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Ok, so recently my Wii stopped reading discs. I've done extensive research on how to fix this problem, however kicking it against the wall repeatedly proves to be inneffective.

Any online searches have brought up shops (internet based) so for all i know, it could be some jackass 15 year old kid working in his parent's basement, dissasembling it myself isn't an option because I lack one of two tools needed to take it appart (small philips, and small triwing screwdrivers, that's it) can't find a triwing anywhere.

Searched for cleaning kits, but found out nintendo took them off the market because they didn't really work.

The most reasonable shop I have found.. well.. the ONLY shop within reason is 2 hours away, costs a minimum of 60 dollars, and has to hold it for several weeks.

This is highly unsatisfactory...

Anyone at all have any similar experiences and maybe any tips how to get around this? I take pretty damn good care of my electronics, so it's most likely dust in there, wich i've tried blowing, even through small straws... wich had a slight improvement, now it doesn't freeze the entire system with an unable to read disc screen, and just says can't read disc, but still lets me have access to my channel menu.(and yes, while doing this, i remember the old 8 bit cartridge blow trick, and thought 20 years later and i'm still fucking blowing nintendo...)

Any help would be appreciated. Thankyou!

oh and inB4 buy xbox, already got one of those, and it's a fine dust collector!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it still under warranty? I had a similar problem with my Wii and because my warranty was still good Nintendo sent me some shipping tags and I sent it to them. They said if they couldn't fix it they would send me another. It took about two weeks to get it back. They fixed it so I didn't get a new Wii but got my old one fixed. Hope this helped.

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