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A fish that targets men's "Man Hood". The Pacu fish isn't a native to America but has been caught and has struck here in and near michigan. It has human like teeth (Yes, it is real! It's a relative to the piranha Family (Derp, derp)) Just found out my brothers friend caught this fish in our lake too. Warnings on the radio when I was in detroit brought my attention to this. Sorry if this is already talked about, I searched and I didn't see anything about this. The link below will explain more about the recent strikes. Thank goth for pools! X.gif

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A fish that targets men's "Man Hood". The Pacu fish isn't a native to America but has been caught and has struck here in and near michigan. It has human like teeth (Yes, it is real! It's a relative to the piranha Family (Derp, derp)) Just found out my brothers friend caught this fish in our lake too. Warnings on the radio when I was in detroit brought my attention to this. Sorry if this is already talked about, I searched and I didn't see anything about this. The link below will explain more about the recent strikes. Thank goth for pools! X.gif

Direct link to the ad.

I thought this was the Candiru fish, another nasty little bugger that will swim up a mans urethra *cringes* but this fella here, still looks scary as hell, thank Cthulhu I don't swim much..or pee in the water..

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A fish that targets men's "Man Hood". The Pacu fish isn't a native to America but has been caught and has struck here in and near michigan. It has human like teeth (Yes, it is real! It's a relative to the piranha Family (Derp, derp)) Just found out my brothers friend caught this fish in our lake too. Warnings on the radio when I was in detroit brought my attention to this. Sorry if this is already talked about, I searched and I didn't see anything about this. The link below will explain more about the recent strikes. Thank goth for pools! X.gif

Direct link to the ad.

I first heard about this fish on Animal Planet's "River Monsters" with Jeremy Wade. The main thing that creeps me out about it is the "human like teeth" part.

Here is a link to the July 9th story out of Illinois.


Still freaky...

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I first heard about this fish on Animal Planet's "River Monsters" with Jeremy Wade. The main thing that creeps me out about it is the "human like teeth" part.

Here is a link to the July 9th story out of Illinois.


Still freaky...

I found this story on like 25 more websites all are either just little websites, or places like "unexplained mysteries.com" (which is about the same as the history channel or the discovery channel these days.)

Yeah animal planet unfortunately has went the way of the history channel, in that its lost its journalistic inegretiy. Shows about alien abductions and cryptozoology )big foot, loch ness monster) other pesudo-science stuff have crept in to both channels, that is , no real verification, just they run with it when they hear it and nevermind the fact checking. That doesn't mean its "not true" it just means that the stories arent properly verified, and thus could easily be just randomn happenings turned into a "real story" when there isn't one.

That website there Gather, has stories about alien bases on mars and all sorts of fad-story type things that is just "regular people" lets call it, posting in a little bit more "official way" than posting on facebook.

There is probably a reason the ball-eater story cant be found on any of the places that try to check their facts and double check their sources. (I spent some more time looking after posting that post)

Not that it isn't interesting, I just can't verify any of this at any legit source. That would be like Time / Nature / PBS / Nature / Discover (not the discovery channel) / Scientific American, any of the NBC/CBS/ABC news outlets, even Fox News despite its political bias would do its homework on a story like this.

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I found this story on like 25 more websites all are either just little websites, or places like "unexplained mysteries.com" (which is about the same as the history channel or the discovery channel these days.)

Yeah animal planet unfortunately has went the way of the history channel, in that its lost its journalistic inegretiy. Shows about alien abductions and cryptozoology )big foot, loch ness monster) other pesudo-science stuff have crept in to both channels, that is , no real verification, just they run with it when they hear it and nevermind the fact checking. That doesn't mean its "not true" it just means that the stories arent properly verified, and thus could easily be just randomn happenings turned into a "real story" when there isn't one.

That website there Gather, has stories about alien bases on mars and all sorts of fad-story type things that is just "regular people" lets call it, posting in a little bit more "official way" than posting on facebook.

There is probably a reason the ball-eater story cant be found on any of the places that try to check their facts and double check their sources. (I spent some more time looking after posting that post)

Not that it isn't interesting, I just can't verify any of this at any legit source. That would be like Time / Nature / PBS / Nature / Discover (not the discovery channel) / Scientific American, any of the NBC/CBS/ABC news outlets, even Fox News despite its political bias would do its homework on a story like this.

I was mainly freaked out about the teeth in the fish's mouth, but...


I thought I was the only one feeling that way. As an engineer with a background in science, I tend to find that most journals and sited material, especially online, are written by some individuals with a little bit of knowledge and a world of imagination.

Not so long ago, it was easy to research various topics and know that you were reading material cross referenced and verified by a legitimate scientific community of degreed individuals. But with the onset of the online social network, misinformation travels faster than most urban legends and later quoted as fact.

I maintain a somewhat skeptical view with regards to documentation and altered images I come across on the internet, but I do find most of the information rather entertaining.

I utilize other methods when venturing on fact finding missions.

Also, I haven't had a chance to see Animal Planet in about 3 years...

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I was mainly freaked out about the teeth in the fish's mouth, but...

My intal post before that one you see there was a similar reaction. It just comes off as creeeepy. (I think that's a scientific word, creepy, right?? )


I thought I was the only one feeling that way. As an engineer with a background in science, I tend to find that most journals and sited material, especially online, are written by some individuals with a little bit of knowledge and a world of imagination.

I'm sort of a science/science fiction nerd, which seems to have lead me to take a more skeptical stance toward claims than I see in general.

I searched a ton more and , the "human like teeth" thing seems to be (fairly) legitimate, I still cannot find a scientific website that I really trust so it could be just a big merry-go-round of a few sources retelling the same story and recycleing the same 20 pictures. All the stories seem to be just from local-news type places, or are on the "OMG!" type websites. When the fish is discussed in a calm , seemingly "scientific" way, the ball eating and the human teeth aspect is either not mentioned or downplayed heavily.

I suspect some of the photos are a bit more "human like" than the fish teeth really look and are angled/cropped/manipulated for effect, but I get the impression they do look fairly human. Apparently these things are 1. plant eaters mainly not meat eaters, but DO eat , in their native habitat "nuts and fruit" that fall into the narrow rivers/streams and depending on the species (pacu is a broad term covering many fish) do eat meat from time to time. Which, they would I suppose tend to evolve these sort of teeth rather than the carnivore/cutting/piercing/tearing teeth of most fish.

The Pacu going after men's testicles is, in the whole scheme of things, is an isolated set of incidents with the "ball eating". I would imagine a ball busting fish is just too good to keep media and tv from sensationalizing it. Pacu are naturally fruit and nut eaters. Nuts as in plant nodules not testicles. They wait for the nuts to fall into the water, which makes a splashing sound, then they rise to the surface and eat it. Where their natural food sources are plentiful they have no reason to attack anyone. When they are introduced into a different environment, whether it be the sepik river, or a lake in Illinois, they only do what comes natural to them. They hear splashing, they swim towards it, they see a nut(or something that resembles it anyway) they bite it.

The media gets ahold of it and all of a sudden there are bands of ball eating fish everywhere, don't go into the water, you will get your parts bitten off!! It makes for a good story.

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My intal post before that one you see there was a similar reaction. It just comes off as creeeepy. (I think that's a scientific word, creepy, right?? )

I'm sort of a science/science fiction nerd, which seems to have lead me to take a more skeptical stance toward claims than I see in general.

I searched a ton more and , the "human like teeth" thing seems to be (fairly) legitimate, I still cannot find a scientific website that I really trust so it could be just a big merry-go-round of a few sources retelling the same story and recycleing the same 20 pictures. All the stories seem to be just from local-news type places, or are on the "OMG!" type websites. When the fish is discussed in a calm , seemingly "scientific" way, the ball eating and the human teeth aspect is either not mentioned or downplayed heavily.

I suspect some of the photos are a bit more "human like" than the fish teeth really look and are angled/cropped/manipulated for effect, but I get the impression they do look fairly human. Apparently these things are 1. plant eaters mainly not meat eaters, but DO eat , in their native habitat "nuts and fruit" that fall into the narrow rivers/streams and depending on the species (pacu is a broad term covering many fish) do eat meat from time to time. Which, they would I suppose tend to evolve these sort of teeth rather than the carnivore/cutting/piercing/tearing teeth of most fish.

The Pacu going after men's testicles is, in the whole scheme of things, is an isolated set of incidents with the "ball eating". I would imagine a ball busting fish is just too good to keep media and tv from sensationalizing it. Pacu are naturally fruit and nut eaters. Nuts as in plant nodules not testicles. They wait for the nuts to fall into the water, which makes a splashing sound, then they rise to the surface and eat it. Where their natural food sources are plentiful they have no reason to attack anyone. When they are introduced into a different environment, whether it be the sepik river, or a lake in Illinois, they only do what comes natural to them. They hear splashing, they swim towards it, they see a nut(or something that resembles it anyway) they bite it.

The media gets ahold of it and all of a sudden there are bands of ball eating fish everywhere, don't go into the water, you will get your parts bitten off!! It makes for a good story.

Your explanation...Well Put...:happy:

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I saw something on the television (Monster Quest? British guy speaking) about this the other day. It said something about it potentially being the case in Indiana, and they should a reenactment of his guy in the water crying in pain. Evidently it really hurts, as opposed to their cousin the piranha, which has such a clean bite it would barely be felt? I need to double check about the specifics.



It was on RIVER Monsters *facepalm* Too many monster shows~



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I saw something on the television (Monster Quest? British guy speaking) about this the other day. It said something about it potentially being the case in Indiana, and they should a reenactment of his guy in the water crying in pain. Evidently it really hurts, as opposed to their cousin the piranha, which has such a clean bite it would barely be felt? I need to double check about the specifics.



It was on RIVER Monsters *facepalm* Too many monster shows~



Yeah unfortunately thats the sort of stuff that you can't take too seriously, thoes shows go out of their way to find one obscure happening and they cant help themselves but make it seem "real". Gives you a skewed impression of reality.

That is, some random one-off happening turns into "stay out of the water! spooky!". As if it happens all the time (and often isnt even real at all). In this case there is a fish like this, but it doesn't look nearly as human (and many animals have "human looking teeth", its just rare in fish) as the strategically chosen views, and the ball-cutting thing is either EXTREMELY rare, (this version of pacu are typically plant eaters) or didn't actually happen at all, no mater, lets run the story anyhow! heh :no

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Yeah unfortunately thats the sort of stuff that you can't take too seriously, thoes shows go out of their way to find one obscure happening and they cant help themselves but make it seem "real". Gives you a skewed impression of reality.

That is, some random one-off happening turns into "stay out of the water! spooky!". As if it happens all the time (and often isnt even real at all). In this case there is a fish like this, but it doesn't look nearly as human (and many animals have "human looking teeth", its just rare in fish) as the strategically chosen views, and the ball-cutting thing is either EXTREMELY rare, (this version of pacu are typically plant eaters) or didn't actually happen at all, no mater, lets run the story anyhow! heh :no

Definitely. The lack of legitimate first hand accounts isn't very conducive to proof, but at least it's kind of being looked into. I'm pretty sure they came up with nothing on the show, though I didn't watch it all the way through.

I want to know where this little fishy is so I can throw a certain guy in the river with it. I think it would be doing mankind a service.

Might have more luck with a secret lair that has a lake filled with hungry hungry hippos. Here, you can borrow mine. *tosses keys*

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Definitely. The lack of legitimate first hand accounts isn't very conducive to proof, but at least it's kind of being looked into. I'm pretty sure they came up with nothing on the show, though I didn't watch it all the way through.

what? You mean joe-blows account of seeing Bigfoot isn't rock solid proof? What is this crazy talk!

But yeah "eyewitness proof" which is often sighted or assumed to be the best type of evidence, is one of the weaker types. Memory is flawed. Perception is flawed. People lie. In court , especially in high stakes cases, jury's are in shock how little value eyewitness testimony has. One guy says the murderer had a blue cap, another guy swears it was red, another swears there were only 2 shots, another swears there were 3... Come to find out there was only 1 shot and the cap was green on viewing the tapes and the forensics.

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what? You mean joe-blows account of seeing Bigfoot isn't rock solid proof? What is this crazy talk!

But yeah "eyewitness proof" which is often sighted or assumed to be the best type of evidence, is one of the weaker types. Memory is flawed. Perception is flawed. People lie. In court , especially in high stakes cases, jury's are in shock how little value eyewitness testimony has. One guy says the murderer had a blue cap, another guy swears it was red, another swears there were only 2 shots, another swears there were 3... Come to find out there was only 1 shot and the cap was green on viewing the tapes and the forensics.

Dude. That is COMPLETELY differnt. I saw this video on youtube, which means it HAS to be true. Duhhhh~ :thumbsup:

It's all about people's perception to their reality. It can be very frustrating, especially when it comes to a legal perspective, as you said.

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Dude. That is COMPLETELY differnt. I saw this video on youtube, which means it HAS to be true. Duhhhh~ :thumbsup:

It's all about people's perception to their reality. It can be very frustrating, especially when it comes to a legal perspective, as you said.

Damn, I didn't realize it was on the internet. My bad. That means it is gospel truth. :book:

...wait a sec that another unreliable sourcebook.

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I read that one guy in Texas had to have his satch reattached, minus one testicle, because his pacu jumped out of the aquarium and got a mouthful. And then there was one where two guys in New Guinea died from bleeding out at the hole where their testicles were before the pacus decided they felt like experimenting a little.


Huffington Post

Found a lot more like it, if you type "pacu" into Google, pretty much everything is about balls and the fish species that loves them, but I will say nothing that is from a "major" official source (i.e. prominent news sources, science magazines, and/or known tv channels).

But since I really really want it to be legit, I will go ahead and say that I believe it must be true :tongue:.

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