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The B*tch About Work Thread


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  • 2 months later...

Note to self: next time she pisses me off I will smile to myself and remember as the stupidity comes out of her mouth that the one who reacts is the one who looks ignorant...let her keep looking stupid...just make sure someone important catches her looking like an idiot...maintain composure no matter what, even if she does pull some crazy line crossing shit.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm doing a renovation project for a homeowner, I ask them what THEY want to see in THEIR home because THEY have to look at it everyday.

Reply..."I don't know, but it would be nice to get the work finished"

Me: "So at this point, you have no idea of what YOU want to see"

Reply: "I trust you"

...i.e. passing the proverbial buck in the event of hit-upitus

I turn the corner before hand hits forehead...

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Um lets see I go to this place Ms. Confident and bust my ass trying to clean up the last worker on the case's nightmare of a job..and I deleted the rest because even though its not violating anything I should shut up. Just people are incompetent, wonder why they get bitched at, dont use critical thinking to try and improve the place yet bitch all day..its like a plus b equals what the fuck over there..they clearly havent worked at the places I have had to blow whistles they were so bad.

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I had to make 3 trips to Home depot without leaving Home Depot today. Every time I got out the checkout and paid somebody would text me needing more hardware they forgot on the list. Was like walking in circles for an hour.

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  • 1 month later...

A large number of my clients male and female are public masterbators my new one is in puberty he meets me with his mom and her bf yesterday he starts trying to touch my face all over and tried to come up and kiss me and than makes a kissing noise..a little while later he starts rubbing his stuff And that is just a typical day. .the female masterbators always want to hug me and the one lady takes my glasses and puts them on. ..I am so used to it now and am thankful the water bill is included in my rent. Ahh the joy of a bleeding heart.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am so in a what the nut mood. I am now working for a family member who wanted to be treated like a client. So I did. I told them that when I work I am anti-social because I am FOCUSED on the job I am doing. I let them know it was nothing against them, it's just how I get working with tools...I must keep safety issues in mind at all times especially when small children are around the work zone. This morning I wake up to a text specifically calling me out about the generous dinner they had purchased for everyone and stated that they had told me to tell everyone, but it was still there this morning when they woke up. As true as that may be, I wouldn't know. I was wearing noise resistant headphones all day while on site due to the noise factor of the work I was doing. Besides, EVERYONE has a phone with texting capabilities and were all at home at the time. Why inform the one person wielding a SAWZALL!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, this bitch right here get's no complaints from guardians, get's compliments from my skill building program director at The Arc, attempted to trade two group homes off per the Big boss saying I needed me to take two high behavioral homes with ten woman all psychotic and off the chain who I am almost certain at some point one of them will punch me in my face just because...oh well, I am cool with that..that's what happens, but the home I was giving up the owner said, "no, I like you though"...which made me happy to hear and of course I had to pull strings to keep her home so I go to give up another home, and told that provider today and she wasn't happy with that either...but I can't keep that many group homes so I had to....anyhow, my point is this...I feel so incompetent, I hate not being on top of my paperwork but at this agency I am ahead of alot of my coworkers but it's been deemed impossible to stay on top given the lack of resources we have to do our paperwork...anyhow, I guess I have a good rep despite all of my feelings of suckiness...but TODAY, this fire breathing dragon, I mean guardian, who I initially went above my job description to try and help her do her guardianship paperwork and get her shit straight for court as it was an emergency guardianship situation due to the primary guardian dying, went over to her home, sat there listened to her sorrow...again, she is not my responsibility her heir is...I got this, I take care of business..I am on my shit....well, this woman has been backup guardian for twenty years to her cousin so you would think she knew what the fuck the drill was and where her deceased mother, previous guardian kept all financial records and materials needed for guardianship, such as um, a list of her cousin's meds, her name and shit of the treating physician, etc....but NO, I even sent this woman a resource guide, found the shit myself, again not in my description but I thought it would be beneficial for her, well all my help to her wasn't enough..Ms. dragonass decides she has a question to ask me and doesn't feel I am getting back to her in time...the issue is, I don't have to call her and hold her hand to teach her how to hold down her cousin's matters....so anyways she calls me and starts flipping out on me talking about I don't listen to her and I am disrespecting her by not calling her back and that she don't care she'll go over everybody's head when it comes to her cousin.....well, Little Miss firecracker here said to thy self, I am not letting this biatch run shit...I told her ass..I am your cousin's social worker and not yours, the things I did were to help you I went outside my call of duty to help straighten things out for you, I know you have concerns about your cousin and you have every right to obtain her medical records from her doctor (whom she had no fucking clue who the doctor was, nothing) she basically tried to talk to me like I wasn't shit and said she want's another worker, (I was lmfao inside because Oh had she had another social worker they would have not done dick to assist her and she would be out of compliance with her guardianship reports and would have lost her role....So, I had to put her in check as professional as I could without Southwest Detroit Kat rearing her ugly head....so after I used my verbal de-escalation skills on Ms. dragonass I decided I was going to take her every fucking piece of documentation that I am aloud to release legally to her tomorrow, I am also going to sit down and explain to her that apart of my job description is to ensure that the guardian is appropriate for the client, further I will inform her that if she does not keep her paperwork together and make an attempt at attending PCP meetings and, since she things the doc don't know what he is doing, she can jump on a fucking bus and attend all her cousin's Doc appointments as well...if she doesn't comply, and continues to show lack of competence I will petition the court that a public guardian be appointed due to Ms. Dragonass's inability to maintain proper records and basically for incompetence...I will explain this to her in a nice way...I determine shit....if you call me screaming like an irrational, unstable, person than you have no business handling the anyone's legal, financial, and health matters. I will have you removed...Oh I am so pissed...it's like, READ the manual I sent you, get off your ass and look for the former guardians records, and get your ass to these meetings....DAMN....makes me need a drank.

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  • 8 months later...

I think it's amazing the stuff people hold on to until things get out of hand. I demoed a kitchen last Monday along with several other plastered covered walls, but left specific areas untouched so individuals still had access to running water. The entire time I'm working I get my named yelled out to be informed of the following:

That someone is going to take their dog to the vet

A guy is coming to pick someone up to take them to practice

Food needs to go into the refrigerator

There's stuff on the front porch

When is the dumpster to be picked up

We have to leave to check on a family member's pet (multiple occasions of this one)

We have to go get the dog from the vet

We might miss a meeting

With all the yelling going on, apparently someone neglected to inform me that the sink, they were using, has been leaking the entire time. Leaking well before I began working there. Leaking well before I visited Lowe's to get in on the special financing. And yet, 30 minutes ago, I just heard about how dire the situation is with the water catch bucket overflowing and the pipe in need of putty and duct tape along with the phrase that, "well you were so busy". IT'S A PLASTIC TUBE!!! Fixable in 10 minutes or less!!!!

But it seems I was not busy enough for you to yell my name, trying to get my attention because you were leaving the house and everyone knew what to do and you found it extremely necessary to make sure I knew, almost making me cut my phalanges off while trying to sharpen a blade on the worksite...WHATEVER!!!

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Landscaping is such bullshit work. I mean think about it. People pay all kinds of money to have their lawn cut weekly and look pretty. We get paid to cut grass, it grows again and looks like shit within a week, then we cut it again. Or actual landscaping jobs. We get paid to pick up dirt from one spot and put it in another. Then add bricks, blocks, rocks or mulch, etc.. Yesterday for instance. We threw 25 yards of mulch for displays at the county fair. In 2 weeks, we'll go back and pick it all back up. Really stupid when you actually sit and think about it.

Luckily for me this job has gotten me the money I needed to get my driver's license back, so soon I can put my resume out and get a real job in the automotive repair field I chose for my career. Kinda silly cutting grass with a degree. I need a better paying job.

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I had the most disgusting thing happen today at work. We mow this place in Gary called Stericycle. It's a medical waste disposal facility. Basically if you get an arm cut off or liposuction, that's where it ends up. They burn it or some shit. Anyway, me and my co-worker were pulling vines out from a fence behind the building, and they kicked on the furnace and it started raining on us out of the smoke-stack. Like liquid. The smell was the most horrible smell I have ever smelled. I can't even begin to describe how disgusting this putrid place is. I instantly started puking my guts out for like 5 minutes and had to take the rest of the day off because it made me so nauseous. I'm pretty sure I'm going to call the EPA on that place because there's also a ditch next to it that *always* has standing water in it even if it hasn't rained in three weeks, and it stinks like hell, and you can SEE oily shit floating in it. It's absolutely the most disgusting thing I can imagine. I hope to hell I don't get some fucked up disease or the plague from being there, LOL..

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I was about to fall over in utter amazement at the jacked up electrical "installation" of this kitchen I'm renovating...There is no way these lines could have ever passed inspection by any stretch of the imagination. Someone would have had to put all this stuff in with their eyes closed because a blind person would have definitely done a better job. (I only state that because I hear statements like "looks like a blind person did that" when someone wants to point out messed up stuff...that is an incorrect assumption!)

Once I removed all the lath wood, every outlet hit the floor still attached to live wires. All I could think was, "Wow, this electrical fiasco really gives new meaning to the term 'Stand Alone Complex'".

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's a reason I work in the middle of the night, clients like to micromanage if they feel you are doing something in the wrong order even if they have no idea what you are doing...LOL

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The hardest part about this job is bringing all of the out of date builds up to today's code standards. There are no shut-offs on the majority of the water and gas lines connected to appliances and fixtures. No unions on any pipes, thus making me have to disassemble the entire gas system just to get to the stove branch. The most interesting update is all the fun I'm having changing over the old fashioned split electrical fuse box wiring system to Romex wiring and circuit breakers.

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