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DGN day at Ren Fest aftermath!


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Was glad that they day my group decided to go coincided with DGN day :) Saw Aaron Hingst, The Osakakoneko, Raev, Siren and many more! Ate, drank and was pretty darn merry ;) Picked up a cute scarf, a top, some incense, honey sticks and some delicious smoked mozzarella. Saw a bit of the Stone Clovers, Sean from Servitor Sanctum, watched some friends kick ass and take names at the strong man sledge hammer thingy and in the archery area. Good times!

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I think we should have a DGN day at Ren Fest every year. :yes


First year I ventured into the pub...have discovered is where all cool people coalesce!

Much fun was had. I got tuckered out an hour before closing (too much sunlight and lack of sleep from the previous night finally wore me down).

Also...Iris had bag-inception!

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One of the best times I've ever had at Ren Fest!

It was awesome seeing everyone out, and getting a chance to hang out a bit.

Definitely looking forward to doing it again next year!

Here are a few pics.

And if anyone doesn't want their pic up, just let me know, and I'll take it down ;)



Chernobyl getting arrested at the end of the day



This one is totally blurry due to low light/shutter speed, but I love it!








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Oh, well. If you went, you know it was awesome, and if you didn't, well then you better make sure your butt is there next year with the rest of us ;)

Then next year it is everyone elses responsibility to make sure I don't do anything stupid like have a drunk asshole plow into me...LOL... seriously, I'm glad everyone had a great time though

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Then next year it is everyone elses responsibility to make sure I don't do anything stupid like have a drunk asshole plow into me...LOL... seriously, I'm glad everyone had a great time though

You're the only one I know who has a valid excuse, lol

When I heard the conversation at Eternal's, you're such a tough guy that I half expected you to say you were coming, you were just going to be a little late, hahaha.

Glad you're on the mend, and that you decided not to push yourself.

When you're all healed, I think we should all celebrate with the following gesture in unison:


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Oh, crap! What happened? Can FaceBook pics not be seen on here? Hmmmmmm.

Damn. Sorry :(

Oh, well. If you went, you know it was awesome, and if you didn't, well then you better make sure your butt is there next year with the rest of us ;)

You can't directly link from FB, just from Photobucket or other hosting sites that allow remote loading.

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