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A fantasy, mystery, crime drama.

NBC Fridays 9/8c

Debut 10/28/2011

I saw the season premier episode yesterday. Meh number 1. I'll give it 5.5 out of 10.

It is a crime drama where the premise is fairytale creatures have a basis in reality.

Because it is on NBC I expected better than the first episode of Buffy (I didn't start watching till s03 and still haven't been able to sit through s01) but then again ABC proved a major network can quickly produce a supernatural flop so I don't really know why I expected better than Buffy.

Hopefully e02 "Bears Will Be Bears" will be better.

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Second episode, now I feel insulted.

The three bears as originally told where not monsters and Goldilocks deserved to be eaten, it was a parable about trespassing and theft after all. So why make bad guys from the bears? Did these guys read the real Grimm stories or the modernized feel good pansy ass abridged versions?

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What is with the dueling fairytale TV shows?

I think the Peacock got to full of itself and thought it could take on the fairytale master but just to be safe didn't try to out right oppose it.

Smart move the not airing opposite part, because even if Once Upon a Time didn't exist, Grimm only got about 6.5 million views on e01(that's basic cable level)then lost a million by e02. Bring OUAT back into the picture and it got near double with the same loss.

I think that the viewers of OUAT will feel insulted watching Grimm unless they are hard core fairytale fans.

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