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People with no respect

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:devil Of all the bs that go around the no1 thing that I cannot stand are these kind of poeple. Anybody who tries to be your friend then purposly lie and steal; and break your trust should be dealt with harshly!!!!! There is definately something wrong with people who do this kind of shit!!! I have dealt with this before and I am not going to ever ever go through that kind of shit ever again!!!! Once my trust has been shattered; I want nothing ever to do with these kind of people ever!!!! But what do you expect in an immoral nation. Me my self I do not trust anyone that I do not know or that give me bad vibes!!!! Thank goth that my friends are there for me; just like I am there for them!!!!!!!!!!!

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:fear friendship:has four equel parts.trust and respect between two people in equel parts. Any unbalance in this eqation disolves that bond.

you lose respect for someone you'll find your self doing or saying things that could be considered betrayal of frindship without noticing it.

you don't allways know your not friends right away but you'll notice a feeling of guilt when making small talk cause your accidently being fake.

Friendship is simple equel trust equel respect or your not friends.

emotional bond couses a fear of loss to make you linger with old feelings.don't make the mistake of letting your heart decide let your mind make the judgements based on peoples actions as the past cannot change like a heart or mind.

a good friend lasts about 7 years or so. people come and go in life

also on a more personel note people who have an agenda to take advantage of your friendship are worthless peices of shi#. so you should hate them and feel guilt that you let others you trust be hurt because you trusted that person. You might allways love her but never will you let those people you love feel that pain again because they share your heart and that pain she caused everyone is almost your fault for letting her get close to those people around you and hurt them.

but keep i simple if your trust or theirs is lacking then you know

if your really not respected then there really is no relationship just feelings. :fear

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I used to take it very personally when people would do stuff like that to me...like that meant they'd singled me out as gullible or easy to take advantage of ...but I've come to realize that people that do that have their own thing going on in their heads that makes them do it to everyone . I don't really blow up at them anymore and have learned it's usually futile to try to "reason" with them about the behavior. Usually polite avoidance is my tactic once I figure out what's going on...

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I used to take it very personally when people would do stuff like that to me...like that meant they'd singled me out as gullible or easy to take advantage of ...but I've come to realize that people that do that have their own thing going on in their heads that makes them do it to everyone . I don't really blow up at them anymore and have learned it's usually futile  to try to  "reason" with them about the behavior. Usually polite avoidance is my tactic once I figure out what's going on...


:fear it kinda occured to me as I look back at all those OLD FRIENDS that it seems to be hereditary behavior. As many people you think would act that way becouse of their enviroment seem to really value a true friend. People who use feelings as weapons are whores who only care about themselves and their own imidiate happiness. what they can get is there mode of thought. And look back as I have TELL me please if my hypothesis is correct.

Also don't tell people "do whatever makes you happy" your happiness realy is not all that important compared to the consequence of the action in question.

I suggest you do whats right and stop crying about it :fear

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i have learned from my past relationships with people, even the people who "hurt" me. i have learned a lot about people in general and about myself.

i used to be a person who took things very personally (sometimes i still struggle with that) but then i realized i was not singled out, these people did it to most everyone.

and i was part of the problem. i felt like the victim of a lot of shitty things people "did" to me. when in reality after the first time something happened i could have done one of many things to correct the situation but i didn't. so basically i was enabling these people to continue on the way that they were/are.

the worst thing that came out of all this for me was that i can't trust people or get close to anyone really. i used to blame those people for that too but that is really all about me and how *i* handle things - then and now - not them. instead of changing, i was blaming. instead of learning, i was stuck in a pattern.

i don't know what this was all supposed to mean ;) it was not really a respond to anything here... just my random thoughts on this and how i relate but am trying to learn from people rather than to dislike or judge them even when they do what i view is wrong.

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Don't you like anything in this world?? All your posts are nothing but the horrible stuff in life. Very depressing.


Not to be rude or disrespectful not all my posts are negative this is my way of letting it out nonvioently; plus the really bad stuff should'nt be ignored; Always be aware of your suroundinds these days.

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I cannot imagine anyone hurting CRANK on purpose. There just would be no reason. Am I right????

:devil Of all the bs that go around the no1 thing that I cannot stand are these kind of poeple. Anybody who tries to be your friend then purposly lie and steal; and break your trust should be dealt with harshly!!!!! There is definately something wrong with people who do this kind of shit!!! I have dealt with this before and I am not going to ever ever go through that kind of shit ever again!!!!  Once my trust has been shattered; I want nothing ever to do with these kind of people ever!!!! But what do you expect in an immoral nation. Me my self I do not trust anyone that I do not know or that give me bad vibes!!!! Thank goth that my friends are there for me; just like I am there for them!!!!!!!!!!!

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