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What Games do you actively play? (video , tabletop, otherwise)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing really.  I would say Magic The Gathering but I've been too "out of it" to focus, MTG takes a bit more focus than most tabletop or video games  (plus all of the "Real" games cost $$).   I've tried various "free" video games on the computer and the phone but they've not held my interest for more than a week.  I keep getting distracted by life and the tiny amount of "alert time" i have gets sucked down by BS like... well non-gaming stuff is all BS (outside of the 'House Spiral' framework) so... priorities I suppose.  hah.    

Very unusual situation for me since I'm a lifelong gaming addict.  

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Currently two on Steam...

Robocraft is early access beta, but pretty fun.  You build things like Lego and then fight them.  If your bot is good you can sell it on the market too.  Not much else to say about it though.

World of Guns is educational and fun, but really only for hardened firearms enthusiasts.  However you need never have owned or operated a gun to use it.  The tutorial is fairly thorough and takes you through a firearm disassembly, assembly, and operation of an AK-47, and then a Colt 1911.  There are also a couple quizzes too, one being a daily one where you have two firearms and you have to try to figure out what part goes in what gun.  The other you see a silhouette of the gun and have to figure out what type of firearm it is, and it resets every 30 minutes.

Both will give you escalating daily rewards too just for logging in.  Also both are free to play, although you can pay to get more access/items instantly too.

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  • 2 months later...

I beat the new DOOM and its now one of my favorite games, it feels extremely 90's with a more modern heavy soundtrack.  I also beat Gears of War 4 campaign, the story wasn't as good as the first 3, I kind of feel like they shouldn't have even made it.  I might play some Gears of War 4 on Horde in the future, but I don't have plans to play anything that's no co-op anytime soon.  I've been in and out of catatonic depression which I think is from sunlight/vitamin d deficiency, so its keeping me from wanting to do a lot of gaming.  Plus after combing Skyrim and doing every major storyline nothing comes close to the epicness of that game for me.  The Dawnguard DLC is worth playing last because the story is a solid 8/10.

Edited by Class-Punk
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So I got a new phone, which means there's an extra phone that I'm not using.  No cell number but it still has 802.11n connectivity.  So I threw the evil Gapps package on it and put in my e-mail.  I've been doing Shadowrun Returns and Deus Ex: The Fall.

Shadowrun Returns was a lot of fun and pretty hard, even on easy (but I'm mostly playing for the story.)  Top down isometric RPG with a great soundtrack.  There are some other campaigns you can run with it they made but I'm not sure where they are.  One of the few games I actually bought.  Feels very linear though as in there isn't much to explore and anything you can interact with is highlighted.  Less about exploration and more about story I guess.

Deus Ex: The Fall is fun, but it's only the first chapter.  Also it wanted access to my phone numbers and SMS.  Also comes with ad networks.  This is why I use a phone I don't care about, because fuck square-enix.  It's not even a free game, it's $4.99.  On top of that it uses "fremium" features like buying exp or weapons.  All that said it was possible to beat it without any of that.  In fact the game is TOO easy once you get the hang of it.  You can pick up items in front of characters who should probably be really annoyed that you're picking up those items.  Also you can sniper shoot using a gun with a silencer (also annoying because THAT ISN'T HOW A SILENCER WORKS!) or a crossbow and drop enemies.  They just kind of fizzle away.  I'd at least hope to drag them off to avoid them seeing a body and freaking out.  Also pretty much every body is guaranteed to drop 30 credits and some ammo.  Not to mention you get experience for the stealthy headshots so I found myself killing people that didn't even need killing.  Generating money takes a long time in game so if you want to get the plasma gun or RPG it requires a second playthrough.  Also pretty linear but not as considering you could go into other areas even before you needed to) like the roof of the hotel) and set things up in advance.  I also recommend putting a praxis point into the ability to disable or control enemy robots/drones since having it target your enemies is so satisfying.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Playing a mindless but addicting game on the phone called dungeon defender. (Gotta defend that dungeon from them pesky do-gooder adventurers.

Still playing magic (paper) and league of Legends on and off but getting to the computer while sick is difficult.

I'd LIKE to be playing Allen: Confrontation or Battlefield One. But that would require a non POS PC or top of the line gaming rig (ps4 is the only option for VR right now... also plays 4k dvds. Apparently it's especailly good in VR. Good damn it.   

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I'm so busy trying to upgrade myself that I have minimal time left. 

I still play Clash Royale on the phone (almost) daily but you can play a match in 4 minutes so in 15  20 minutes I'm done. 

I'm on and off "playing" many things would not be considered games, more like 'experiences' several different Virtual Reality things, but not regularly.... just sucks down too much time for my goals right now.  But things like Google Earth in VR are amazing.  You float above the whole earth and then zoom into wherever you want.  You can control the sun with a swipe of your hand. The other day I was on top of the Iffel Tower looking down on paris and then zoomed right to downtown detroit (its all in 3D in any well-populated area) And there is an anatomy program that is really facinating with a body just floating right in front of you, and with a swipe of your hand you can seperate the skeletal system, the digestive system, and the muscular cystem and then grab ahold of say, the heart, slice it in half and in real-time 3D rendering watch how it works, everthing is labled with floating in the air labels like a sci fi movie. 

FPS games which i typically don't like are EPIC in VR, you pick up a gun and after awhile it just feels like an extension of your hand, (and the epic controllers that are now standard for oculus rift are PERFECT)  you actually have to duck and hide behind things, and in the better games use real-life tactics, you actually get a workout from playing a 100% game.  I had to stop playing after awhile i was still having fun, my ab muscles just couldn't' take all the crouching down and poping back up anymore. At one point I was laying down flat on the floor to hide behind the tiny bit of cover that was available.  lol 

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  • 4 months later...

ok I run games on Thursday and Satruday evenings (why I miss alternate Gatherings), and the alternating Friday and Sunday evenings.  On Thursdays, I alternate between two superhero campaigns, both Pathfinder/OGL, one is in a dystopian 2020 America, and the other in a Gotham city-esque urban setting, with nanotech-enhanced vigilantes.  On Fridays, I run Bureau 13- Brass and Steam, Pathfinder- post-Old West Steampunk monster hunters in 1891 Carson City.  On Saturdays, I run a Palladium rules variant Robotech game, which has been convereted to OGL/Pathfinder for a year or so, and it's about to revert to PB rules, and on Sundays, Pathfinder again, a Doctor Who/World of Darkness mash-up (the two fondoms fit surprisingly well together)

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Magic The Gathering: Arena  


It's the closest thing to real MTG on a computer.    


Sanctus Reach


The closest thing to tabletop Warhammer 40,000.  (Which is the best Sci-Fi universe, its a fact.  No argument possible) 

There are over 100 games set in the WH40k universe I just realized.  Its such a compelling universe I'm surprised Hollywood hasn't stolen it yet .  (It will and probably fail as they did with  D&D and The Dark Tower)


I'm trying to NOT play anything on the phone as it is such a huge time waster but the last thing I was actively playing is Clash Royale.  Which I decided I'm not playing any damn phone games that don't have a social element to it, that is...  I know zero people that actively play it so fuck it.  I have enough time wastes.   I'd play again in a second if I had some real life friends that did. 



I'd rather be playing both in real life.   I really want to play more tabletop stuff but it requires energy time and people.  I'm especially missing the new Game of Thrones games that came out that have stellar reviews.   And weres my damn drone.  Wait games...  

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  • 4 weeks later...

One that I've been semi active on since 2014 is Star Wars The Old Republic. When I started, there were three tiers; f2p, preferred (if you bought something like the cartel coins you could use in game for stuff from the cartel market), and those who bought subscriptions (and those vary now from a 3 month one time payment to 6 months recurring). I'm sure all that's changed in the past four years.

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On 1/10/2017 at 11:59 PM, Moe Falcon said:

None.. no RPG tabletop groups near me

Didn't see this when it was posted.   

Every gaming hobby shop in Detroit or the surrounding area will have endless connections to gaming groups, the better stores have in-store gaming nights and groups.   :) 


The best store in the entire midwest happens to be in Garden City.  Gamers actually come there from all over the country for bigger events they run.  That particular store is near to my heart just because I have been going there on and off for 2 decades.  Pandemonium.


But there are at least a dozen scattered all around Detroit / metro Detroit. 

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On 12/27/2018 at 5:57 PM, NocteSpiritus said:

One that I've been semi active on since 2014 is Star Wars The Old Republic. When I started, there were three tiers; f2p, preferred (if you bought something like the cartel coins you could use in game for stuff from the cartel market), and those who bought subscriptions (and those vary now from a 3 month one time payment to 6 months recurring). I'm sure all that's changed in the past four years.

Didn't realize that was still running.


I played the crap out of the stand-alone series.  By the time SW:TOR came online I'd already been trying hard to stop playing MMO's because I literally can't seem to sleep I get so obsessed. 


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I've cut back on almost all video games, although the VR games that require you to move around a lot get a pass as that counts as exercise, it totally does in some games I have to stop because I'm too exhausted.


I have several tabletop games I WANT to play but need people to play them with and don't want to play with random strangers.  Not that I have a problem with strangers, just that would be playing the games for the sole purpose of playing them, which I'm trying to avoid. I piss way-way WAY too much time away on gaming.   If its social with people I know I think that's a good use of time.   


All the games are off my phone. (I'd re-add CR if any of the gathering people actively played, I'm also decent at the game so I can teach the slightly more advanced strategies pretty fast (its a simple to pick up game so that doesn't come until you've been playing awhile). 


I still on and off play Clash Royale on my tablet.  Its a really impressive quick game (but just slow enough as to not give you a headache that some micromanagement games can) matches take a maximum of like 6 minutes.   So its easy to pick up and put down.  Its been a top 10 game for over 2 years in the App store. Its sort of a simplified cross between real-time chess and magic the gathering but unlike either when actually being played.   Plus the characters and sound effects are cute/funny. 


Many people around DGN have accounts in this game but I stopped playing for a while.   


The 'DGN guild' is still there  "House Spiral CR" is the name.  Which allows for more gaming options and gifting of units and such.  Plus guild-wide goals, not that we have enough active people to meet them.  



Give it a try here:


Clash Royale Android




Clash Royal iPhone





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