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Studying why gay men in Argentina engage in risky sexual behavior when they are drunk

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#1 In 2011, the National Institutes of Health spent $592,527 on a study that sought to figure out once and for all why chimpanzees throw poop.

The same exact reason a prisoner will, so pay one $27 for the answer, but then you couldn't funnel $592,500 into black ops.

#2 The National Institutes of Health has spent more than 5 million dollars on a website called Sexpulse that is targeted at “men who use the Internet to seek sex with men”. According to Fox News, the website “includes pornographic images of homosexual sex as well as naked and scantily clad men” and features “a Space Invaders-style interactive game that uses a penis-shaped blaster to shoot down gay epithets.”

This has multiple purposes.

  1. Studies how far spread the effects of estrogen mimickers in the food and drink supply has had an effect.
  2. Gives gay democrats in government an unblocked fap site.
  3. Gives gay republicans a place to hook up slightly less riskier then a rest stop lavatory.

#3 The General Services Administration spent $822,751 on a “training conference” for 300 west coast employees at the M Resort and Casino in Las Vegas.

The following is how the Washington Post described some of the wasteful expenses that happened during this “conference”….

Among the “excessive, wasteful and in some cases impermissible” spending the inspector general documented: $5,600 for three semi-private catered in-room parties and $44 per person daily breakfasts; $75,000 for a “team-building” exercise — the goal was to build a bicycle; $146,000 on catered food and drinks; and $6,325 on commemorative coins in velvet boxes to reward all participants for their work on stimulus projects. The $31,208 “networking” reception featured a $19-per-person artisan cheese display and $7,000 of sushi. At the conference’s closing-night dinner, employees received “yearbooks” with their pictures, at a cost of $8,130.

  1. ]Party
  2. Pay off
  3. Black ops funding

#4 Do you remember when credit rating agency Egan Jones downgraded U.S. government debt from AA+ to AA? Well, someone in the federal government apparently did not like that at all. According to Zero Hedge, the SEC plans to file charges against Egan Jones for “misstatements” on a regulatory application with the SEC.

Normally, the SEC does not go after anyone. After all, when is the last time a major banker went to prison?

No, the truth is that the SEC is usually just a huge waste of taxpayer money. According to ABC News, one investigation found that 17 senior SEC officials had been regularly viewing pornography while at work. While the American people were paying their salaries, this is what senior SEC officials were busy doing….

One senior attorney at SEC headquarters in Washington spent up to eight hours a day accessing Internet porn, according to the report, which has yet to be released. When he filled all the space on his government computer with pornographic images, he downloaded more to CDs and DVDs that accumulated in boxes in his offices.

An SEC accountant attempted to access porn websites 1,800 times in a two-week period and had 600 pornographic images on her computer hard drive.

Another SEC accountant used his SEC-issued computer to upload his own sexually explicit videos onto porn websites he joined.

And another SEC accountant attempted to access porn sites 16,000 times in a single month.

Basically, money wasted on revenge by people we pay to fap.

#5 According to InformationWeek, the federal government is spending “millions of dollars” to train Asian call center workers.
Because it isn't good enough to give tax incentives to ship jobs over seas we actually have to pay to have competitors trained too.
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#6 If you can believe it, the federal government has actually spent $750,000 on a new soccer field for detainees held at Guantanamo Bay.
$5,000 on field, $745,000 on funding terrorists. WHAT? You didn't know that at least 3 of the AlCIAda in the Middle East where "Gitmo prisoners"?

#7 The U.S. Agency for International Development spent 10 million dollars to create a version of “Sesame Street” for Pakistani television.

#8 The Obama administration has plans to spend between 16 and 20 million dollars to help students from Indonesia get master’s degrees.
PAY OFF to destroy as many Barry Soetoro records as possible.

#9 The National Science Foundation spent $198,000 on a University of California-Riverside study that explored “motivations, expectations and goal pursuit in social media.” One of the questions the study sought an answer to was the following: “Do unhappy people spend more time on Twitter or Facebook?”
Doing the marketing research for Big Pharma so they have even higher profits.

#10 The federal government actually has spent $175,587 “to determine if cocaine makes Japanese quail engage in sexually risky behavior”.
They just want the quail to consent to being doinked to death.
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#11 In 2011, $147,138 was given to the American Museum of Magic in Marshall, Michigan.
As much as it pains me to say this (I loved that place) they just paying for advice on how to entertain themselves wile flimflamming us.

#12 The federal government recently spent $74,000 to help Michigan “increase awareness about the role Michigan plays in the production of trees and poinsettias.”

#13 In 2011, the federal government gave $550,000 toward the making of a documentary about how rock and roll contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union.
Hollywood pay off.

#14 The National Institutes of Health has contributed $55,382 toward a study of “hookah smoking habits” in the country of Jordan.
Pay out.

#15 The federal government gave $606,000 to researchers at Columbia University to study how heterosexuals use the Internet to find love.
Finding the target areas for increasing the amount of estrogen mimickers in the food and drink supply.
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#16 A total of $133,277 was recently given to the International Center for the History of Electronic Games for video game preservation. The International Center for the History of Electronic Games says that it “collects, studies, and interprets video games, other electronic games, and related materials and the ways in which electronic games are changing how people play, learn, and connect with each other, including across boundaries of culture and geography.”
Gotta keep the history of zombifacation intact.

#17 The federal government has given approximately $3 million to researchers at the University of California at Irvine to fund their research into video games such as World of Warcraft.
See? It is easy to get the people to pay for your WoW account when yo decide how to spend the peoples money.

#18 In 2011, the National Science Foundation gave one team of researchers$149,990 to create a video game called “RapidGuppy” for cell phones and other mobile devices.
GPS tracking trojan.

#19 The U.S. Department of Agriculture once handed researchers at the University of New Hampshire $700,000 to study methane gas emissions from dairy cows.
Figuring out more was to make the "Run away man made global warming" myth look more plausible.

#20 In 2011, $936,818 was spent developing an online soap opera entitled “Diary of a Single Mom”. The show “chronicles the lives and challenges of three single mothers and their families trying to get ahead despite obstacles that all single mothers face, such as childcare, healthcare, education, and finances.”
Zombie programming.
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#21 The federal government once shelled out $2.6 million to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly.
They had a party.

#22 Last year, the federal government spent $96,000 to buy iPads for kindergarten students in Maine.

#23 The U.S. Postal Service once spent $13,500 for a single dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse.
Pay off.

#24 In 2011, the Air Force Academy completed work on an outdoor worship area for pagans and Wiccans. The worship area consists of “a small Stonehenge-like circle of boulders with [a] propane fire pit” and it cost $51,474 to build. The worship area is “for the handful of current or future cadets whose religions fall under the broad category of ‘Earth-based’, which includes Wiccans, druids and pagans.” At this point, that only includes 3 current students at the Air Force Academy.
I won't bother to get into this because I would have to point out a good portion of the known locations so you could understand ‘Earth-based’ was just a cover.

#25 The National Institutes of Health once gave researchers $400,000 to study why gay men in Argentina engage in risky sexual behavior when they are drunk.
Gay party.
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#26 The National Institutes of Health once gave researchers $442,340 to study the behavior of male prostitutes in Vietnam.
Gay Republican pay off.

#27 The National Institutes of Health once spent $800,000 in “stimulus funds” to study the impact of a “genital-washing program” on men in South Africa.
Pay off or whack ass porn or both.

#28 The National Science Foundation recently spent $200,000 on a study that examined how voters react when politicians change their stances on climate change.
R&D for RAMMGW myth.

#29 The federal government recently spent $484,000 to help build a Mellow Mushroom pizzeria in Arlington, Texas.
Black op funding.

#30 At this point, China is holding over a trillion dollars of U.S. government debt. But that didn’t stop the United States from sending 17.8 million dollars in foreign aid to China in 2011.
Shear stupidity.
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If you have a smattering of responsibility and a love for humanity that only carries as much weight as a single hydrogen atom it isn't that easy to find something that screams flagrant on the surface and will piss off a super majority of the population when they find out what it is really for.

But then again in today's police state you tell them it is for national security, call them a terrorist then grab their crotch and stick a finger up their ass and they would probably go back to sleep.

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Being a student of history and politics unethical behavior is as old as the hills, so i tend (usually) not to get the rage meter going to often, otherwise I'd just be angry every waking moment. One problem I had with my dad was that when he was mad about something, and I wasn't also mad, then all the sudden I was the bad guy for not being equally angry and he'd have some new insult to hurl at me for not being angry. Usually I didn't agree with him because I felt like I needed to find out more detail (and fact check his details) all of which takes time/energy, before I agreed with his opinion, which, seemed to piss him off even more. Was a bad cycle, was almost never productive.

But, I will say at least he gave a shit enough about things to try and follow what was going on in the world , even if I didn't agree with his conclusions. Way to many people are so wrapped up in a combination of their personal issues or pure entertainment to even pay attention to the world outside. THAT is something that does irritate me. Like i often say, even if I totally disagree with someones opinion about say politics or history or science, at least they HAVE an opinion, other than just the "whatever" mentality.

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