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Youtube Atheists Visit Megachurch

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*yawn* More silly anti-religious rhetoric. Next plz...

I will say I expected these people who are so smug yet "do not find themselves important", even though they say they're some of the most important atheists (isn't that an oxymoron?) are there, to start farting in wine glasses and smelling them (yeaaah...obligatory South Park reference :laugh:).

If I hear anything about atheism, but ANY mention of religion is involved, I automatically put those atheists on the "Damn...someone was forced through Sunday School as a child as is pissed about it" list, as opposed to the atheists who truly just believe based on their knowledge of science (which, probably stayed home, realizing that with mere precious moments left on the Earth, sitting around and crying about other people believing in something is silly).

I understand that atheist people want to be taken seriously...but yeah, they're doing it wrong :no. Fighting their own oppression by trying to oppress people who believe in something? Super childish...not the "intellects" they claim to be. Just leave people alone, to agnostics you all look quite silly :laugh:.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Okay...I made it fifteen minutes, until I felt myself getting stupid. I do like how the one arrogant "I-know-all" fuck (guy with the long hair and goatee, I know it's hard to tell which one I'm talking about because they're all pompous dicks, seemingly), is going through the bookstore MAKING FUN OF IT (because, clearly he's got nothing better to do with his time then to go into a church and make fun of their beliefs... hypocritical much?) and makes fun of the black preacher for being a "big fat guy that dances around on stage" when he himself is a big fat guy who sounds/acts just as stupid. "I DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD, SO YOU'RE FAT!" :rofl: :rofl:

Ehhhh I feel bad for atheists if these guys are the representation, the community needs less arrogance, more intelligence. Not just "let's slander religion all day because THEY STARTED IT *WAAAH WAAAAH*" Science perhaps? Of course, science is very inconclusive about here/hereafter...so maybe slandering religion is the only leg they have to stand on?

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I have to say, I agree with Chernobyl regarding the pomposity and smugness so often displayed by atheists.

I am TOTALLY fine with atheists' beliefs (non-beliefs?), and them openly discussing them. But so often, their approach is with a smirk and arrogant self-importance rather than civil presentation. Actually, it's the same attitude I hate in fundamentalist Christians, or anyone majorly steeped in a "my way or the highway" mindset.

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as opposed to the atheists who truly just believe based on their knowledge of science (which, probably stayed home, realizing that with mere precious moments left on the Earth, sitting around and crying about other people believing in something is silly).


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Yeah there are plenty of Atheists in my unit but...they would never do something like that. We are get along and your beliefs are your own...if we make fun of each other its not even close to harsh and most of the time we actually have long discussions on out beliefs.

I love the assumptions this guy is making too. I mean it almost seemed like he blames global warming on religion. If so then wtf? Dude, alot of religions have the opposite teaching in their messages. But that discussion is not going to happen because someone making generalizations like that is obviously closed minded.

I am somewhat religious and I love science...as far as stuff that helps people and advances our society in some way, shape, or form. The LHC and other shit trying to prove the Big Bang theory is just a waste of time and money that won't help us one bit and, if the leading researchers on the damn project are to be believer (they are scientists), then the project is either being fought by time traveling particles that we actually haven't discovered yet or it could create a black hole. Wow...go science on that one!

Either way these people are dicks. Not because they are atheist, you are allowed to believe what you want...they are just behaving like dicks. There is no good reason for their actions or their words other that to provoke or incite. I would call religious people dicks if they acted like that too. There is no call for this kind of thing to happen. This video doesn't prove anything other than what I like to call the theory of Dickish Humanity. Humans are dicks...end of theory. We can't like without fighting someone, feeling superior in our beliefs, or really anything else dickish for that matter. If someone doesn't follow this behavior patter they are either trying their best to fight it or else some dick hasn't put their dick in that persons ass yet so there is currently no dickish behavior.

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the theory of Dickish Humanity. Humans are dicks...end of theory. We can't like without fighting someone, feeling superior in our beliefs, or really anything else dickish for that matter. If someone doesn't follow this behavior patter they are either trying their best to fight it or else some dick hasn't put their dick in that persons ass yet so there is currently no dickish behavior.

+1 :thumbup:

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Most of AronRa and Thunderf00t's videos are on evolution, biology, and their relation to religion. I posted this one because it was more of a cultural clash and therefore more interesting.

I actually find Atheism kind of boring because its lack of arrogance; and I've been working on fiction around LaVeyan Satanism because I like its reactivity, which I think has always been blown out of proportion because of the Judeo-Christian stranglehold on the West. I suppose its more tactful to defend a mass amount of uneducated money before the blatant human rights abuses. :p

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*yawn* More silly anti-religious rhetoric. Next plz...

I will say I expected these people who are so smug yet "do not find themselves important", even though they say they're some of the most important atheists (isn't that an oxymoron?) are there, to start farting in wine glasses and smelling them (yeaaah...obligatory South Park reference :laugh:).

If I hear anything about atheism, but ANY mention of religion is involved, I automatically put those atheists on the "Damn...someone was forced through Sunday School as a child as is pissed about it" list, as opposed to the atheists who truly just believe based on their knowledge of science (which, probably stayed home, realizing that with mere precious moments left on the Earth, sitting around and crying about other people believing in something is silly).

I understand that atheist people want to be taken seriously...but yeah, they're doing it wrong :no. Fighting their own oppression by trying to oppress people who believe in something? Super childish...not the "intellects" they claim to be. Just leave people alone, to agnostics you all look quite silly :laugh:.

Nice... Very nice :jamin

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I used to be card-carrying religious, literally handing out pamphlets on the street corners of Ann Arbor, tutoring people with home bible studies in Christianity and reading the bible literally every day for years. I still read it (fairly) regularly and have read the Qur'an start to finish (even a harder read than the bible and harder to decipher.

Most Christians I meet seem totally unaware of what the bible actually says (and have a cartoon version of what Islam, Judaism, Eastern and Pagan belief systems are... and even worse understanding of what atheism is. I made sure I did my homework on all of this stuff before I started opening my mouth. (we are talking years of study, which I continue to this day)

I could still give a sermon about any subject you care to name as it relates to Chistianity without much prep time, and make "the case for belief" in a stronger way than anyone I've met outside of preists/pastors/elders and even they are often not well equiped to deal with "real" doubts, being used to dealing with yes-men , which I was not.

Then I transitioned into a "seeker" not really sure what I believed but that there had to be "something" I just wasnt sure anymore which religion/belief system was correct, but that one of them had to be "more correct" than the others. That is, never did, still dont buy into "their all the same" thing, as they clearly have very distinctly different views on all sorts of topics. Now I'm I guess "an atheist" but only grudgingly, as I still WANT there to be something "supernatural" at work, just try as I might, the only evidence (after checking and rechecking the sources and the logic it always falls short) for it I've ever found was emotional, which is not evidence at all.

For a long time I was offended by the "anti religion" but now I'm only offended If i get the impression they are trying to be offensive with the goal of offending (south park sometimes for example , Christopher Hitchens often.) I almost think , like Thomas Jefferson did that if you have no real reason to believe something, and you do anyway, ridicule might be the only proper response (half joking myself, but he was serious.)

Having known endless numbers of "smug religious" (actually more along the lines of threatening and angry) people, and now having a fairly extensive understanding of religions role throughout history, its hard for me to fault the tiny, minuscule atheist community for doing a (very minor) version of it themselves, the religious having free-reign since ancient times , and up until recently to destroy any "doubters" its sort of a joke to even bat an eyelash at by comparision.

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I used to be card-carrying religious, literally handing out pamphlets on the street corners of Ann Arbor, tutoring people with home bible studies in Christianity and reading the bible literally every day for years. I still read it (fairly) regularly and have read the Qur'an start to finish (even a harder read than the bible and harder to decipher.

Most Christians I meet seem totally unaware of what the bible actually says (and have a cartoon version of what Islam, Judaism, Eastern and Pagan belief systems are... and even worse understanding of what atheism is. I made sure I did my homework on all of this stuff before I started opening my mouth. (we are talking years of study, which I continue to this day)

I could still give a sermon about any subject you care to name as it relates to Chistianity without much prep time, and make "the case for belief" in a stronger way than anyone I've met outside of preists/pastors/elders and even they are often not well equiped to deal with "real" doubts, being used to dealing with yes-men , which I was not.

Then I transitioned into a "seeker" not really sure what I believed but that there had to be "something" I just wasnt sure anymore which religion/belief system was correct, but that one of them had to be "more correct" than the others. That is, never did, still dont buy into "their all the same" thing, as they clearly have very distinctly different views on all sorts of topics. Now I'm I guess "an atheist" but only grudgingly, as I still WANT there to be something "supernatural" at work, just try as I might, the only evidence (after checking and rechecking the sources and the logic it always falls short) for it I've ever found was emotional, which is not evidence at all.

For a long time I was offended by the "anti religion" but now I'm only offended If i get the impression they are trying to be offensive with the goal of offending (south park sometimes for example , Christopher Hitchens often.) I almost think , like Thomas Jefferson did that if you have no real reason to believe something, and you do anyway, ridicule might be the only proper response (half joking myself, but he was serious.)

Having known endless numbers of "smug religious" (actually more along the lines of threatening and angry) people, and now having a fairly extensive understanding of religions role throughout history, its hard for me to fault the tiny, minuscule atheist community for doing a (very minor) version of it themselves, the religious having free-reign since ancient times , and up until recently to destroy any "doubters" its sort of a joke to even bat an eyelash at by comparision.

Soooo...you're saying, two wrongs make a right? (You might want to change the top of the board then :tongue:).

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Soooo...you're saying, two wrongs make a right? (You might want to change the top of the board then :tongue:).

Went out of my way to not say that in part , and make it clear I've spent years on this subject. Trying to explain were I was coming from as I know its a sensitive subject. I explained more than I really wanted to actually (thought about deleting it). I have a long history on both sides of this. To reason out why I was only (nowadays it seems) offended when it seems intentionally mean spirited, although even then its a pretty mild offense. Which in the above case it it is meant to be mean (at least it seems to be). That was half a novel there that I wrote above to explain were I was coming from. "Offense", being emotional, doesn't necessarily have logic to it. But reasoning can slowly act upon emotion.

I guess the last few lines overshadowed everything else I said.

At least I know someone actually read my rambling. hah. :animier: =D

For something like a decade it just felt hypoctical to me that people (including me) can make fun of death/murder/war, peoples weight (ahem!), even rape and race and thats ok (in context for some including me), but religion is off-limits (for some people, including me) this was a self-realization about myself (i was very offended) which I slowly changed over time. That is, I don't think its wrong to make fun of such things depending on the context, that is mainly who the audience is, and they all should get equality one way or the other (but didnt, at least not in my mind).

In terms of DGN some of these subjects are off-limits just due to the drama that it can create, this one seems to be in a gray area , that is, one of the subjects that isnt clearly off limits (like say, racist jokes would be.) Unfortunately functional reality (the keeping of a civil place vs what we might personally believe) screws up ones personal sense of "justiice" lets call it. Its actually a lot more complicated than I or most would like the more you think about it. Damn emotions. *shakes fist at the universe* :starwars:

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I think the point people are missing here is that you are trying to blame a religion and not people.

Given what people say about Christians in America you would think it would be perfectly acceptable to say the exact same thing about Muslims or Jews...but that is not the case.

We are dealing with humans and you can go on and on about "well I met this person" or "I heard about this" or "but this happened in history sometime" but that needs to fucking stop. History can fuck right off. While it has a bearing on our existence I am fucking sick of being held accountable by other for things done to slaves, native americans, women, jews, and what some religion did a while ago. I am so damn sorry for your complaining ass but those people are not me and most of them lived in a different time frame with different standards and you are a damned idiot yourself for applying the standards or today to the people of yesterday...it is like calling Columbus an idiot for not using a GPS or Atlas. And that is what this whole discussion is about. People not wanting to be wrong and to not be wrong they have to not only bash people from history, they also have to project everything on the people they meet. Like those Columbus Day idiots that are up in arms like Columbus did his damned best to try and destroy shit.

Joking is fine and it is in our nature. But the cocksuckers like the ones in these videos are the fucking reason that this shit will not die! You can apply that to every political or religious or civil rights subject too...there are people that do not want it to die and they are on both damn sides. For example I get along great with everyone in my unit because I don't give a damn about race but one asshole always has to go around going white man this and white man that and is always giving "historic" example about the evils of the white man. The dick somehow doesn't notice that the majority of our company is black and that his bitching is needless.

I understand the freedom of speech thing but I do have to say one thing about it. I know it has been said many times before but these people and those "ITS A POLICE STATE" dude need to take a trip around the world and see how many countries they can do that in. The one thing America could be chastised for is the fact that its legal system cushions people too much and our view of things tends to become warped. We think everything runs so smoothly outside of our country which is why we self hate America. Great...but go out there and see how the world works. In most places you may even get a choice for who gets you...the people, the government, the military, or the local police...assuming that they all get along in some countries would be the wrong assumption.

Those guys, see and I am calling them fuckers this time...oops, can go on thinking like that for all I care. However, they need to take things into perspective, that whatever the hell they thank that they are able to do this, and move on with THEIR lives without trying to be unproductive waste piles that continue with the damn divisions like they are banners to be held up. If you want to fight something pick someone that is ACTIVELY DOING THOSE THINGS WITH MALICE in THIS TIME FRAME and leave the people that honestly don't mean you harm and won't affect your life at all unless you let the ALONE. Sorry...long week and I have been drinking a bit tonight and the resolution on my screen has gone loopy...

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There is no other intellectual way to make politics religously neutral than debate or speaking out, which is one of the main causes of the outspoken Atheism. Every US presidential candidate seems to be a Christian, not all of them want to work for corporations or the religious right, but not all of them believe in the scientific method that has created modern civilization. These are the people who decide whether we work or not, whether we are arrested or not, and how we live. Often they don't seem to have the insight to see that they came out of the educational and grading system that just about everyone wants reformed.

Also, the women I click the most with seem to be gothic/gamer Christian chicks, so that's at least proof to me that the devil is a hipster.

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I think the point people are missing here is that you are trying to blame a religion and not people.

Given what people say about Christians in America you would think it would be perfectly acceptable to say the exact same thing about Muslims or Jews...but that is not the case.

We are dealing with humans and you can go on and on about "well I met this person" or "I heard about this" or "but this happened in history sometime" but that needs to fucking stop. History can fuck right off. While it has a bearing on our existence I am fucking sick of being held accountable by other for things done to slaves, native americans, women, jews, and what some religion did a while ago. I am so damn sorry for your complaining ass but those people are not me and most of them lived in a different time frame with different standards and you are a damned idiot yourself for applying the standards or today to the people of yesterday...it is like calling Columbus an idiot for not using a GPS or Atlas. And that is what this whole discussion is about. People not wanting to be wrong and to not be wrong they have to not only bash people from history, they also have to project everything on the people they meet. Like those Columbus Day idiots that are up in arms like Columbus did his damned best to try and destroy shit.

Joking is fine and it is in our nature. But the cocksuckers like the ones in these videos are the fucking reason that this shit will not die! You can apply that to every political or religious or civil rights subject too...there are people that do not want it to die and they are on both damn sides. For example I get along great with everyone in my unit because I don't give a damn about race but one asshole always has to go around going white man this and white man that and is always giving "historic" example about the evils of the white man. The dick somehow doesn't notice that the majority of our company is black and that his bitching is needless.

I understand the freedom of speech thing but I do have to say one thing about it. I know it has been said many times before but these people and those "ITS A POLICE STATE" dude need to take a trip around the world and see how many countries they can do that in. The one thing America could be chastised for is the fact that its legal system cushions people too much and our view of things tends to become warped. We think everything runs so smoothly outside of our country which is why we self hate America. Great...but go out there and see how the world works. In most places you may even get a choice for who gets you...the people, the government, the military, or the local police...assuming that they all get along in some countries would be the wrong assumption.

Those guys, see and I am calling them fuckers this time...oops, can go on thinking like that for all I care. However, they need to take things into perspective, that whatever the hell they thank that they are able to do this, and move on with THEIR lives without trying to be unproductive waste piles that continue with the damn divisions like they are banners to be held up. If you want to fight something pick someone that is ACTIVELY DOING THOSE THINGS WITH MALICE in THIS TIME FRAME and leave the people that honestly don't mean you harm and won't affect your life at all unless you let the ALONE. Sorry...long week and I have been drinking a bit tonight and the resolution on my screen has gone loopy...

I think it always depends on the specific situation and the specific thing/things that happen, its hard to make a general statement like "its the religion" (or not). I guess i'm agreeing with you rather than making a counter point but with a slightly different bias.

In the end its always the people as without the people the dialog about the actions of the people (and their motivations) wouldnt be possible, buuuuut often the actions are motivated by religious doctrine (or misinterpretations of them) People are motivated by beliefs or emotions, and the specific situation would be the only way to determine if it was their religious convictions that were the key motivating factor (and if these convictions were accurate representations of the religion). Its fairly easy to find examples of clearly religiously motivated actions that we would find really bad, and other clearly misguided actions that aren't the fault of the blamed religion.

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An interesting follow-up to this (speaking of Atheists that really piss/pissed people off)

These people don't piss me off. For the most part I really just do not care what they think. Though I do wonder why they seem to feel so angry over people believing in God. Though I guess there are people like that in every movement and following. People who get mad cause you don't believe as they do. There are just as many jerks who believe in God as there are who don't.

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Okay, I did not watch the whole video so I may have missed some stuff. But from what I did watch. It seems the atheists in the video have an issue with "religion". I myself have issues with 'religion". Yet I still believe in God and feel a connection to God. I agree with what the atheist said about religion taking a story from the Bible and twisting it to get poor people to give them money. A lot of harm has been done in the name of religion. But God is not religion. God is God. A person can have 'religion" and be without God.

Anywho thats my 2 cents for ya!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I did not watch the whole video so I may have missed some stuff. But from what I did watch. It seems the atheists in the video have an issue with "religion". I myself have issues with 'religion". Yet I still believe in God and feel a connection to God. I agree with what the atheist said about religion taking a story from the Bible and twisting it to get poor people to give them money. A lot of harm has been done in the name of religion. But God is not religion. God is God. A person can have 'religion" and be without God.

Anywho thats my 2 cents for ya!

I love your points, LadyKay.

And you hit the nail on the head as to what bothers me about atheists in general - that they seem so angry at people who believe. Sure, fundamentalists spew anger at non-believers sometimes, but more often they lean more toward self-righteous pity.

Your in a lot of good , and growing company. Its well documented now that as much as 20% (depending on what poll your looking at) of the population of the U.S. consider themselves "spiritual but not religious" and If I had to guess, I'd say that trend will continue. In decades past that would have been the same (to most "good christians") as being "an atheist" but as education has gotten better at least (most) people can draw the distinction.

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