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Star Trek Untitled - 2013 Details + Trailer

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Star Trek (still untitled) working title: Project HH (couldn't find out what HH stands for)

Release Date: May 17 , 2013 (was originally supposed to come out this month, but J.J Abrams signed on finally, and they decided to wait)

Khan Noonien Singh - Long rumored to be the villain in the upcoming movie (Yay!) wont be... (Boo!)

Christopher Pike (the original enterprize captian) will be in the film. (Yay? not sure)

All the actors key actors in the Star Trek reboot will return (yay!)

Leonard Nimoy WILL be returning as the "original" spock (yay!)

Will be fillmed in IMAX (yay) and released in normal and 3D formats (yay) but not in native 3D (boo!)

(combed several sites for the above)

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I loved the first reboot (with the exception of the original Spock but that's just a detail).

Really? I mean I thought they did a good job, enjoyed it. I was hoping to god they'd come up with some remotely credible excuse for screwing up the whole timeline, but they had to tie it in somehow with the rest of the trek universe, not sure they could have picked any more appropriate guy than Nimoy to sort of "pass the baton". Single most well known actor in the trek universe apparently (even more than Kirk, minus Shatners occasionaly douchebaggery).

Just sort of an aversion to the original star trek i guess?

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I hate time travel plots but I felt that the cast was able to translate a perfect amount of the clicheness (did I just make up a word? I haven't had any coffee yet) of the original series without overdoing it. That said, I don't know why the producers felt it necessary to appeal to convention and include an original cast member. But yeah, I'm not a Trekkie myself. I major in Star Wars.

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I hate time travel plots but I felt that the cast was able to translate a perfect amount of the clicheness (did I just make up a word? I haven't had any coffee yet) of the original series without overdoing it. That said, I don't know why the producers felt it necessary to appeal to convention and include an original cast member. But yeah, I'm not a Trekkie myself. I major in Star Wars.

Its hollywood they know what side their bread is buttered on. The pre-relase buzz can mean an extra or + or - 50 millioin bucks. If "ZOMG NIMOY!" is known, the "opinion makers" in the sci fi community are going to be talking a lot more than "well we made this non-related thing that has nothing to do with the long established star trek timeline other than it has the same names" that would alienate a huge, already existing fanbase. Star Trek is one of the only franchises that seems to get at least some respect in that regard from directors/producers.

Not tying in a new ST concept to the existing ST universe would almost make it not star trek. One of the things that seperates star trek is that it "feels" like an ongoing universe, rather than a series of individual stories. So they were able to give an storyline excuse, why THIS star trek , which seems to break with the ST universe , some "pedigree" to it, and still have it be part of the "real" star trek universe. Having Nimoy there makes it easier for the skeptics to swallow also I think.

Not that I personally need a old-school tie-in but I like them. Probably more for emotional reasons than 'quality' reasons. Star Trek is space opera not Space Shakespeare. (as opposed to say Blade Runner, 2001 or Alien) Which, typically I don't like (space opera) but for whatever reason the Star Trek universe hooked me in before I could develop a dislike of it, and has stuck with me.

Thank for this lovely piece of info! I had no clue they had a trailer out for the second film yet...my inner trekkie is roaring with delight at the prospect of seeing this already!

Glad I could help. There are plenty of closet trekkies lurking around here, some of them hiding for fear of being known as such, hah. I LIKE STAR TREK , TO BAD! lol

Good to see ya on the board btw. Hopefully it wont be a one-day drive-by.

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I've been on and off the board since I think summer of 2009...just haven't had much time at all in months to drop in and say hello.

Trying to get this place active again, could use the help. (seriously) Just post <whatever> doesn't have to be an ode to spring or war & peace. Regardless good to see you around.

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I was overall very pleased with the original. I had no real complaints aside from excessive lensflare.

Time Travel defines Trek more than people realize. Not only is it a constant in every series, it is the glue that holds canon together. It is why canon can have all the holes and contradictions it does. Think for often the crew on screen falls prey to some sort of temporal issue, now multiply that by the number of starships in the universe. Even if only 1/100 ships run in to some sort of temporal issue in their entire lifespan, that is still reality redefining itself daily.

Red Matter gets jumped on, however I see it as a way to stabilize Omega Particles. Something which is already well defined in canon.

Destroying Vulcan is something I am actually fine with. It takes a character we know and which is well defined already and throws a huge monkey-wrench into their potential character development. A massive one.

Kirk being field promoted so early and it sticking actually makes sense in canon as well. Pike seemed to have some sort of insight implied but not stated. Add in to that Spock-Prime. I am pretty sure the two combined would make it very clear that it is in Starfleet's best interest that he be Captain. Also, it is an accepted part of canon that the universe itself has plans for him.

Reading the prequel comics also clears up a lot that was not in the movie.

Only thing that really stands out is Chekov being older in this universe. And Scotty's mini-me is just horrible.

Using Kahn as a movie villain would be a bad move. It would be rehash and lazy writing. After going to so much length to create a fresh start, immediately jumping in to a defined character like Khan in the second film would be a waste of it all. Someone like Mudd as a minor character would work fine, though.


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I was overall very pleased with the original. I had no real complaints aside from excessive lensflare.

Time Travel defines Trek more than people realize. Not only is it a constant in every series, it is the glue that holds canon together. It is why canon can have all the holes and contradictions it does. Think for often the crew on screen falls prey to some sort of temporal issue, now multiply that by the number of starships in the universe. Even if only 1/100 ships run in to some sort of temporal issue in their entire lifespan, that is still reality redefining itself daily.

Red Matter gets jumped on, however I see it as a way to stabilize Omega Particles. Something which is already well defined in canon.

Destroying Vulcan is something I am actually fine with. It takes a character we know and which is well defined already and throws a huge monkey-wrench into their potential character development. A massive one.

Kirk being field promoted so early and it sticking actually makes sense in canon as well. Pike seemed to have some sort of insight implied but not stated. Add in to that Spock-Prime. I am pretty sure the two combined would make it very clear that it is in Starfleet's best interest that he be Captain. Also, it is an accepted part of canon that the universe itself has plans for him.

Reading the prequel comics also clears up a lot that was not in the movie.

Only thing that really stands out is Chekov being older in this universe. And Scotty's mini-me is just horrible.

Using Kahn as a movie villain would be a bad move. It would be rehash and lazy writing. After going to so much length to create a fresh start, immediately jumping in to a defined character like Khan in the second film would be a waste of it all. Someone like Mudd as a minor character would work fine, though.


Damn nerds I swear. hah.

I was just talking about the use of the term "temporal" in the show (sci fi book club I go to), which I would guess less than .01% of viewers even get what that means. For most viewers I think they need specific, lets call it "real" time travel as opposed to time-dilation as a product of light-speed+ travel to lets call it "count" as a Time Travel story. Really though some of the most memorable stories from all the series are time travel 'specific" stories.

It is true though that "time travel" is nessisary for star trek and many other movies/shows that have galaxy-wide travel, albeit that is rarely explored. (Its explored in CRAZY detail in The Forever War that I just read)

I wouldn't call writing about any existing characters lazy per se, even though I understand the sentiment, the devil is in the details. If that were the case it would just be lazy to make any new star trek, it doesnt get much more iconic than Captian Kirk and Mr. Spock talk about easy characters to use in a story and have people like it (generally). I actually prefer more detail about existing characters than them throwing in yet MORE characters , as if there isn't already 10,000 unexplored areas existing subjects/characters that they could delve deeper into, any character even the most iconic ones have plenty of room for development. We don't really know much about Checkov say, and hes far more well known than any non-main cast character is, could have a whole series based around any character if the writing was good, just depends on how they approach it. Even characters I don't like, I'm sure I could be swayed with good writing.

Holy crap star trek talk.. yay. This thing here, comming out soon looks pretty epic.

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