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Ok so Im sure most of you and I know this from talking to most of you that our beloved Detroit gothic .net is not what it used to be. When you can post 3 times and be a top poster something is seriously wrong. I think we all need to get off our asses and start recruiting more people. We are all friends with many DGNers who no longer post. Get on facebook or the phone or whatever and try to get them active again. We also have so many creative people here so lets start new threads. If we sit on our asses and do nothing we will loose this forever. So many great freinds were made here as well as many couples. Its time to give back people.

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I've been such a slacker. I guess when life goes to hell, you just narrow your focus and DGN wasn't in my sights. You are very right. I've met great people and made wonderful friendships because of DGN. I will hense forth make more of an effort.

Edited by Ryle Hira
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I've actually had a resurgence of posting on DGN over the past few months, after years of absence.

But overall, my willingness to put time into message boards has strongly waned. I'm just more interested in doing things offline.

And yes, I do spend more time on FB now. It's just a little bit more gratifying to have conversations with people I actually know and have more in common with.

I'm not so steeped in the goth scene anymore, and left the Detroit area a couple years ago. I hadn't even been to City Club in 2-3 years prior to moving. So I'm feeling a little "on the fringes" of the general DGN populace.

DGN isn't alone. Just about every other board I've been on in the past few years has either totally shut down or have maybe a post or two per week. DGN is actually doing much better than similar boards.

I've found that people just plain move on. I'd be willing to bet 90% of the people I saw regularly at City Club when I went there regularly (between about 1995 and 2005) don't go anymore.

It's kind of like a graduating class that says they'll get together after graduation, but never really does.

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Until the singleism and other stereotypes stop on here maybe I'll come back,besides I got bored on here after a lot of the really cool people left.aside from that I

too busy at work,sleeping,drinking and concerts.here and there I'm on Facebook,but even that is starting to get boring since everyone now believes in just hanging out online only.

Why I destroyed my sim card in my phone,and quit calling anyone, and just use it as a web browser and mp3 now.we will see if this site survives another year,only time will tell.living online and never socializing in person is not my kind of lifestyle.

Though I do miss DGN back when I joined several years ago.

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There are several other forums I visit where people are have commented on activity fading over time. To an extent I think that over the past 15 years since the Internet began to really take off people have had tons of things to discuss, and now, the novelty of forum discussion has somewhat worn off and everyone feels like they said what they wanted to say (along with burnout from endless debating). Such trends do vary though, new forums that address old topics in a new way generally get a surge of activity for a 2-3 year period.

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(along with burnout from endless debating).

This is a big part of my own increased lack of interest in online discussions, be them message boards, etc.

As I've gotten older, I've started realizing how much happier I am by cutting out negatives in my life. Be it negative people, negative habits, or negative discussions.

So much about internet discussions seems to boil down to one-upsmanship, debate or controversy.

It gets stifling and I start feeling smothered. I physically manifest negativity pretty strongly, and this sort of thing just wears me out, and then I'm not good for anything all day.

I don't mind some good back-and-forth on issues. But it's not important to me to beat a subject to death, especially when it's apparent that the person I'm talking to is in no way interested in my input or in looking at different sides of an issue.

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Even though I am usually on of the top posters on the board, the main reason I dont post as much is because most of the people on this board just right me off as a troll. I will post, but usually its only about a DJ event/concert I am participating in, or a music thread that Phee starts, because me and him seem to have alot in common. I think I started loosing faith when I saw that a thread for for the new "Sound Garden" album had more hits than the new "Alien Sex Fiend". There isnt a goth scene any more and most of the industrial scene is stuck in the past.

Although I have made several very good friends via DGN, which is probably why I post. I probably would not have started DJing either. Just wish that there were more people in this city that shared my opinions.

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Even though I am usually on of the top posters on the board, the main reason I dont post as much is because most of the people on this board just right me off as a troll. I will post, but usually its only about a DJ event/concert I am participating in, or a music thread that Phee starts, because me and him seem to have alot in common. I think I started loosing faith when I saw that a thread for for the new "Sound Garden" album had more hits than the new "Alien Sex Fiend". There isnt a goth scene any more and most of the industrial scene is stuck in the past.

Although I have made several very good friends via DGN, which is probably why I post. I probably would not have started DJing either. Just wish that there were more people in this city that shared my opinions.

There used to be a more "like minded" feel to the board (with the exception of politics... that has always been a cat fight)...

But the board does depend on solidarity as a musical/subcultural entity.... if there really is no entity, that makes it hard for a board like this to exist.

It's kind of funny because back when it was thriving, everyone in the subculture denied being in the subculture... now there virtually is no subculture and people are wondering where all of the like minded people went... Irony.

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There used to be a more "like minded" feel to the board (with the exception of politics... that has always been a cat fight)...

But the board does depend on solidarity as a musical/subcultural entity.... if there really is no entity, that makes it hard for a board like this to exist.

It's kind of funny because back when it was thriving, everyone in the subculture denied being in the subculture... now there virtually is no subculture and people are wondering where all of the like minded people went... Irony.

That and if someone posts something that isnt gum drops and sugar cookies it gets erased ;)

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Most of the "general trend" type ideas have been around for ages and like say, the fact that the universe as a whole has no edge, no center, and is expanding, locally, here on earth, its nothing like that. The earth isnt homogeneous (far from it) its not anything like the universe as a whole. (responding to any stuff like "well detroit isnt that big, or "forums arent that active in general anymore"...) I know of at least a dozen forums that have 10,000 posts a day or more, and you can find litterally thousands of forums that have say 500+ posts a day. Maybe it is true that forums are less active in general, but thats irrelvant in our context here.

There is nothing mysterious or enegmatic about why DGN is not as active as it could (should?) be.

DGN or any specific message board: what it takes is a combination of promotion (#1) and activity from just a handful (maybe 5) posters on-board to "spur" the activity of the existing posters. Both , not one or the other, both. (Tip: Ignore any naysayers they honestly are just misinformed about how activity on a message board works).

This is a lot more work than it sounds like , otherwise, the board would be doing better.

Over the last 7 years or so there is a direct up and down graph in the activity based around me busting my hump to promote (and post) and that seems to encourage others to do so, but these days I'm sick a LOT. I thought by now there would be sort of a core group that could "run the shop" without my input , and there is, in terms of moderation, but not in terms of growing the board/keeping it active. That is guys like Phee and several others, do a great job of minding the store and the acutal moderating. But the promotion/spurring of posting job is hard, and no one seems able to keep it up for long, especially if i'm not cracking the whip. (Oddly even a few specific people that were recruited as DGN staff , mainly to help promote just havent seemed to work out, at least not yet.)

The "i personally dont post because...." thing is nice and interesting, but in a broader perspective no personal story is true overall, the only thing keeping DGN from being more active is motivation, which is a difficult thing to "keep up". Especially in the context of not really having many people around that want to or just are in life situations were they CAN (some may want to help but just cannot) help (see most of the above replies).

So what does that all mean? DGN needs a few specfic people that are self motivated to 1. promote 2. post come hell or high water. Thats how I've always done it and it always works (after about say 2 months of working at it) but, i just don't have it in me at the moment , mainly due to health issues but secondarily due to $$ issues (and the lack of a "group" to drag me out kickin and screaming doesn't help).

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Most of the "general trend" type ideas have been around for ages and like say, the fact that the universe as a whole has no edge, no center, and is expanding, locally, here on earth, its nothing like that. The earth isnt homogeneous (far from it) its not anything like the universe as a whole. (responding to any stuff like "well detroit isnt that big, or "forums arent that active in general anymore"...) I know of at least a dozen forums that have 10,000 posts a day or more, and you can find litterally thousands of forums that have say 500+ posts a day. Maybe it is true that forums are less active in general, but thats irrelvant in our context here.

There is nothing mysterious or enegmatic about why DGN is not as active as it could (should?) be.

DGN or any specific message board: what it takes is a combination of promotion (#1) and activity from just a handful (maybe 5) posters on-board to "spur" the activity of the existing posters. Both , not one or the other, both. (Tip: Ignore any naysayers they honestly are just misinformed about how activity on a message board works).

This is a lot more work than it sounds like , otherwise, the board would be doing better.

Over the last 7 years or so there is a direct up and down graph in the activity based around me busting my hump to promote (and post) and that seems to encourage others to do so, but these days I'm sick a LOT. I thought by now there would be sort of a core group that could "run the shop" without my input , and there is, in terms of moderation, but not in terms of growing the board/keeping it active. That is guys like Phee and several others, do a great job of minding the store and the acutal moderating. But the promotion/spurring of posting job is hard, and no one seems able to keep it up for long, especially if i'm not cracking the whip. (Oddly even a few specific people that were recruited as DGN staff , mainly to help promote just havent seemed to work out, at least not yet.)

The "i personally dont post because...." thing is nice and interesting, but in a broader perspective no personal story is true overall, the only thing keeping DGN from being more active is motivation, which is a difficult thing to "keep up". Especially in the context of not really having many people around that want to or just are in life situations were they CAN (some may want to help but just cannot) help (see most of the above replies).

So what does that all mean? DGN needs a few specfic people that are self motivated to 1. promote 2. post come hell or high water. Thats how I've always done it and it always works (after about say 2 months of working at it) but, i just don't have it in me at the moment , mainly due to health issues but secondarily due to $$ issues (and the lack of a "group" to drag me out kickin and screaming doesn't help).

Most high activity forums have little to no censoring, or are about a topic that is constantly having new things to talk about, for instance, a forum about movies, or 4chan or redit. You can only ask what the best goth band is so many times before people just ignore the post. And wtf, no personal story is true? That doesnt make much sense.

The main reason I stick on the board is to promote the scene, or in hopes of finding a young would be goth/rivethead and teaching them the ways before they turn into and idiot (just ask Eevee). I hate City Club with a passion, as do alot of people, and since your main meet up is at city, and no where else accept maybe once or twice a year, it makes it hard for alot of people to connect to this forum.

I could care less if someone is currently horny. I care about the music, which is really what the scene is about. When someone like say, DJ Saint posts a great write up about an up and coming industrial band and gets maybe 2 posts (usually from other DJ's, meanwhile the "what have you masturbated with today"thread gets 6 new hits, it makes you wonder. I will still post hear and when I see a DGNer I will be happy to say hi, but its pretty obvious why things are a little slow around here.

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Most high activity forums have little to no censoring, or are about a topic that is constantly having new things to talk about, for instance, a forum about movies, or 4chan or redit. You can only ask what the best goth band is so many times before people just ignore the post. And wtf, no personal story is true? That doesnt make much sense.

The main reason I stick on the board is to promote the scene, or in hopes of finding a young would be goth/rivethead and teaching them the ways before they turn into and idiot (just ask Eevee). I hate City Club with a passion, as do alot of people, and since your main meet up is at city, and no where else accept maybe once or twice a year, it makes it hard for alot of people to connect to this forum.

I could care less if someone is currently horny. I care about the music, which is really what the scene is about. When someone like say, DJ Saint posts a great write up about an up and coming industrial band and gets maybe 2 posts (usually from other DJ's, meanwhile the "what have you masturbated with today"thread gets 6 new hits, it makes you wonder. I will still post hear and when I see a DGNer I will be happy to say hi, but its pretty obvious why things are a little slow around here.

Those are good points... however.... something you said in the first part (little to no censoring... which for the record I believe we have VERY LITTLE censoring here) and something you said in the second don't match up ("I could care less about if someone is currently horny).... wouldn't the first about wanting less censoring, seem to imply that you would want MORE of the uncensored stuff (In this case sex talk)?

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Those are good points... however.... something you said in the first part (little to no censoring... which for the record I believe we have VERY LITTLE censoring here) and something you said in the second don't match up ("I could care less about if someone is currently horny).... wouldn't the first about wanting less censoring, seem to imply that you would want MORE of the uncensored stuff (In this case sex talk)?

Oh im not saying they shouldnt be able to do it, im just saying that when there are threads like that on a goth board, I have no desire in reading or posting in them. And those threads seem to get the most traffic, which makes me sad, but what can you do. And you know when I say censoring, im talking about when people say negative things, not sexual censoring. AS for little censoring, thats your opinion and I will fight to the death your right to speak it, although I will say you are wrong. And the things you do or do not censor are very bias. We both know that to be true.

Edited by DJ Nocker
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Oh im not saying they shouldnt be able to do it, im just saying that when there are threads like that on a goth board, I have no desire in reading or posting in them. And those threads seem to get the most traffic, which makes me sad, but what can you do. And you know when I say censoring, im talking about when people say negative things, not sexual censoring. AS for little censoring, thats your opinion and I will fight to the death your right to speak it, although I will say you are wrong. And the things you do or do not censor are very bias. We both know that to be true.

I respectfully disagree with the last part.... only to the degree that all censoring is bias.

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It is interesting.... though, that sometimes the very thing that has made this board last so long is also one of the reasons why it is so slow lately...

When Troy founded it... one of the founding principals was that it was to be a "safe haven" or "no asshole" area for discussion.... Where someone can go and not have to hear someones racist vomit, or be called names for having a different opinion, just to talk about stuff.

Some people over the years haven't been able to handle that, and become banned.... then they come back again with a different log in... and insist and being rude and get banned ROFL. So to them, this bored is too strict... (We have of late had to keep rebanning a person who can't seem to keep himself from talking about how awesome pedophilia is for example... I don't think anyone has an issue with that being kept offboard)

On the other hand there are people who like the fact that they can stretch their legs and have an opinion counting on the mods to keep bigotry and flaming at bay.... that has been a formula that has worked for a long while now, but it appears that social media has kind of enveloped that.

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<-- raises hand and stands at the mic

I've been on DGN on and off since almost day 1.

The "Play Nice" rule has been in effect from the start. And it has been in effect through DGN's busiest times as well as it's slower times.

I've also seen similar boards with much less "censorship" die and go away.

I don't for a second see any evidence whatsoever that over-censorship has caused more than a few disgruntled jerkoffs to leave DGN entirely. And to them, I say, "good riddance."

People need to grow the fuck up. If you can't have a conversation with people - even one in which you harbor strong disagreements - and keep it civil, mature and tactful, then go sit in a room with others of your ilk and see how much genuine discourse actually takes place.

Now, as far as "deep Goth music discussions" vs "I am so fucking horny" discussions go, DGN by name is, at it's heart, Gothccentric, if you will. It started in and encompassed people who fell within a certain sphere of the Detroit Metro goth scene via Troy's college radio show initially. I can't speak for Troy, but I've always seen DGN not as a "THIS IS ONLY ABOUT ALL THINGS GOTH" enclave, but as a gathering site of sorts for people who identify in varying degrees with the scene, want to shoot the shit about subjects myriad and many, and maybe as a peripheral result end up making some friends in a face-to-face basis.

I personally don't give a rat's ass to have deep discussions about the music I listen to. I do like to hear about new music so I can broaden my aural horizons. But music discussion is so subjective. One person's goth is another's darkwave is another's blackpop or whateverthefucklabelwe'verecentlycomeupwith.

I don't really care about who's horny, either. But if I'm not interested in a particular topic, I don't read it. I spend my time on subjects that do interest me, and leave the rest alone for those who ARE interested. And I don't begrudge them their choice.

Troy knows what he's talking about. If he says it's all about promotion and activity, then I take that as gospel truth. He ought to know, it's his fucking board and he's the man behind the curtain, for Christ's sake.

Thank you for your time.

<-- steps away from the mic and sits down.

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The "Play Nice" rule has been in effect from the start. And it has been in effect through DGN's busiest times as well as it's slower times.

I've also seen similar boards with much less "censorship" die and go away.

I don't for a second see any evidence whatsoever that over-censorship has caused more than a few disgruntled jerkoffs to leave DGN entirely. And to them, I say, "good riddance."

People need to grow the fuck up. If you can't have a conversation with people - even one in which you harbor strong disagreements - and keep it civil, mature and tactful, then go sit in a room with others of your ilk and see how much genuine discourse actually takes place.

+1 to Critter.

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Now, as far as "deep Goth music discussions" vs "I am so fucking horny" discussions go, DGN by name is, at it's heart, Gothccentric, if you will. It started in and encompassed people who fell within a certain sphere of the Detroit Metro goth scene via Troy's college radio show initially. I can't speak for Troy, but I've always seen DGN not as a "THIS IS ONLY ABOUT ALL THINGS GOTH" enclave, but as a gathering site of sorts for people who identify in varying degrees with the scene, want to shoot the shit about subjects myriad and many, and maybe as a peripheral result end up making some friends in a face-to-face basis.

I personally don't give a rat's ass to have deep discussions about the music I listen to. I do like to hear about new music so I can broaden my aural horizons. But music discussion is so subjective. One person's goth is another's darkwave is another's blackpop or whateverthefucklabelwe'verecentlycomeupwith.

I don't really care about who's horny, either. But if I'm not interested in a particular topic, I don't read it. I spend my time on subjects that do interest me, and leave the rest alone for those who ARE interested. And I don't begrudge them their choice.

And another +1 for this.

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<-- raises hand and stands at the mic

I've been on DGN on and off since almost day 1.

The "Play Nice" rule has been in effect from the start. And it has been in effect through DGN's busiest times as well as it's slower times.

I've also seen similar boards with much less "censorship" die and go away.

I don't for a second see any evidence whatsoever that over-censorship has caused more than a few disgruntled jerkoffs to leave DGN entirely. And to them, I say, "good riddance."

People need to grow the fuck up. If you can't have a conversation with people - even one in which you harbor strong disagreements - and keep it civil, mature and tactful, then go sit in a room with others of your ilk and see how much genuine discourse actually takes place.

Now, as far as "deep Goth music discussions" vs "I am so fucking horny" discussions go, DGN by name is, at it's heart, Gothccentric, if you will. It started in and encompassed people who fell within a certain sphere of the Detroit Metro goth scene via Troy's college radio show initially. I can't speak for Troy, but I've always seen DGN not as a "THIS IS ONLY ABOUT ALL THINGS GOTH" enclave, but as a gathering site of sorts for people who identify in varying degrees with the scene, want to shoot the shit about subjects myriad and many, and maybe as a peripheral result end up making some friends in a face-to-face basis.

I personally don't give a rat's ass to have deep discussions about the music I listen to. I do like to hear about new music so I can broaden my aural horizons. But music discussion is so subjective. One person's goth is another's darkwave is another's blackpop or whateverthefucklabelwe'verecentlycomeupwith.

I don't really care about who's horny, either. But if I'm not interested in a particular topic, I don't read it. I spend my time on subjects that do interest me, and leave the rest alone for those who ARE interested. And I don't begrudge them their choice.

Troy knows what he's talking about. If he says it's all about promotion and activity, then I take that as gospel truth. He ought to know, it's his fucking board and he's the man behind the curtain, for Christ's sake.

Thank you for your time.

<-- steps away from the mic and sits down.

Another +1.

Oh Critter, how I have missed you. :respect: :respect: :respect:

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Add another +1 for FC.

I like that there are a variety of topics on this board. There are some things that I like to read, and others that I don't care for (so I don't read those). I'm glad that there are the play nice rules so that this place doesn't turn into some juvenile shit storm. There are very few that seem to have a problem with the play nice rules, and the ones that do have a problem tend to break the rules. I'm sure there are other boards out there were you are free to be a dick as much as you want. Go there.

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