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Endometriosis...a.k.a. CANCER


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HEy even better news...

i have systoms of a pregnancy going on!

Is this awesome or what? Ok who has the gun, who has the knife, who has the poison and who has the funeral pyre?

I'm about ready for the whole boatload!


Getting PG can help endo.. but you know.. lupron puts you into a chemical menopause... so your body will probably not have a period.. and will act like you're either PG or menopausal.. or psychotic in my case. Talk to your doc asap. they use that drug to treat endo.. but they also gave it to my grandpa for PROSTATE CANCER! That can't be right.

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Uh uhhhhhhhh I'm not even considering carrying a :devil baby ok.

I told my mum what you said about your lupron experiance, she's freaked now but she's wondering how you & I could differ or be the same in that right.

I would not be able to handle a lunatic fringe right now.

So if i tell them NO LUPRON then what? I'm about to write the GYN a letter about it so I'd love more imput for my ammo.

Girl, I'm dizzy, cramping, upper abdominals are sore, right ovary is screaming, spotting and everything. WTF am I supposed to be doing? Just wait it out like these assholes think I can...what's your thought?

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Uh uhhhhhhhh I'm not even considering carrying a :devil baby ok.

I told my mum what you said about your lupron experiance, she's freaked now but she's wondering how you & I could differ or be the same in that right.

I would not be able to handle a lunatic fringe right now.

So if i tell them NO LUPRON then what? I'm about to write the GYN a letter about it so I'd love more imput for my ammo.

Girl, I'm dizzy, cramping, upper abdominals are sore, right ovary is screaming, spotting and everything. WTF am I supposed to be doing? Just wait it out like these assholes think I can...what's your thought? just rot until fkn December...lol.

This is so incredibly stupid! :doh

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That's what I did. They even hit me with a low levil chemo at one point. I'm still sick. They just go in from time to time and laser off the endo..a nd I get to feel like crap for half of every month. This is my life on a steaming platter. *sigh* and the thing is... it's better than it used to be. Gah. I'm aiming for a hysterectomy, but they say even that won't always completely cure it, because the endo can grow anywhere in the body. I have some in my lungs.. and possibly my brain even. That's why I get bad asthma and headaches round that time of the month. It's sooo sucky. I don't have an answer either.. tyr to live with it I guess. I wish I didn't have to work though. That would make life alot easier for me. *pouting*

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AH so all we really need to do is...find a sexy thing to take care of us right? hell wanna move to FL w/ me? My buddy Spoon, new DGN'r said he'd take us in if we keep up the bills!

GOOD GAWD this pain is totally unreal. I LOVE you for talking with me hun. Sorry we haven't gotten together yet

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Meh.. I went ot the new doctor today. He agreed to a hysterectomy but only if I try Lupron again first.. so now he wants me to be on this drug that ruins my life, didn't give me any sort of pain control methods, and wants to have me see a shrink for the suicdal emotional state the Lupron puts me in! He wants me to do thi for 3 months! I may as well just off myself now. This is a nightmare.

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I agree nienna. In my case he wants a cripple, who lives alone, who can barely make it day to day unless she's toasted in some form to try some bullshit drug that may make me go fkn crazed and i already have a history from migraine drug interactions of almost killing my ass off! WTF? I'm making my pain therpist write this fucker a letter.

If I miss out on my 35th year of life I'll be pissed and someone will be in court over it. Not that it would help ME but JEEZ who the hell do they think they are?

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Can't you get the records from the old GYN/OB and give them to this character?

What's the point in torturing you?

Is it the 'baby' bullshit again? If so tell them your fkn gay and you have been since birth now give ya the damned surgery. I'll go is as your butchy g/f is ya want :wink

If you need any help getting thru this in any way at all woman you'd better tell me. I mean this. Don't make me find you to see how you're feeling..I would like to think we had a bond here ok.

Tonight's report...

Stomach sore and swollen with a mix of spots and severe knife-like stabbing pain in the right ovary. Major intestinal disturbances and sore ribs.


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Tonight's report: Belly full of steak and happy... Ovary is pissed and screaming.. the is a medium sized pebble lodged in there somewhere or something.. I think it's on fire.

And no.. my insurance requires I try Lupron, without sucess, twice before they will pay for the surgery.. why?? Because I;m 26, with no kids. They are also making me see a shrink to make sure that my mental state is correct to decide not to have kids. It's such a load of scholck.

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Weekend report: Nothing to say that's good.

Thios Lupron Depot shit is scaring me! I'm already seeing a therapist for pain and she wants to know what the hell is the hold up? :happy: Great gal. Can you choose your therapist? Hope you get lucky like I did. Mine nade life much easier.

Honey if you need me to ever come by just to hug ya while you get drunk I WILL...I'd likely join you. :grin

Where does the injection go anyway? I don't want it!

help me Nienna Kinobee...you're my only hope :nut

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Weekend report: Nothing to say that's good.

Thios Lupron Depot shit is scaring me! I'm already seeing a therapist for pain and she wants to know what the hell is the hold up?  :happy: Great gal. Can you choose your therapist? Hope you get lucky like I did. Mine nade life much easier.

Honey if you need me to ever come by just to hug ya while you get drunk I WILL...I'd likely join you. :grin

Where does the injection go anyway? I don't want it!

help me Nienna Kinobee...you're my only hope  :nut


Seriously.. just don't do the Lupron.. they have found several instances that it can cause absolute permanant neurological damage! I'm going to another doctor next week to see if they have something else to say.

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If you have a good, dedicated doctor, you can fight the insurance company's recommendation. I did that with my migraine treatment, was a very long drawn-out mess but I finally got them to pay for enough Imitrex so that I wasn't running out (this was before I found a good preventative).

If you find a doctor who will recommend the hysterectomy and point out that Lupron made you psychotic and that you CAN NOT take it, they can be made to cooperate, though it will likely take a battle.

I hate insurance companies who try to dictate unnecessary treatment.

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:woot: Try and say that 5 times fast!

Thursday I will be getting a series of neuro injections in the front of my spine so that the drug tells the brain that the bundle of nerves in my pelvis do not hurt.

It's not a FIX it's just for pain control. This is not to fix my Endo at all just to make the pain tolerable and that is IF it works. I do get knocked out for it so that's fun :nut

Gotta find me a ride to/from home for Thursday it looks like.

When the shots wear off, I am to go back and get another series to shut the pain center off and so on until I get a total resolution for the issue like the Lupron or the Hysterectomy. I mailed a letter to my Dr today about not wanting to use Lupron ladies. thanks for the encouragment. i just hope that it helps me. More news later...

Back to you gals... :whistling

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  • 3 weeks later...

:blink :blink :blink Ok so the pain LIVES!

I'm still experiencing blood that should not be there for the past month and I want to knwo why I can't get emergency surgery.

:wink My GYN is cool he hinted that we need to try Lupron 1st AND if it works we can set up a not-so-urgent ER visit with him. Can you believe that I called the insurance provider and they told me I have NO...hospital stay care! :ohmy:

They cover emergencies though now don't they :wink

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