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What Games do you actively play? (video , tabletop, otherwise)

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Really the only thing I'm playing is:

League of Legends,

its an interesting genre, I thought we had run out of new game genres but apparently not. Forced, I'd guess I'd call it an RPG/PVP but its not like a traditional RPG or PvP. Its also not the time sink of an RPG/MMO as its individual "matches" ala Starcraft or some other type thing.

I'd be happy to help show anyone the ropes (its free) , just sign up, go through the (short) tutorial and let me know what your in game name is. Plus its team based so , good times.

My name in LoL is the same as here, same for my skype name.

I dont mean "free trial" or "Free to level X" its free period. The only things that cost money are cosmetic. Every "useful" item / level / peice of content is 100% free. Which, is another reason I'm not paying all that many games. Any extra money I have would go to DGN or trying to maintain some semblance of a social life.

I have been toying with giving DDO another try but damn I don't need another timesink. DGN is an MMO level timeskink by itself.

I WANT to be playing magic the gathering (paper version, you know... crazy social in real life aspect) and a few various "euro games" (board games) but am playing none at the moment.

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Video- Too many to name, but I love anything almost. These are the types I play a lot RPG, FPS, TPS, dungeon crawlers, puzzle games, ect. Including handheld systems.

Tabletop- Starting Pathfinder soon. I want to play Warhammer 50k. And currently have been doing a lot of D&D 3.5 with one Star Wars campaign but not sure what system that runs off of officially.

Card- Used to play Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh. Play mostly Magic the Gathering now though.

I also like board games like ImagineIF, Seven Deadly Sins, monopoly, would you rather, ect.

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Video- Too many to name, but I love anything almost. These are the types I play a lot RPG, FPS, TPS, dungeon crawlers, puzzle games, ect. Including handheld systems.

Tabletop- Starting Pathfinder soon. I want to play Warhammer 50k. And currently have been doing a lot of D&D 3.5 with one Star Wars campaign but not sure what system that runs off of officially.

Card- Used to play Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh. Play mostly Magic the Gathering now though.

I also like board games like ImagineIF, Seven Deadly Sins, monopoly, would you rather, ect.

My problem with the video games is i can only really "focus" on maybe 1-2 at most at a time. I've been tryin to cut back systematically over the last few years as they tend to destroy my socializing, even though I've been a rabid gamer for ... well since as long as I can remember there being video games, which must be since I was like 7 or some such.

I've played the Hell out of previous versions of D%D for 2 decades (and Shadowrun and Rifts and Robotech and White Wolf and <insert random other games here> but nothing lately.

Problem with 40k is the entry fee. Its actually cheaper in the long run (for most people) than magic, but magic is cheap to start, while making a basic 1000 point army for 40k is a $200+ proposition. (not that it matters for me I have so many miniatures its silly). Not playing actively these days though.

Most Pokemon / YuGioH players seem to convert to magic palyers or they just quit card games altogether, not sure why that is.

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I love videogames, though I haven't had a lot of time to catch up on them. Still working through LoZ: SS. D; [/le shaaame]

Tabletop - I had a brief D&D stint, though the campaign didn't go far.

Boardgames!!! My favourites are Monopoly and Talisman. I am a fierce competitor~ >:]

Card games, I've gotten out of over the years. Really liked Pokemon back in the day, until someone stole my Charizard. I was heartbroken. v.v;

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I love videogames, though I haven't had a lot of time to catch up on them. Still working through LoZ: SS. D; [/le shaaame]

Tabletop - I had a brief D&D stint, though the campaign didn't go far.

Boardgames!!! My favourites are Monopoly and Talisman. I am a fierce competitor~ >:]

Card games, I've gotten out of over the years. Really liked Pokemon back in the day, until someone stole my Charizard. I was heartbroken. v.v;

Playd the SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT out of monopoly back in the day probably the game that got me into all the other board games I play now (well play when I do play, lately I've not been playing much), I used to play the earlier generation of Talisman its sort of a "landmark" game, I've not played that re-released one. If you dont know about it this website Boardgamegeek.com is EPIC. Can poke around that website for hours and hours and hours.

At one point I had a stack of like 17 charizards & Pikacus. When the kids were leaving Pokemon in droves and either selling their cards or upgrading to mtg, i bought them for almost nothing from the kids or traded for MTG cards and sold the charizards & other holos on ebay (or traded them to the few kids that were still playing) I played pokemon a little but but it was mostly just to teach my girlfriend a simpler card game than MTG until she got used to it. Pokemon was a decent game, just too luck based, which frustrates me.

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Video Games - Skylanders on my 3ds, I just picked up a few of the little figures I didn't have tonight, Minecraft, Mario, Zelda, and Kingdom Hearts.

Board Games - Anything but I can't ever get anyone to play them with me.

I used to play Magic awhile ago but since my best friend broke up with her boyfriend we don't play anymore.

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Video Games - Skylanders on my 3ds, I just picked up a few of the little figures I didn't have tonight, Minecraft, Mario, Zelda, and Kingdom Hearts.

Board Games - Anything but I can't ever get anyone to play them with me.

I used to play Magic awhile ago but since my best friend broke up with her boyfriend we don't play anymore.

Yeah a lot of games that are played in "real life" have that pesky part of needing other humans... god damn them. (really do prefer playing with humans rater than solo, but the process of organizing it seems to be an issue)

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  • 3 weeks later...

More recently this year I've played Spelunky and Dungeon Defenders (both of which could use some updates to make them better games). I've almost beat Torchlight, occasionally play Oblivion, and Mass Effect 3. I'm looking forward to the Minecraft update that's coming the Fall. I'm not big on tabletop/board/card games, which I have played a game or two of cards, Pokemon, or Magic while drinking; its extremely hard for me to manage all the math in Magic when I am intoxicated.

Lately the most active thing I play is my uber character on Morrowind GOTY Edition which is one of the few games this PC can run.

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Halo, skyrim, mw3, final fantasy... I play dark legends I'm phone too but I'm an xbox girl :-)

*waves hello* Good to see you around. :flower:

Didn't realize they had Skyrim for Xbox but i guess it makes sense, they cross-release all the big games now. I'm a huge gamer (of all types) but have not actively played consoles since the PS2 / N64 days, not becasue I don't like them, just becasue they have this pesky thing were they cost money.. and I have a computer which runs 10,000+ games, which I already have, (i do miss some of the porpriatary titles like Zelda and such) but, plus all my tabletop game obsccessions... only so much time int he day (and money in the piggy bank hah).

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More recently this year I've played Spelunky and Dungeon Defenders (both of which could use some updates to make them better games). I've almost beat Torchlight, occasionally play Oblivion, and Mass Effect 3. I'm looking forward to the Minecraft update that's coming the Fall. I'm not big on tabletop/board/card games, which I have played a game or two of cards, Pokemon, or Magic while drinking; its extremely hard for me to manage all the math in Magic when I am intoxicated.

Lately the most active thing I play is my uber character on Morrowind GOTY Edition which is one of the few games this PC can run.

I think you'll like Orcs Must Die, its similar to Dungeon Defneders I just think its easier to see whats going on, and all of the traps/abilites have a clear, use, rather than just being "random extra stuff to use". (Plus both of them are on sale on steam right now (Orcs 1 and 2). 1 is almost as good as 2 and only costs like 4 dollars.

argh.. just realized I haven't played magic in like 6 months... probably the REAL reason i'm feeling sick... magic withdraw , they should add that to the DSM.

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  • 1 month later...

I think you'll like Orcs Must Die, its similar to Dungeon Defneders I just think its easier to see whats going on, and all of the traps/abilites have a clear, use, rather than just being "random extra stuff to use". (Plus both of them are on sale on steam right now (Orcs 1 and 2). 1 is almost as good as 2 and only costs like 4 dollars.

I've heard about that. I will definitely have to check it out.


My friend and I are going to get all the star coins in New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

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I play amounts of Scrabble that usually kill rats in laboratory conditions. And I play Risk (both board and also over at conquerclub.com).

Must check out conquerclub..... love scrabble and risk but find myself lacking people who will play me.. at least twice lol ;)

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Must check out conquerclub..... love scrabble and risk but find myself lacking people who will play me.. at least twice lol ;)

Yeah? I refer to the Scrabble that I play with one circle of friends as the Eastern Front....it's a titanic clash of ideologies and there are no prisoners taken. It's not the "Oh, look! I spelled a nice word" kind of scrabble. Rather it's the "Wrestle the other person down and bite their jugular" Scrabble.


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Board games- too many to name them all but will try to name some faves... the call of cthulu games (arkham, mansions, etc), descent, starcraft, the mayfair group (catan, the rails games), betrayal on the hill, quarriors, munchkin, risk, scrabble, tomb.... you get the point

Tabletop- currently cartoon action heros, within past 9 months- D&D, Star Wars, Rippers (and various other savage world games)

Video games- Sadly inept... stuck in the land of like tetris, pyramid solataire, bubble popping type games lol... but if there is one that takes very little hand eye, button pushing skill I will give it a shot (exception would be fighting games where I can rapidly memorize button combos...)

But always looking for more gaming friends... especially a good DM (or GM) or good board games ;)

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Yeah? I refer to the Scrabble that I play with one circle of friends as the Eastern Front....it's a titanic clash of ideologies and there are no prisoners taken. It's not the "Oh, look! I spelled a nice word" kind of scrabble. Rather it's the "Wrestle the other person down and bite their jugular" Scrabble.


My dad and I can't play without a dictionary present and average over 400pt games... each.... My nickname from him is Bingo lol!

Edited by Riochat
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