say, 75% of items. But do price comparisons from other stores for meats - Wal-mart never puts their meats on sale, except for yellow-tag "gonna be past due" items (which I have taken advantage of, too). I almost never buy my meats at Wal-Mart, but buy a lot of everything else there.

Even better than Wal-Mart is Aldi's. I probably buy 3/4 of what I need there on a weekly basis. Lunchmeats, cheeses, cereals, milk, eggs, canned goods, juice - it's all cheaper there, by a mile.

If I can think of anything else we do in our toughest times, I'll post it here.

PM me for any specific help you might want. =)


thank you fc all very good ideas that i do have in place in some form or another.

This is what we are currently doing:

I get assitance from the state for food medical for the kids), i get $560 a month for food and well that is really all i use for food. I start out shopping at the hostess bread store and spend about $35 on bread and snacks and luch items for Mr. L.

I head over ot Sav A lot and that is where i get most everything else except for meat and some odds and ends they dont carry. I spend about $180 there. I then head over to kroger and pick up the rest of the stuff i did not get atthe other places, i spend about $130 - $200 (depnding on if they have there 10 for $10 sales going on) and i usually end up with less then a cart full for that price. Then i head over to Mario's meats and buy up the day old meat they have frozen in the coolers and once in a while if you buy a full slab of steak, pork, or what ever kind of meat i can get it fresh for cheaper then the frozen and they will cut it to what ever i need. I spend $180 - $200 there. I also hit up to fruit market for all my veggies n fruits and i spend about $20 -$50 there.

so i spend my food budget very wisley i think as this is usually enough to get three meals on the table and a few snack in between.

Mr. L's Grandparents live on harsens Isle, and they fish allot so we get fresh fish for free once a month or so and that amount dpends on how well they did while fishing. Mr. L's PArents also like ot send over stuff "for the kids" goodies n stuff, and i had a friend whos aunt worked at Big Lots, any how the aunt would give him a ton of food and stuff she would get from there (dented cans and missing labels or over stocks) and he has shared his stash with us as well.

No we are not starving, neither am I, i just eat way less then i used too as i know i have 2 young boys, and a husband who is working very hard, they all go back for seconds where i just stopped doing so. They need it more then i do, they all have bigger reasons then i do to eat so much. I guess in a way i am eating more or less like the medical community would liek to see every one eat.

It just makes me mad to here every one say how good i am looking when honestly i have done nothing but lived a stressful life, messed up life, to get this way. Its just when a person looses wieght it is normally because they wroked hard for it on purpose, and the person who works hard should be very proud. But i am not proud of my weight loss, i am happy about it in my own way, but i am not proud of it and i dont know what to say when some one says OMG YOU LOOK SO GOOD, Look At how skinny you are gtting. Then iget people asking me what my secret is to loose weight and stuff and it just make me mad, i mean do they really want to here that i cut back on my food intake so the men in my life could eat well enough to grow and work. ( my daughter eats like a bird allways has). Its not a secret i want to share and i am sure it is not a secret that any one else wants to go through.

I dont know maybe i am wrong for getting mad but it is just everytime i here about it i am reminded how much less i do eat ( and the reasons why) and like i need to be reminded more then 3 times a day.

On a good note though, i fit in cloths i have not fit in for years, kinda nice at times.

It has been good for me to vent about this here, it sure beats getting all psotal on those who are here IRL who are doing nothing but trying to point out a supposed good thing, i know the last ting i ever want to do is hurt any one over all this.

thanks for listening and responding


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It just makes me mad to here every one say how good i am looking when honestly i have done nothing but lived  a stressful life, messed up life, to get this way. Its just when a person looses wieght it is normally because they wroked hard  for it on purpose, and the person who works hard should be very proud. But i am not proud of my weight loss, i am happy about it in my own way, but i am not proud  of it and i dont know what to say when some one says OMG YOU LOOK SO GOOD, Look At how skinny you are gtting. Then iget people asking me what my secret is to loose weight and stuff and it just make me mad, i mean do they really want to here that i cut back on my food intake so the men in my life could eat well enough to grow and work. ( my daughter eats like a bird allways has).  Its not a secret i want to share and i am sure it is not a secret that any one else wants to go through.

I totally relate.

I lost at least 40 lbs on the "bluefish & bagels" diet I was pretty much forced into in Florida. I was happy to see the scale read what it did, but it was bittersweet. yes, I needed to lose weight. But man, it sucked to do it THAT way.

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