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Top 20 cartoon goth girls

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Would have ordered my list differently, for instance...Gwen from Total Drama Island, who acts all preppy and such, is number one...but Henrietta from South Park and Gaz from Invader Zim are lower down the list?

Also...they left out one of the most crucial ones from any cartoon series EVER, but I'm guessing that whoever put this together isn't old enough to remember:


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I love the list but I totally agree wtf is up with the ranking Gwen should be way farther down. And I'm surprised no Ruby Glooom (and agreed no sailor saturn lameee)? I love that they had Creepy on the list I felt like I was the only weirdo who even watched that show that wasn't a kid ha. Whoever created this (I am to lazy and don't care to look) needs to improve their audio quality or not have music to go with their videos.

and you know when you watch too many cartoons when this is the only thread you care to comment on XD

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Neat list! Not that I recognize like a third of them (not that that matters). I get the impression there was a big post-Zim influence in the animation world (which I haven't followed since that time much).

"Obsessed with death but also enjoys hulua hoops" lol

"Pantie and STocking with garterblet" ?? holy crap lol.

12 ear old gateway into pervertville? Good thing they didnt have this when I was younger, I'd be even more of a fetish obseed freak than I am now. :help::drool:fear: :fear: (need a "goes to jail" emoticon)

Would have ordered my list differently, for instance...Gwen from Total Drama Island, who acts all preppy and such, is number one...but Henrietta from South Park and Gaz from Invader Zim are lower down the list?

Also...they left out one of the most crucial ones from any cartoon series EVER, but I'm guessing that whoever put this together isn't old enough to remember:

An anime person not knowing what sailor moon is is like , not knowing what ketchup is. Even if you've never had it or saw it, should be aware of it. hah.

Being a virtual Sailor Moon Scholar due to the longest relationship I've ever had (well tied for longest) being with a sailor moon obsessed sex fiend, and thus me slowly being converted to the same, (not that I ever got to really "love" the show, i HATED it to start with, but it grew on me eventually. I got to the point were I'd recomend it per se), read all the damn manga too.) mainly because it was her key interest, and even though I started out not liking it, she was SO into it I'd figured I'd give it a serious try, eventually I think between the two of us we owned almost everything story line wise that existed.

I got so bad about it I started correcting people when they would get things confused, I remember being shocked at myself when I told some girl "No no... satrun IS part cybernetic and her farther dies after series S for good only in the manga, and its CHIBI not moon that stops her from dropping her slaive sheesh get it straight." I knew I had been watching / reading it wayyyy too much at that point.

N Hotaru is certainly very goth-ish, but I guess it never occured to me that she was "a goth girl" per se, although that is probably why I focused on her a bit more even though shes not in the storyline that much. /ponders. These characters they have in this thing are like "obviously goths" for the most part.

I love the list but I totally agree wtf is up with the ranking Gwen should be way farther down. And I'm surprised no Ruby Glooom (and agreed no sailor saturn lameee)? I love that they had Creepy on the list I felt like I was the only weirdo who even watched that show that wasn't a kid ha. Whoever created this (I am to lazy and don't care to look) needs to improve their audio quality or not have music to go with their videos.

Its probably just a problem with the upload (the sound quality) although if you look at the upload date, if they havent fixed it by now I'm guessing they arent going to.

and you know when you watch too many cartoons when this is the only thread you care to comment on XD

hah *plots to change the lack of wiw sightings somehow*

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I love the list but I totally agree wtf is up with the ranking Gwen should be way farther down. And I'm surprised no Ruby Glooom (and agreed no sailor saturn lameee)? I love that they had Creepy on the list I felt like I was the only weirdo who even watched that show that wasn't a kid ha. Whoever created this (I am to lazy and don't care to look) needs to improve their audio quality or not have music to go with their videos.

and you know when you watch too many cartoons when this is the only thread you care to comment on XD


Where is Ruby, Misery, or Iris?

Malaise, Malady, Morose.

All of these are much better choices than half of what I saw on that list.

This list makes me sad. :I

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Where is Ruby, Misery, or Iris?

Malaise, Malady, Morose.

All of these are much better choices than half of what I saw on that list.

This list makes me sad. :I

Any bun head can make a list. I just try to look at it like there is a list at all. More attention to such things seems better than none, even if our pet favorites aren't there. I'm not sure if that's the best thinking or not , but it seems correct to me. /ponders.

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Any bun head can make a list. I just try to look at it like there is a list at all. More attention to such things seems better than none, even if our pet favorites aren't there. I'm not sure if that's the best thinking or not , but it seems correct to me. /ponders.

Ruby deserves a place in any list. o3o

I don't really like the attention, I prefer obscurity.

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Ruby deserves a place in any list. o3o

I don't really like the attention, I prefer obscurity.


Hrmm, not sure what you mean. If we like something, and it doesn't get much attention, it goes away usually since it doesn't have any support. If we like something, we'd want to support it right? (I'm guessing you probably meant something else though that I just didn't grasp). Good to see you around as always anyway though.

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Hrmm, not sure what you mean. If we like something, and it doesn't get much attention, it goes away usually since it doesn't have any support. If we like something, we'd want to support it right? (I'm guessing you probably meant something else though that I just didn't grasp). Good to see you around as always anyway though.

No, i meant obscurity. Everything has a beginning and an end, it's only a matter of time.

I find the bigger something get, the more opportunity for it to get ruined by the masses.

Fame is the enemy of creativity.

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No, i meant obscurity. Everything has a beginning and an end, it's only a matter of time.

I find the bigger something get, the more opportunity for it to get ruined by the masses.

Fame is the enemy of creativity.

I would say that's true in general, not in every case but in general. It is a matter of scale, as if something isn't past a certain point of visibility, it get so little support it either doesn't get made at all, or it gets canceled too soon. (books, movies, documentaries whatever) All things need resources to come into existence or continue to exist in the case of a series, long enough to come to some level of fruition.

Luckily as media choices expand there is less and less need for things to have as massive appeal as they did in decades past, indeed often trying to appeal to "huge masses" only works for a very few things these days, and "niche" markets are becoming more common as diversity increases do to increased choices.

I do agree with the general sentiment though, the larger things get they tend to get "sucked into" mediocrity. Not that this happens every time, but it is a common trend.

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I would say that's true in general, not in every case but in general. It is a matter of scale, as if something isn't past a certain point of visibility, it get so little support it either doesn't get made at all, or it gets canceled too soon. (books, movies, documentaries whatever) All things need resources to come into existence or continue to exist in the case of a series, long enough to come to some level of fruition.

Luckily as media choices expand there is less and less need for things to have as massive appeal as they did in decades past, indeed often trying to appeal to "huge masses" only works for a very few things these days, and "niche" markets are becoming more common as diversity increases do to increased choices.

I do agree with the general sentiment though, the larger things get they tend to get "sucked into" mediocrity. Not that this happens every time, but it is a common trend.

I speak in generalizations, but I don't mean it to it's full extent.

The world isn't so black and white, there are always exceptions and statistics mean nothing when applied to an individual.

But I say it anyway, for it's blanket encompasses so many that when it doesn't apply, one gets to go; "You are the exception."

The more people brought into something, the more of a chance corruption of any form may occur.

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I speak in generalizations, but I don't mean it to it's full extent.

The world isn't so black and white, there are always exceptions and statistics mean nothing when applied to an individual.

But I say it anyway, for it's blanket encompasses so many that when it doesn't apply, one gets to go; "You are the exception."

The more people brought into something, the more of a chance corruption of any form may occur.

Yep I get you. Unfortunately its hard to know what anyone "really means" at times as its near impossible to write it all out, and even if it was possible, it would be so long as to be unreadable. Dang non-instant brain-to-brain-info downloads!

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Yep I get you. Unfortunately its hard to know what anyone "really means" at times as its near impossible to write it all out, and even if it was possible, it would be so long as to be unreadable. Dang non-instant brain-to-brain-info downloads!

WTB Telepathy pl0x.

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