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Endometriosis...a.k.a. CANCER


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:grin Yeah it's me again and BOY I have some great news...I have all these handicaps right and now ...My ENDO is acting up on me and trying to kick my ass. naturally I go to the welfare schmuck Dr. and they say they found nothing in my urine. So ...that's it? :ohmy: No more tests even though i can't stand feeling like I have a rock in my crotch somewhere? Plus the cramping, weird bleeding, weight gain, horrid bowels, unusual smells that are NOT me in any damn way... WTf do I have to get an MD to fix myself? I thought these people were supposed to help me...they haven't done much but try and kill my ass :tear

Anyone else have this CANCER crowing in thier body I'd love to have someone to talk with.

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yikes - you've been through so much lately. Do they think it may be cancer?

No matter what they find, it will help to build up your immune system. If it does end up being cancer that will help you tolerate the treatments and have a better chance at a cure. I would catch everything that came along until I started feeding my body what it needs (I drink liquid supplements - emergen-c which is a vitamin c/B vitamin mix) and try to get all the good stuff into my diet that I can. I'm not suggesting ignore the docs, but in addition to the things your doctors want to try.

It's really really hard to find a good doctor these days. I hope you are able to locate someone who can figure things out for you.


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:grin Yeah it's me again and BOY I have some great news...I have all these handicaps right and now ...My ENDO is acting up on me and trying to kick my ass. naturally I go to the welfare schmuck Dr. and they say they found nothing in my urine. So ...that's it? :ohmy: No more tests even though i can't stand feeling like I have a rock in my crotch somewhere? Plus the cramping, weird bleeding, weight gain, horrid bowels, unusual smells that are NOT me in any damn way... WTf do I have to get an MD to fix myself? I thought these people were supposed to help me...they haven't done much but try and kill my ass :tear

Anyone else have this CANCER crowing in thier body I'd love to have someone to talk with.


I was diagnosed just recently withthat...they are putting me on high doses of hormones to "See" if it will shrink the growths.....Now 3 months later, I went in for my Ultra-sound on Friday, and have not got the results yet, but eagerly waiting.

I can relate, and I know nothing about this stuff..... :doh

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My wife is in the middle of a scare over a lump in her breast. It looks like it might be ok though. However, she's having a hard time believing that, because her dad had leukemia, and her mom had breast cancer. Scary stuff, I feel for all of you, and her.

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I have recurrent endo and benign ovarian cysts. I also have had cancerous and dermoid ovarian cysts. It just hurts. period. In the 6 years now I've been dealing with this they still can't control it with anything. I've just learned to live with it. It keeps coming back, whether I get rid of it surgically or through medication. *hugs* So yeah.. I totally understand..

The best part: My doctor won't give me a hysterectomy because I'm "Only 26 and have no children".

Whatever you do, don't let them put you on Lupron. It really messes up your body and in my experience and the stories of others, generally dosn't work.

Feel free to PM me about whatever. I've found alot of little tricks to dealing with this.

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  • 2 months later...

I always get support from this crowd, I swear! :grin

It feels great to know that any one of you even care enough to reply.

Onyx, as usual thank you for your continued advice and concern. :kiss

Float...so what happened with your wife? Just assure her you can be her best assett as well as her strength and NEVER reject her when she's emotionally 'down' man that kills women who are ill, in worse ways than ANY illnes can.

Nienna- I'm sorry you have to deal with this as well. i had the 1st stage at 18 with cervical cancer activity. Nailed that :cool When I got my tubes tied due to a husband with severe genetic disorders, (he had 2 sons one of which was terminal), so they agreed to do the ligation. that was about 5 years i think and they showed me a pic of it :ralph and it was hideous!

Now I'm divorced and likely going thru the BIG CHANGE early :bravo just what one needs when fighting numerous problems right? So YES in short Nienna...i would like someone to help me deal with this since Monday I felt like I was being tortured! The area just above the pubis was in so much pain nothing would help. I had to take a narcotic pain killer which i hate to do. I only slept for 3 hours and then took something so I'd sleep all day long. My poor dog is so pissed at me :sleeping

So if anyone has anything to share. SHARE :tear I hate feeling so alone in this. It really sucks being strong sometimes, but I try. So on top of begining my mensus and doubling over with pain all day, my weekend was alright :confused

I'm always open to hugs :pirate ...practically steal 'em if I know you won't hit me!

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((((hugs)))) I hate losing sleep from pain.

This is a piccy of that emergen-C stuff. Year before last my girls and I were sick all winter - I even got warnings from their schools they missed so many days and had to get doc's notes for them so they could make up work.

Last year we took the emergenC in water or juice once a day and a little more if we were coming down with something and we never got sick! They didn't miss school and I didn't miss work. It won't help your pain problem but it'll at least build up that immune system so you don't have other crap to deal with. Nothing worse than having a migrainewith the flu on top of that to deal with.


I was really skeptical about it but I really think it kept us from

being sick last year. I definitely have more energy when I remember

to take it. (OK, I'll shut up now, lol)

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((((hugs))))  I hate losing sleep from pain.

This is a piccy of that emergen-C stuff.  Year before last my girls and I were sick all winter - I even got warnings from their schools they missed so many days and had to get doc's notes for them so they could make up work.

Last year we took the emergenC in water or juice once a day and a little more if we were coming down with something and we never got sick!  They didn't miss school and I didn't miss work.  It won't help your pain problem but it'll at least build up that immune system so you don't have other crap to deal with. Nothing worse than having a migrainewith the flu on top of that to deal with.


I was really skeptical about it but I really think it kept us from

being sick last year.  I definitely have more energy when I remember

to take it.  (OK, I'll shut up now, lol)


Ok but Onyx is it orange juice in any way...you know that can be a migraine trigger...cirtus of all kinds. Talk about CRAPPY but it's true :innocent

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Ok but Onyx is it orange juice in any way...you know that can be a migraine trigger...cirtus of all kinds. Talk about CRAPPY but it's true :innocent


No juice, just vitamins. (and I can not even find a multivitamin pill I can take - something in them triggers migraines for me).

For some reason I can take this fine. I've only tried the raspberry flavor though.

My migraine triggers have changed too - very strange. My mom can't eat strawberries and I can. I can now drink orange juice but mangoes are a trigger and never were before. Infuriating body of mine! I think I figure it out and it changes.

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I have to go get a laproscopy done on the 16th...."possibly" remove my ovary? UH-Yeah, I need that....... :confused

That is like telling a guy, "Hey, Uh, you need to get your testicle removed." :doh


I hate this.

I refused anymore hormone treatments as of this month. Was too much to handle. Was making me insane. I could feel hormone surges. Urges to do things I normally wouldn't in my right mind. I feel alot better, but it's back to the period every 1 1/2 to 2 weeks.....I can handle that. I can handle pain over insanity.

I am so against hormones AKA birth control. I think that is why alot of woman are diagnosed as manic/depressive early on.

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No juice, just vitamins.  (and I can not even find a multivitamin pill I can take - something in them triggers migraines for me). 

For some reason I can take this fine.  I've only tried the raspberry flavor though.

My migraine triggers have changed too - very strange.  My mom can't eat strawberries and I can.  I can now drink orange juice but mangoes are a trigger and never were before.  Infuriating body of mine!  I think I figure it out and it changes.


MANGOS? :confused Now that IS a new one on me. It's supposed to be MOST citrus fruits in general so who the hell knows? The one thing you can count on about migraines...fucking changes CONSTANTLY. Are your Inderal still working? I just started it a few months ago and it's great :grin I just feel Awfully fatigued which may be from the Epstien Barr instead but who knows? Well I love ya Onyx...you're my pal and I'll always be here for you to chat with no matter what :grin

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I have to go get a laproscopy done on the 16th...."possibly" remove my ovary? UH-Yeah, I need that....... :confused

That is like telling a guy, "Hey, Uh, you need to get your testicle removed."  :doh


I hate this. 

I refused anymore hormone treatments as of this month.  Was too much to handle.  Was making me insane.  I could feel hormone surges.  Urges to do things I normally wouldn't in my right mind.  I feel alot better, but it's back to the period every 1 1/2 to 2 weeks.....I can handle that.  I can handle pain over insanity. 

I am so against hormones AKA birth control.  I think that is why alot of woman are diagnosed as manic/depressive early on.


:ohmy: Shitty deeal Kellygirrl but listen...your womanhood won't go anyplace. You'll still be the hottie you are now. Same terrific sense of humor and wild side to boot. Don't you fret na ya yhea :wink

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Aww, honey....

I can't lie and say that I know what you're going through. However, I would make as much noise as possible to get your feelings out and your point across! Don't let one moron get to you....



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MANGOS?  :confused Now that IS a new one on me. It's supposed to be MOST citrus fruits in general so who the hell knows? The one thing you can count on about migraines...fucking changes CONSTANTLY. Are your Inderal still working? I just started it a few months ago and it's great  :grin I just feel Awfully fatigued which may be from the Epstien Barr instead but who knows? Well I love ya Onyx...you're my pal and I'll always be here for you to chat with no matter what :grin


Yes, the Inderal is doing great for me. It also fixes a couple other problems I was having (irregular heartbeat/palpitations) and no noticeable side effects. Inderal can cause fatigue but I haven't noticed it myself. Beats constant migraines for sure.

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Yes, the Inderal is doing great for me.  It also fixes a couple other problems I was having (irregular heartbeat/palpitations) and no noticeable side effects.  Inderal can cause fatigue but I haven't noticed it myself.  Beats constant migraines for sure.


I'll be damned if it's not helping a lot :swoon I suggested it due to your info so thanks. I have the sweats so bad though and I have to make it stop soon it's fkn embarassing me.

Although I may just be going into menopause.... =(

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i would like someone to help me deal with this since Monday I felt like I was being tortured! The area just above the pubis was in so much pain nothing would help. I had to take a narcotic pain killer which i hate to do. I only slept for 3 hours and then took something so I'd sleep all day long. My poor dog is so pissed at me  :sleeping


I take Narcotic pain pills pretty much daily for pain so no ideas there.. nothing over the copunter works. If I'm in alot of pain, pressure there seems to help. I actually have made corsets specifically to apply steady pressure to my pain areas. Maybe I'm just weird though.

I have to go get a laproscopy done on the 16th...."possibly" remove my ovary? THAT IS HALF OF MY WOMANHOOD DAMMIT



*Hugs* That can suck. If it's any comfort though, I lost 1 1/4 ovary about 4 years ago and am able to retain all of my womanness without additional hormones. (It was trying to grow another head... literally, full of hair and teeth *shudder*) My problem is ongoing, and they swing alot so sometimes I'm alittle crazy, but they're all my own. =) The after surgery, still adjusting thing was hell though. Make sure you don't spend too much time alone. The depression really was hard to control for me on my own. GOOD LUCK!

If they do go with just the laproscopy BTW, it's a cakewalk. Last time I had it done I was drunk at a party 4 days later. :grin

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Nienna baby if you could do that to help me...I'd love you for the rest of your sexy lifetime! I always like how you dress and I could use to help in both areas...pain and fashion sense.

Would you mind? I'd pay you for your time really. It would be fun too :woot:

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Nienna baby if you could do that to help me...I'd love you for the rest of your sexy lifetime! I always like how you dress and I could use to help in both areas...pain and fashion sense.

Would you mind? I'd pay you for your time really. It would be fun too  :woot:


You betcha! A long front victorian works wonders.. it hold firmly that lovely extra fat it makes us girls grow in that area, but just cups the hiops so it dosn't cause sitting issues.. Only really helps for the club for me, but it's still NICE to be able to dance sometimes. PM me your info.

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Of course I won't pretend to understand what you are going thru. My ex was on steriod therapy as a child after a car accident and that caused some major problems for her so I do understand what the pain does to you. All I can say is I am sending positive and caring thoughts towards all the people suffering and I hope things get better for all of you. I am also available for kicking some medical ass if needed. Building tooo much frustration and need an outllet soon or I will go INSANE, 1 fry short of a happy meal, bonkers...etc.. Sorry, but I really do care and hope for the best for all suffering pain. While I have no idea of what itis doing to you, I do have a good shoulder if you need to just vent.

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On this topic: I just moved to the Detroit area and I need a OB/GYN that can treat this logically and get off the "You neeeeeedddd to pop babies!! Nothing is more important!" thing and actuattly TREAT my issue. I have medical insurance as of next month and I'm looking to get all this jank removed and be done with this. Anybody have recommendations? They need to take Blue Cross...

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i know a few people with that endo

havenot really spoken with em in years on a count they are peices of shit moraly

but when i was helping them they needed and were aware of exactly the right dose of pain killers on that special day s of the month

one girl 95 pounds required 13 soma's over 3 days

the other needed two vicodens a day for 2-3 days only way to stop the crying.

they tell me giving birth helps to clear it up. ahh i love wemon

all the advise i have really.

im not god or id help you out you know. :cat:

sensative issue

we used to play god when we were kids in church i was like 7

we'd be running all over durring the sermon hitting each other with he-man action figures and screaming out "tag your god" "nah uh your god you didn't touch me "

we were bad kids. :grin

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