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Music association request thread...


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Chrome by VnV Nation. The album wasnt perfect by any means, but god that song was so over played I can barley listen to ANY vnv now.

Which goth/punk band had the best mo/deathawk

Looks like I pulled a DJ Saint :p

Answer, damn not sure, spent too much time with the more modern Punk Rock bands who didn't do a lot of the mohawk thing, and never really paid that much attention to the style of the hair of the bands I listen to, so I'll just say Rancid, and move on :D

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"walking on sunshine" - Katrina and the Waves

name a song or album that you listen to for the sound even though you don't like the music.

(Good question)

Lady Gaga... Bad Romance.

What piece of music makes you want to travel the most?

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Looks like I pulled a DJ Saint :p

Answer, damn not sure, spent too much time with the more modern Punk Rock bands who didn't do a lot of the mohawk thing, and never really paid that much attention to the style of the hair of the bands I listen to, so I'll just say Rancid, and move on :D

look up images of "Johnny Slut"

AS for the driving one, lame as it is...Drive by A23

A band you only listen to in solitude.

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look up images of "Johnny Slut"

AS for the driving one, lame as it is...Drive by A23

A band you only listen to in solitude.

Mainly Steve Roach.... Dark Ambient stuff.... that kind of thing.

Best music to listen to on headphones?

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A) I know the standard answer is supposed to be Pink Floyd or something to that effect. But for me, it's Electric Light Orchestra.

Q) Do you really think Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Eric Clapton were/are "all that?"

Oh no.... the correct answer is something by Cevin Cay... or perhaps yello... ;)

I think they were at the time... but it is hard to tell by today's standards.

Your dream musical instrument?

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I'm gonna field two questions to get us back to speed :p

Q) Do you really think Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Eric Clapton were/are "all that?"

I think they added to the overall framework of music certainly, but perhaps people hold them in higher regards than they should. Joplin not so much "all that" whereas Hendrix was innovative and guitarist today are still mocking his style so yes. Clapton debatable as he really perfected an earlier blues influence on his playing. Perhaps not "all that" but rather skilled.

Q) Your dream musical instrument?

It would have to be some type of crazy Einstruzende Neubauten type of contraption that made an awesome variety of noisy percussion sounds?

And my question,

Q) What 1976 chart-topping song did Barry Manilow sing, but not write?

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I'm gonna field two questions to get us back to speed :p

Q) Do you really think Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Eric Clapton were/are "all that?"

I think they added to the overall framework of music certainly, but perhaps people hold them in higher regards than they should. Joplin not so much "all that" whereas Hendrix was innovative and guitarist today are still mocking his style so yes. Clapton debatable as he really perfected an earlier blues influence on his playing. Perhaps not "all that" but rather skilled.

Q) Your dream musical instrument?

It would have to be some type of crazy Einstruzende Neubauten type of contraption that made an awesome variety of noisy percussion sounds?

And my question,

Q) What 1976 chart-topping song did Barry Manilow sing, but not write?

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What 1976 chart-topping song did Barry Manilow sing, but not write?

I wouldn't know without cheating and looking up the answer, but I just wanted to say, "oh, yeah, remember that question about what's in your music collection that you might NOT want to admit to owning...?"

Yeah. That. Guilty. Sorry. I realize I've probably lost any goth cred I might have once had, but I ownz me some Barry. "Could It Be Magic" definitely also would be a suitable answer for songs that are goth but not.

Back to this thread. Since I didn't answer, the Manilow Question passes to the next contestant.

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And my question,

Q) What 1976 chart-topping song did Barry Manilow sing, but not write?

oops Mr. Saint did not ask a question within the guidelines.... as this is not a trivia quiz:

From the first post:

"Anyway... here is the idea, it is sort of a "Get To Know DGN Musically" thread. You answer the question asked by the person in the previous post, then ask one of your own for the next person. The question can be any opinion based question somehow involving music.... "

So next question.

What is your favorite language (other than your own native language) that you like to hear music vocals in?

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And my question,

Q) What 1976 chart-topping song did Barry Manilow sing, but not write?

oops Mr. Saint did not ask a question within the guidelines.... as this is not a trivia quiz:

From the first post:

"Anyway... here is the idea, it is sort of a "Get To Know DGN Musically" thread. You answer the question asked by the person in the previous post, then ask one of your own for the next person. The question can be any opinion based question somehow involving music.... "

So next question.

What is your favorite language (other than your own native language) that you like to hear music vocals in?

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A) Italian. Because I'm a Dean Martin freak and he did a few songs in Italian.

Q) What musical genre do you like that might be considered unusual to the general DGN populace?

I would say Soukous music.

What are the elements that are essential to good song writing in your opinion?

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Counting Crows

Favorite Theme song.

Currently... the theme song to American Horror Story.... *drool*

Awesome Dark Ambient/Noise Track with a strange Southwestern feel to it.

Song you wish you could here right at this moment?

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Song you wish you could here right at this moment?

Only Rain by Bad Religion

In fact I will listen to it now :)

What Cover version of a song do you feel is better than the original or at least more closely represents the nature of said song (meaning it may not be better than the original, but it works in regards to the themes present in the song)?

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What Cover version of a song do you feel is better than the original or at least more closely represents the nature of said song (meaning it may not be better than the original, but it works in regards to the themes present in the song)?

A)Jeff Buckley's version of "Alleluia."

Nobody should have done it after he did. And I'm sick of how it's being beat to death by American Idol contestants and the like.

Q) Two part question: A) What Christmas song is your favorite and B) What Christmas song would you like never heard played again?

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A)Jeff Buckley's version of "Alleluia."

Nobody should have done it after he did. And I'm sick of how it's being beat to death by American Idol contestants and the like.

Q) Two part question: A) What Christmas song is your favorite and B) What Christmas song would you like never heard played again?

A. Rob Zombie's version of Jingle Bells

B. Every other Christmas song in history

If you were sending a spacecraft into the void with one song playing with the hope that extraterrestrials would find it, what song would you have them hear?

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A. Rob Zombie's version of Jingle Bells

B. Every other Christmas song in history

If you were sending a spacecraft into the void with one song playing with the hope that extraterrestrials would find it, what song would you have them hear?

Damn, christmas song would have been a good one (would have gone with "Fuck Christmas" by Fear myself)

In regards to your question: Tom Waits, any song. Any Extraterrestrials worth knowing should be fans of Tom Waits :p

What song do you enjoy singing in random locations (shower, airport lounge, wandering the aisles of Wal-Mart, etc)?

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What is the most fun you have ever had listening to music?

A) A live orchestral performance of music from Warner Brothers cartoons at Meadowbrook in the 80's. The orchestra alternated between playing pieces solo, and accompanying the cartoons themselves.

When the conductor walked out, someone did shout, "LEOPOLD!" It was beyond awesome.

Q) Is there a type of music you actually wish you could enjoy or think you should, but you just don't?

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