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Slim Fast


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I have been wanting to loss weight so I thought I would give the Slim Fast shakes a try. I had one for breakfast and one for lunch. With in a few hrs after drinking them I became extremely hungry. I mean I want to eat everything I see hungry! But I was trying so hard to just have the shake for breakfast and lunch and nothing else until supper time. It didn't work. I just became more and more hungry until I gave in and started eating stuff. I then started to get headaches everyday. After a few weeks of this I just couldn't do it anymore. The hungry was over powering and I was taking medication for the headaches every day. I gave up on the Slim Fast shakes and went back to eating as a normally do. I heard that Slim Fast has worked for other people so maybe I just didn't do it right?

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Slimfast is a fad diet. Please stop giving that company your money for their shitty meal replacement shakes that are full of sugar and who knows what else. Might I suggest Myfitnesspal.com. It's an online food journal. You can figure out caloric needs and adjust how many carbs, protein and fat you want to eat accordingly. It's also free. Seriously, cutting calories and exercise is the best weight-loss plan. However, if you cut your calories too drastically you will not lose weight. And if you are exercising you will need to eat some of the calories back or you will plateau.

Some helpful tips: 1. Stay away from Lean cuisine and Weight watchers frozen meals.2. Eat clean (raw fruits and veggies) 3. Exercise (doesn't have to be anything crazy but 30-60 minutes at least 4-5 times a week is good) 4. Lift weights (you won't bulk up, I promise. Muscle burns fat) 5. DRINK YOUR WATER AND STOP DRINKING DIET SODA.

Btw, Myfitnesspal.com is free. I use it. I have it downloaded to my phone as well.

Edited by KatRN05
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Slimfast is a fad diet. Please stop giving that company your money for their shitty meal replacement shakes that are full of sugar and who knows what else. Might I suggest Myfitnesspal.com. It's an online food journal. You can figure out caloric needs and adjust how many carbs, protein and fat you want to eat accordingly. It's also free. Seriously, cutting calories and exercise is the best weight-loss plan. However, if you cut your calories too drastically you will not lose weight. And if you are exercising you will need to eat some of the calories back or you will plateau.

Some helpful tips: 1. Stay away from Lean cuisine and Weight watchers frozen meals.2. Eat clean (raw fruits and veggies) 3. Exercise (doesn't have to be anything crazy but 30-60 minutes at least 4-5 times a week is good) 4. Lift weights (you won't bulk up, I promise. Muscle burns fat) 5. DRINK YOUR WATER AND STOP DRINKING DIET SODA.

Btw, Myfitnesspal.com is free. I use it. I have it downloaded to my phone as well.

Holy crap drinking liquid crap throughout the day and then eating real food at the end of the day doesn't even sound like it would remotely work at all. I keep hearing about myfitnesspal I need to give that a look.

Ooooh I'm going to have to give this site a look over.

Thanks for the heads up, I need to eat healthier myself >.>

I don't think bacon constitutes as a full meal for dinner...

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My problem with any eating plan is that it is a meal plan, (well not slim fast that's mega super crazy simple) I'm just not going to stick to it or remember it after awhile. I think part of the problem is that you have different "eating habbit skill levels" and people that are really into the nutrition and calorie aspect of it don't realize that a lot of us need it to be really simple not, some "meal plan" with a lot of details. That's were a lot of "diet" plans fail me (or i fail them) if i have to spend too much time thinking about what it is im going to eat, I wont do it after a certain amount of time.

Slim fast just sort of "tricks" you into reducing your calorie intake, but you could do that on your own just eating bran flakes + vitamins (or anything not sure why I said bran flakes heh) or something. I did lose weight on it years and years ago but it wasn't due to it being a great idea. Just sort of echoing some of the above sentiment.

It was "easy" in the sense that I didn't have to think about what I was going to eat, but yeah I was hungry most of the time, its just sort of a calorie/vitamin drink I'm not "against" it like some might be but its expensive for what it is.

Really if you just eat fruits and veggies and lean meat wit no shit on them, unless you gorge yourself its going to work.. problem as always with an of this crap... willpower (and keeping it up for a long time, not just a few months or some such). There is no real need for any "secret" meal system I don't think. (and i've tried a ton of them)

The most recent one was BeyondDiet , which was fine, but really after awhile I lost the need for the "plan" aspect of it, i get it, dont eat shit, smaller portions more often, lota watter... next. lol

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one problem most people have is controlling portion size - i have a really easy way to do it.


mentally divide the container into quadrants; meat should be about one quarter, carbs another quarter, and the last half should be veggies. very simple, easy to remember, and easy to picture in your head for times when you don't have a container handy...

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  • 2 weeks later...

one problem most people have is controlling portion size - i have a really easy way to do it.


mentally divide the container into quadrants; meat should be about one quarter, carbs another quarter, and the last half should be veggies. very simple, easy to remember, and easy to picture in your head for times when you don't have a container handy...

So if i can stuff a quarter pounder in there I'm good! Score! (teasing)

Honestly though, its a good idea, although even this much is something I know I'm not actually going to do "regularly" I might do it a couple times, then just get tired of it.

I just honestly need to "care" more somehow. I know (generally) what to do, but how to get that motivation is still elusive. Not that I don't have any motivation, its just minor compared to what I need (apparently).

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So if i can stuff a quarter pounder in there I'm good! Score! (teasing)

Honestly though, its a good idea, although even this much is something I know I'm not actually going to do "regularly" I might do it a couple times, then just get tired of it.

I just honestly need to "care" more somehow. I know (generally) what to do, but how to get that motivation is still elusive. Not that I don't have any motivation, its just minor compared to what I need (apparently).

When motivation fails, habit can succeed. Once you have a routine the mind often rebels when trying to shirk.

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I actually like Slim Fast (I buy the Costco brand). I don't drink it everyday because it's just not enough calories but I like to keep them on hand for those times when I'm just too busy to sit down and eat. I can drink one real quick in the morning or afternoon and not have to skip a meal. I also like them for pre-workout because they settle faster than solid food. This biggest thing when it comes to losing weight is lifestyle changes. Troy, you mentioned not being able to stick to meal plans because it's too much work but after awhile it becomes habit and eating healthy becomes easy. I love myfitnesspal for tracking my food but I honestly don't need to do it anymore, after years of healthy lifestyle and food tracking I can mentally tally my food plus my eating habits are right in line with my calorie goals without any effort. Exercise is where I need to focus my energy. I am moderately active, I need to become super active:) Weight loss should be a long term goal for a lifestyle not a diet. I'm 100 lbs lighter than I was 10 years ago and there's no chance I'll ever gain that back. I'd have to purposely stuff my face and sit around doing nothing because those things are no longer habit for me.

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When motivation fails, habit can succeed. Once you have a routine the mind often rebels when trying to shirk.

Yeah that's good advice. I'm trying to just habitually eat less (not working that great, but at least I'm not gaining weight), that's really the problem, not necessarily what I eat. Boneless chicken & veggies? Thats nice, ok now pile that fucking plate high! lol

I actually like Slim Fast (I buy the Costco brand). I don't drink it everyday because it's just not enough calories but I like to keep them on hand for those times when I'm just too busy to sit down and eat. I can drink one real quick in the morning or afternoon and not have to skip a meal. I also like them for pre-workout because they settle faster than solid food. This biggest thing when it comes to losing weight is lifestyle changes. Troy, you mentioned not being able to stick to meal plans because it's too much work but after awhile it becomes habit and eating healthy becomes easy. I love myfitnesspal for tracking my food but I honestly don't need to do it anymore, after years of healthy lifestyle and food tracking I can mentally tally my food plus my eating habits are right in line with my calorie goals without any effort. Exercise is where I need to focus my energy. I am moderately active, I need to become super active:) Weight loss should be a long term goal for a lifestyle not a diet. I'm 100 lbs lighter than I was 10 years ago and there's no chance I'll ever gain that back. I'd have to purposely stuff my face and sit around doing nothing because those things are no longer habit for me.

I just use the term "diet" as shorthand, I'm on board with changing habits is the real trick, and its good advice. I think I'm fairly knowledgeable about what to eat/not to eat and I'm not great at estimating calories but its close enough, that if I can just keep the quantity down (main problem) things would be fine. I just get hungry, more than I feel like I "should be" hungry (see reply to invictus) and often just say bah.. fuck it.. tired of feeling hungry. Wish there was some non-destructive "take this pill and your half full" type thing.

I used drink the slim fast 1. because I'm one of them freaks that actually likes(d) the taste of some of the flavors and 2. Often I'd just be in a rush and rather than not eat, I'd just slam one of these things. I'm not saying its the best plan ever, but i did lose weight. (Its probably been like 8 years since I've even seen a can/tub of slim fast though)

The eating isn't that much of a problem really, its just that I'm "treading water" and not really losing anything. I have been seriously slacking off on the exereize though, at least in the last few months. slacker :whip

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I have been wanting to loss weight so I thought I would give the Slim Fast shakes a try. I had one for breakfast and one for lunch. With in a few hrs after drinking them I became extremely hungry. I mean I want to eat everything I see hungry! But I was trying so hard to just have the shake for breakfast and lunch and nothing else until supper time. It didn't work. I just became more and more hungry until I gave in and started eating stuff. I then started to get headaches everyday. After a few weeks of this I just couldn't do it anymore. The hungry was over powering and I was taking medication for the headaches every day. I gave up on the Slim Fast shakes and went back to eating as a normally do. I heard that Slim Fast has worked for other people so maybe I just didn't do it right?

Fad dieting gets you nowhere, except with your money wasted. The only real results come from perseverance, telling yourself "no", knowing what moderation is, and knowing about nutrition and proportion size.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Fad dieting gets you nowhere, except with your money wasted. The only real results come from perseverance, telling yourself "no", knowing what moderation is, and knowing about nutrition and proportion size.

As a general statement I agree, and a "real" lifestyle change is always the best plan. (see many comments above esentially agreeing with your exact point)

I'd say its a waste of money in the sense that you can just do the same "meal replacement" by eating Bran Flakes & taking a multivitamin. The idea being that many people just aren't going to go through the trouble, at least not at first. At least for awhile, if people can stick to it (and not starve themselves into metabolic slowdown) its better than obesity.

But just as a side-point, I wouldn't suggest slim fast as a first choice, but I also wouldn't characterize it as useless.

US News & World Report (known for good reporting),

Medline (well sourced NIH publication)

The American College of Sports Medline

all give it decent reviews, and that's just off the top of my head.

Not to say its "good" or "great" but its distinctly different than some snake oil type thing such Cheryl Coles "Blood Group Diet" and Naomi Campbell’s maple syrup, lemon and pepper “detox” regime quackery.

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Splenda makes you fat.

Check your labels, people! Special K, Slim-fast and a whole lot of diet brands like Atkins and many protein bars use Sucralose aka Splenda. It will just make you fatter. Eat a piece of fresh fruit or two and a piece of lean meat. Plan your meals a head of time and prepare them yourself i.e. actually cook something.

Edited by KatRN05
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Splenda makes you fat.

Check your labels, people! Special K, Slim-fast and a whole lot of diet brands like Atkins and many protein bars use Sucralose aka Splenda. It will just make you fatter. Eat a piece of fresh fruit or two and a piece of lean meat. Plan your meals a head of time and prepare them yourself i.e. actually cook something.

that article is actually arguing against the concept of it directly causing weight gain, there's no supporting data for that claim. the only thing it intimates is that the sweetness causes a craving for more, which *can* lead to overeating.

also quoted from the article's author?

I’m still 100% confident that to have a person switch from 1-2L of regular soda each day (what this player drank) to diet soda is a huge positive step. Perfect? Nope. Better. Absolutely.
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I sort of like Slimfast shakes, but I don't do the whole 2-shakes-a-day-every-day thing. I don't get a lunch break at work, and I keep them on hand because sometimes we get too busy for me to sit down and eat, so I can grab one and get a couple hundred calories without really having to stop. The Slimfast plan actually tells you that if you are going to do a shake for lunch and a shake for breakfast, you should have a couple of light snacks during the day, like a piece of fruit or some raw veggies, or a 100 calorie snack bar. Slimfast shakes are something like 190 calories each, so if you just have the 2 shakes during the day and dinner, you would have to eat anywhere from 1200-1800 calories at dinner time, depending on your calorie intake needs, for it to work, and most people don't eat that much in one meal. Many years ago I did my own version of the Slimfast diet, where I would substitute other foods that were between 200 and 300 calories, like a can of Campbell's soup, or a yogurt and fruit smoothie, for a shake, and have one or two small snacks during the day, then eat around 800 calories for dinner. I lost a lot of weight that way, and didn't get burned out from eating the same thing day after day.

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I sort of like Slimfast shakes, but I don't do the whole 2-shakes-a-day-every-day thing. I don't get a lunch break at work, and I keep them on hand because sometimes we get too busy for me to sit down and eat, so I can grab one and get a couple hundred calories without really having to stop. The Slimfast plan actually tells you that if you are going to do a shake for lunch and a shake for breakfast, you should have a couple of light snacks during the day, like a piece of fruit or some raw veggies, or a 100 calorie snack bar. Slimfast shakes are something like 190 calories each, so if you just have the 2 shakes during the day and dinner, you would have to eat anywhere from 1200-1800 calories at dinner time, depending on your calorie intake needs, for it to work, and most people don't eat that much in one meal. Many years ago I did my own version of the Slimfast diet, where I would substitute other foods that were between 200 and 300 calories, like a can of Campbell's soup, or a yogurt and fruit smoothie, for a shake, and have one or two small snacks during the day, then eat around 800 calories for dinner. I lost a lot of weight that way, and didn't get burned out from eating the same thing day after day.

When I was doing it this is what I did and had similar thoughts, although I sucked down a bit more calories in between. Was the only time i was ever at my "goal size" except when I was a child. Not because its the best, most healthy diet plan ever (slim fast gets nocked constantly for being a "fad" diet) but because its easy as heck to follow. Even the "just don't eat any junk food, and don't bother to count the calories" isn't as simple, as you have to know (and stand) all that non-junk food, plus it tends to force me to cook, which, often i just don't want to do.

Its good I think (or at least better) than just random eating, (which covers more than 2/3rds of the U.S. population) regardless of its shortcomings.

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