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something for the DGN gamers

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On one hand there are a lot of assholes online, and they can be extremely sexist and racist. On the other hand, I think black humor will always be a part of modern gamer culture and anonymous culture. In a way, I think that humor comes out of the Abrahamic/Theistic suppression of anything that's a flavor other than vanilla. The "real man" talk does nothing for this article though, its a dinosaur insult that has nothing to do with the valid points made.

Edited by Coffeenated
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Seems to only lightly touch on the "gamer" part. Everything he says there seems to be axiomatic (self-evident) to me for the most part, in real life.

But online it really is "a different world" depending on which online "world" you're in, unfortunately or fortunately. I am continually annoyed by the immaturity of online gamers, but the anonymity / zero fear of any real repercussions will keep it the way it is in most cases.

I rarely see this sort of behavior in real life except when its a mostly (or all) "boys club" type setting, (oh say the bathroom at CC) which, I really feel is were I'm hearing what men are really like, and its an eye opener that many women would have no clue about, especially when I hear "oh hes such a nice guy" I'm thinking... Really? I'm not sure If i'd like to be the pretty girl that gets treated well in front of her face or the guy that knows what that "nice guy" shes talking about really thinks of her.

I'm not sure I agree with the tone that seems to imply this is a new problem. The issue goes back to antiquity and being a history buff I think this is the best time ever in history to be a woman in the western world, it just gets worse the further you go back, despite romantic period piece movies and books, women's rights were a joke until very recently culturally and legally women are "as equal" as they've ever been right now, today than any previous time in history. The douchbags be damned.

I do think a few of his "tips" on how to curb some of the behavior are interesting.

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I'm not one of the gamer tribe, but sexism and racism has become a huge issue among the gamers in other forums I spend time at. So...if you have the time, read this and tell me what you think. Thanks.


Generally if I play games I'm anonymous and don't usually advertise the fact that I'm a woman... I have a deep enough voice and bady enough jokes it's usually just assumed I'm a guy. If a group is being particularly obnoxious about women (especially if I'm beating them) I let it be known I'm a chic... Only once did the group kinda gang up n kill me, usually I get a whole lotta "sorry dude" or "no way, you man/dad/brother teach you that" and some good hearted ribbing from that point on. Personally I think the article should have been written to ADULTS not MEN. They should have adult and kid rooms anyway so adults know they can talk to adults and kids with kids... if parents LET their kids play with adults... well, that's on their parents and they can't really bitch about what they hear/say then... The ACTING adults need to teach the IMMATURE adults proper etiquette and where to draw the line. A simple "not cool dude" or chill out usually suffices. Or a few biting jokes for the persistent asses (oh... must be compensating... must someones bitch to vent so much here... etc are the furthest I've ever had to go for someone being REALLY over the top and out of line (and i knew there were like 14-16 year olds playing)

But I think aiming it at men is only furthering the fact that women are worth less than men.. They CAN'T handle it themselves... Dude, most the guys I know I could either whoop the crap out of, out shoot them or at the very least out run them by a whole HELL of a lot ;) Team mates not protectors... I've fought my whole life to be treated the SAME and judged on the same merit (LIKE MANFAST!!!!!!) Not a sliding scale cause I'm so fracking DAINTY.... I'm over 5'10" and can bench about 200... I think that's all right for most people in thirties... :starwars:

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Seems to only lightly touch on the "gamer" part. Everything he says there seems to be axiomatic (self-evident) to me for the most part, in real life.

But online it really is "a different world" depending on which online "world" you're in, unfortunately or fortunately. I am continually annoyed by the immaturity of online gamers, but the anonymity / zero fear of any real repercussions will keep it the way it is in most cases.

I rarely see this sort of behavior in real life except when its a mostly (or all) "boys club" type setting, (oh say the bathroom at CC) which, I really feel is were I'm hearing what men are really like, and its an eye opener that many women would have no clue about, especially when I hear "oh hes such a nice guy" I'm thinking... Really? I'm not sure If i'd like to be the pretty girl that gets treated well in front of her face or the guy that knows what that "nice guy" shes talking about really thinks of her.

I'm not sure I agree with the tone that seems to imply this is a new problem. The issue goes back to antiquity and being a history buff I think this is the best time ever in history to be a woman in the western world, it just gets worse the further you go back, despite romantic period piece movies and books, women's rights were a joke until very recently culturally and legally women are "as equal" as they've ever been right now, today than any previous time in history. The douchbags be damned.

I do think a few of his "tips" on how to curb some of the behavior are interesting.

I concur... At least now a husband can't beat his wife in the middle of the street...

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I think a lot of sexism towards women on the internet comes from the fact you can't have a cultural imbalance in one gender without an imbalance in the other. While there is income disparity for women along with human rights abuses, there are also human rights abuses for men which have been left unquestioned by society.

If a ship is sinking, and all the women and children get on the lifeboat first, there could be women who are evil or contribute nothing to society while good people who happen to be men, die. This is male disposability going hand-in-hand with the idea of women being trophies, which was more necessary in pre-civilization and not really now.

So logically, you can't be a feminist without being a masculinist. What's happening now on the internet is that more than ever before there are men becoming pissed off by the trophy ideals, and whether or not its the most rational way of balancing sexism, they are speaking for the same martial and cultural disposability for women that they were born into.


Edited by Coffeenated
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