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People need to grow the fuck up. If you can't have a conversation with people - even one in which you harbor strong disagreements - and keep it civil, mature and tactful, then go sit in a room with others of your ilk and see how much genuine discourse actually takes place.

SO TRUE. The "we shouldn't be censored at all" type of people really mean "I'm an abusive asshole with insecurity issues who wants an excuse to just yell at people about how wrong they are, even if I secretly agree with them". It's a game of cat and mouse, because so many times it's one of those cases where we want to be like "Come ON...really? You 'don't know what you did wrong', but any five year old would be smart enough to see it?" Then they try to find some way to make it seem they were being "serious" and not just trying to fuck with people, and since everyone has to be treated equally, the "games" begin.

If DGN didn't have some kind of regulation...it would be 4chan, and we would all be more unintelligent for it.

Nobody wants these people around...hell, I usually don't want them around irl (which is unavoidable). Why the fuck would I want to talk to "little kids" online all day? I'm a grown-up, I talk about real shit, and I'm so witty I don't need to shout over people or say "YOU'RE A DOO-DOO FUCK FACE GAYWAD!" to get my point across.

Edited by Chernobyl
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SO TRUE. The "we shouldn't be censored at all" type of people really mean "I'm an abusive asshole with insecurity issues who wants an excuse to just yell at people about how wrong they are, even if I secretly agree with them".

Nobody wants these people around...hell, I usually don't want them around irl (which is unavoidable). Why the fuck would I want to talk to "little kids" online all day?

Exactly.... there is a whole internet out there for you to jump into random groups of people and call them stupid, ignorant, racist, bigoted things.... the purpose of this place is to be different from that.

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I've been posting/lurking here on and off for almost 7 years now and here are a couple of things I have observed:

Despite the insistence of the DGN staff, DGN is aimed at the Detroit gothic scene, which is only has so many people. Yes, you can be a member from anywhere, and yes, we talk about things besides goth music, goth clubs, goth fashion, etc., but how many people really join DGN if they are neither from the Detroit area (or used to be from the Detroit area, or plan on moving to the Detroit area) nor are interested in goth culture/nightlife? I might come across a board called OklahomaRodeo.Net that has really interesting and intelligent people who talk about lots of different things, but I probably wouldn't know that because, honestly, if I am not from Oklahoma, don't know anyone in Oklahoma, and have no interest in rodeo, why would I bother to check it out?

This is further reinforced by how closely DGN seems to be tied into City Club. I will give credit where credit is due. Yes, City Club has been around for a long time, and has managed to keep a decent crowd to keep a Saturday night "goth" night (goth is in quotation marks because people have a million different interpretations of what Saturday nights at City Club are classified as) going for a long time. The only other club in the general area I can think of who seems to have been able to keep a "goth" night going for successfully for a long period of time is Necto, and since City Club is more central, and does Friday/Saturday nights instead of Mondays, I can understand why they get more traffic. But a lot of people who used to come on here a lot don't like City Club anymore, either for a specific reason having to do with the club itself, or just because they have gotten older and they've gotten married, or they've had kids, or they've gotten a more demanding job, or they've moved farther away, or they're just not interested in partying anymore. City Club's patronage naturally changes constantly (out with the old, in with the new) and as long as DGN continues to have EVERY FREAKIN' SATURDAY NIGHT as DGN Night at City Club, and continues to use City Club as their main (and 99% of the time only) place to recruit, they will have as many people leaving as they do coming. I've seen people get really nasty here if someone wants to have a party or an event on a Saturday night (Oh, but that's a City Club night. You have to do it Sunday) that isn't City Club related. I also kind of felt like when I stopped going to City Club like I used to, most people here stopped paying any attention to what I had to say. If you really want to attract more/different types of people, it's time to cut the cord a little.

Also, I have noticed two things that seem to make the amount of traffic go up on here. The first is when Troy, most of the moderators, and a large number of the big posters are showing up regularly at not only City Club, but other bar nights and events as well. The other is when someone, or a few someones, push/break the play-nice rules and it causes drama. I am not saying I am against the play-nice rules, but people tend to gather at a train-wreck. Other people's drama can be interesting/entertaining/make one feel better about oneself. When all of that gets deleted because of the play-nice rules, I think people get bored and tend to move on, because you can only post in so many threads about what your favorite industrial band is, or whether you prefer black or red lipstick before you get bored and run out of new things to talk about. On one hand I find the trolls annoying, but on the other hand, sometimes I find it just as annoying when someone makes an inflammatory post that the only thing I can do is flag it and wait for a mod to delete it, when what I really want to do is tell that person what an asshat they are, and have 10 other people congratulate me for it. But if I do, I get in trouble, too. I understand that some things have to go, like if someone posts another member's phone number, for example, but I think a lot of times, just deleting the post doesn't solve the problem, it just covers it up.

I'm just throwing out some food for thought. I, personally, don't come on much anymore because my interests have changed, and because I just don't have the time to spend here that I used to, and because a lot of the people who I used to come here to interact with seem to be experiencing the same thing. *shrug*

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SO TRUE. The "we shouldn't be censored at all" type of people really mean "I'm an abusive asshole with insecurity issues who wants an excuse to just yell at people about how wrong they are, even if I secretly agree with them". It's a game of cat and mouse, because so many times it's one of those cases where we want to be like "Come ON...really? You 'don't know what you did wrong', but any five year old would be smart enough to see it?" Then they try to find some way to make it seem they were being "serious" and not just trying to fuck with people, and since everyone has to be treated equally, the "games" begin.

If DGN didn't have some kind of regulation...it would be 4chan, and we would all be more unintelligent for it.

Nobody wants these people around...hell, I usually don't want them around irl (which is unavoidable). Why the fuck would I want to talk to "little kids" online all day? I'm a grown-up, I talk about real shit, and I'm so witty I don't need to shout over people or say "YOU'RE A DOO-DOO FUCK FACE GAYWAD!" to get my point across.

I think I owe you a handjob for this post.

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The thing is (as far as City Club goes) I mainly go there to see my friends. It's at the point where bashing CC is kinda like bashing Ben Afflek...it's the cool thing to do. Personally I couldn't care what music they play...There was a point about 3-4 months ago where every time I went to CC it seemed like everyone was there, we had a great time, Cherney or Troy or Nightgaunt would knock over a drink of mine and we'd all laugh about it. If it's Saturday night and I want to run into a good portion of my friends...CC is the safest bet. As far as the music goes...they aren't going to start playing Pink Floyd or Alice in Chains...and I understand this but that's not what it's about for me. It's about good times with my nearest and dearest.

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SO TRUE. The "we shouldn't be censored at all" type of people really mean "I'm an abusive asshole with insecurity issues who wants an excuse to just yell at people about how wrong they are, even if I secretly agree with them". It's a game of cat and mouse, because so many times it's one of those cases where we want to be like "Come ON...really? You 'don't know what you did wrong', but any five year old would be smart enough to see it?" Then they try to find some way to make it seem they were being "serious" and not just trying to fuck with people, and since everyone has to be treated equally, the "games" begin.

If DGN didn't have some kind of regulation...it would be 4chan, and we would all be more unintelligent for it.

Nobody wants these people around...hell, I usually don't want them around irl (which is unavoidable). Why the fuck would I want to talk to "little kids" online all day? I'm a grown-up, I talk about real shit, and I'm so witty I don't need to shout over people or say "YOU'RE A DOO-DOO FUCK FACE GAYWAD!" to get my point across.


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  • 4 months later...

I remember being here years ago, as Brenda Starrr, as a Sr Mod, as a frequent poster. I don't know why I came back, but I'm here. And having ony a few posts under this name, I think it's sad that this place has lost it's fire. DGN was the reason I came to visit Detroit. It's the reason that I met my Husband. It's the reason that I have some of the friends that I do.

I can't be the only one who wants to light the fire...

Edited by Anna Phylaxis
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I remember being here years ago, as Brenda Starrr, as a Sr Mod, as a frequent poster. I don't know why I came back, but I'm here. And having ony a few posts under this name, I think it's sad that this place has lost it's fire. DGN was the reason I came to visit Detroit. It's the reason that I met my Husband. It's the reason that I have some of the friends that I do.

I can't be the only one who wants to light the fire...

It's always been burning since the world's been turning..

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When I started this thread two of the people that came to mind and I missed was you Anna and your hubby. If you stick around long enough I bet moe will come back and or join up. I noticed a lull the time before you diaappeared for awhile and when yo came back the board came active again so I thnk yur our DGN good luck charm.

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When I started this thread two of the people that came to mind and I missed was you Anna and your hubby. If you stick around long enough I bet moe will come back and or join up. I noticed a lull the time before you diaappeared for awhile and when you came back the board came active again so I thnk your our DGN good luck charm.

Remind me to hug you when I see you again!

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I'm here off an on. Life is really full these days... I'm really hoping to get back into the scene now that my health is in line again so It's sad that DGN isn't the source like it used to be. I don't even kow where else to look!

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I'm here off an on. Life is really full these days... I'm really hoping to get back into the scene now that my health is in line again so It's sad that DGN isn't the source like it used to be. I don't even kow where else to look!

good to hear your doing better.

Yeah DGN is low-activity mainly my fault , as there seems to be no one else to beat the drums. As hard as I tried to get the place to a critical mass were there would be people to continue the place and keep it active, with or without me, (and then ran out of steam) it just never has quite gotten there. At least not yet.

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good to hear your doing better.

Yeah DGN is low-activity mainly my fault , as there seems to be no one else to beat the drums. As hard as I tried to get the place to a critical mass were there would be people to continue the place and keep it active, with or without me, (and then ran out of steam) it just never has quite gotten there. At least not yet.

Thanks, Three surgeries and around 2 weeks total hospital time later.... I'm down 4 organs and doing great! I wish there were an answer to fix the board... Meh.

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I hesitate to post in some sections, especially the music section

I hesitate to post anything in the music section because the snobs will chastise my ignorance. And I hesitate to post in the S&S section because the music snobs will chastise me for taking interest in anything that isn't music.

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I hesitate to post anything in the music section because the snobs will chastise my ignorance. And I hesitate to post in the S&S section because the music snobs will chastise me for taking interest in anything that isn't music.

Well if you think I'm a music snob I'm honored in the accumulative sense of the phrase, because there are people who've passed through here with a lot more music knowledge than me. I rarely post in S&S because I'm a prude and a square.

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