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It's probably best this way. The media is corporate owned. They'll try to distort things and discredit the whole movement. Word of mouth via trusted friends works fine.

I'm going to a planning meeting Monday evening and also to whatever event is planed for Friday the 21st.

We are the 99%

PS - Stop worrying about who's involved and worry about who might infiltrate and distort the message from the targeted groups/companies/government agencies..

The mainstream is covering it now. (see last line)

I have to worry when it comes to unions because of the already distorted message they put out.

It has been infiltrated by provocateurs to make the cops look less villainous and the mainstream media isn't showing anyone moderate to right. The wanna be insider pundits who lie by claiming to be conservative but care for nothing but their pockets, are all stating that this is just a liberal movement too. I think that the coin is desperately trying to redivide the people that are there and prevent additional unification.

This weekend I am going to be across the street from 165 West Quincy Street, Chicago, IL.

OCCUPY THE FED! :thumbsup: Hope my map is right and I can bypass the tolls and still save money.

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Initially the Tea Party protests had a stronger emphasis on criticizing banks and the Fed, until the Republicans basically took over the movement.

I'm hoping that the Occupy Wallstreet movement keeps it's main message strong, stays outside the dead end blame shifting contest of both of the main political parties and doesn't get similarly infiltrated over time...

Edited by Enishi
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And it will fail again if people think like you. Ignore the past, ignore the differences and work to unite under the things we hold in common. Period.

I tried the coexist thing in college and it didn't work...humans aren't meant to agree in the way that people are looking for. They set standards and if you are not with them you are against them. Speak out one word that is ever so slightly different than their idea and you are the enemy. I was told to tolerate and look for the good but things I did were not tolerated for some odd reason that nobody could explain...but as an evil smoker I should know to keep my dirty DIRTY opinions out of things because my position on that completely negates everything else that I have to say.

I am not ignoring the past I just have a different view...a means to an end that isn't following the same path as others. However, we lost our footing a while ago and some of our more recent past is going to come back to haunt us...kinda like Kennedy dicking around in the middle east did.

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Someone shook the wrong tree.


That was a frickin awesome video lol. I have to admit that it seems like a movie with what they are doing. A secret society plunging into hell and giving hell for the people. Inquiring minds wanna know, what may be the hidden agenda? lol

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Ah... did not know that... is this (specifically named) something that was called this before the wallstreet thing? Or is this something more recent?

I'm not sure, I heard about both at near the exact same time. I would have to go through my phone records to find out witch one I heard about first.

However OtW sounded like a co-opt of the other Occupy the's to me. I mean all the information is so vague that it put the early Occupy Wallstreet vagueness to shame.

I do know that I heard the name Occupy the Fed months before I heard of anything else but that only shows I was listening to libertarians a little more closely.

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there were over a thousand people at the planning meeting this past Monday night.

phase 1 of Occupy Detroit starts Friday, Oct. 14 with a rally at 4 PM at the City County Bldg. at Woodward and Jefferson.

march up Woodward to Grand Circus park (a lil' less than 3/4 mile)begins at 6 PM

I don't do Facebook, but apparently there's a Occupy Detroit page up and running.

Edited by Simon Bar Sinister
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I did not realize that Canada had the same... magnitude of income distribution issues as the U.S.... :0

Which country doesn't? Even in the Dominican Republic and Haiti there are a handful of people with Hummers and other brand new and expensive vehicles living in giant houses while rest of the people in the province have shit. It just depends on how the people react to it.

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Which country doesn't? Even in the Dominican Republic and Haiti there are a handful of people with Hummers and other brand new and expensive vehicles living in giant houses while rest of the people in the province have shit. It just depends on how the people react to it.

In answer to your question... out of the 125 countries taken in this survey, 73 countries have better income distribution than the US. And 29 have better income distribution than Canada.


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In answer to your question... out of the 125 countries taken in this survey, 73 countries have better income distribution than the US. And 29 have better income distribution than Canada.


But what do they get for it? Haiti is high on that list at number 8 but our group there had more people at the clinics than any other relief site...they also had to carry at least a 9mm pistol at all times because of the crime, pirates, crooked cops working for the drug people, and number of terror threats...

I mean to me it looks like even if income distribution is better that doesn't always help things very much...give someone 75% of jack shit and what can they do with it? Statistics are nice until you apply them to real world situations and then it gets much more fuzzy. Not saying it is pure hell in all of those places or that the numbers don't count for anything but still...the Ford Pinto looked good on paper along with other cars but we all know how that went.

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But what do they get for it? Haiti is high on that list at number 8 but our group there had more people at the clinics than any other relief site...they also had to carry at least a 9mm pistol at all times because of the crime, pirates, crooked cops working for the drug people, and number of terror threats...

I mean to me it looks like even if income distribution is better that doesn't always help things very much...give someone 75% of jack shit and what can they do with it? Statistics are nice until you apply them to real world situations and then it gets much more fuzzy. Not saying it is pure hell in all of those places or that the numbers don't count for anything but still...the Ford Pinto looked good on paper along with other cars but we all know how that went.

You are looking at the list wrong... the top of the list is where THE INEQUALITY IS THE HIGHEST.. IE the top of the list is where there is a higher division between rich and poor, the lower is where rich and poor are more even....

In other words to be number 8 on the list is much worse than where we are.... we are number 53... still worse than over half the list. 125 is Denmark where there is the LEAST DIVISION of income between rich and poor.

If you look closer the ones near the bottom of the list.... the ones where the divide between rich and poor is less than the others, the quality of life is a lot higher.... I think it is a bad sign that Cambodia is beating us... Almost all the European countries have better income equality than us... we are hanging out with Ghana and Senegal! No wonder we are having this occupy movement.!

Edited by phee
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You are looking at the list wrong... the top of the list is where THE INEQUALITY IS THE HIGHEST.. IE the top of the list is where there is a higher division between rich and poor, the lower is where rich and poor are more even....

In other words to be number 8 on the list is much worse than where we are.... we are number 53... still worse than over half the list. 125 is Denmark where there is the LEAST DIVISION of income between rich and poor.

If you look closer the ones near the bottom of the list.... the ones where the divide between rich and poor is less than the others, the quality of life is a lot higher.... I think it is a bad sign that Cambodia is beating us... Almost all the European countries have better income equality than us... we are hanging out with Ghana and Senegal! No wonder we are having this occupy movement.!

Oh shit! My bad...sorry I just got off of a 36 hour duty shift so my basic functions are...not functioning properly right now.

I was going thinking that the list looked funny I just didn't process it right now. One thing I would like to say is that even in the Dominican where it is bad I actually had trouble finding unhappy people. I still have issues with how the movement is handling things...not saying they shouldn't be there but they are seeming to take on policies that have killed other movements.

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I did not realize that Canada had the same... magnitude of income distribution issues as the U.S.... :0

Right now Ontario is the worst case scenario in Canada and I blame Dalton McGuinty. It would take me all day to explain all of the ways in which he has raped the province, so I will sum it up for you. What would happen if Kwame Kilpatrick was running an entire province? That is Dalton McGuinty. Nothing more than a crook.

A handful of years ago, Ontario was the wealthiest province in Canada. Now we are the poorest.

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