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What's Your New Year's Resolution


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  • 4 months later...

I can't believe this...6 months into the year, and I have actually stuck to my New Year's Resolution which is a first for me. I have already stepped outside of just about every comfort zone I have grown accustomed to, opened up to complete strangers and let them into my introvert bubble, provided financial support to as many people as I can without affecting personal finances, traveled outside the country on a non-business related matter just for fun, and still feel like I haven't done enough yet. I have even opened up dialogue with several individuals who caused major league "dissension in the ranks". And I do believe fate has stepped in and stirred the winds a bit...(major understatement of the year, but...)

At this point, I am so looking forward to the next 6 months... :biggrin:

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  • 6 months later...

Well, it's that time of year again where people start making plans on how to be for the up and coming new year.

I made such self changing life choices this year that I am actually gearing up to say that in 2014 I plan to follow through. For every project, decision and loose end I've left undone, I plan to bring some form of closure and/or completion to the matter.

For a change, I'm actually looking forward to another year!!

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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Ever Since my sister remarked to me about this being a "year of change", I have been placed in situations where I have had no choice but to experience "change".

It all started in January with the forced upgrade of my computer from Windows XP to Windows 10 due to a broken "Heat Sink Fan Retention Bracket" causing me to have to monster together multiple systems until replacement parts arrived, but this resulted in my system being seen as a "New Registration" to Microsoft who would only allow my computer to register as Window 10.  Thus the official upgrade to the "new" OS.

Then my phone "lost" over 4 years of text messages.  The loss of the ones between me and my mother were the hardest to accept.

Then a drunk driver took out the front gate our father put in right after we moved here as toddlers, smashed into my front porch (leaving a gaping hole), then his vehicle caught fire and threatened to burn down my house.

At the beginning of February, on my birthday, the bones in my hips shifted, causing a slight crippling effect that prompted me to have to purchase an ankle brace just so I could walk.  I had to use it for an entire month to stabilize the bones in my feet.

March 1st, a lightning storm took out the TV I was gifted (from Kikuchi-san of HINO when he retired and returned to Japan) and fried the Comcast set-top box I have had since I moved into my house and my mother had to open the account for me due to that fact that, at that time, I didn't have a "landline" phone.

It is now April and due to the fact that my truck is so rusted underneath, the service guy refused to touch it or even charge me for the visit yesterday (Saturday, April 8).  This prompted me to (by myself) actually drive to the nearest dealership, hold actual negotiations, test drive a 2017 GMC Canyon 4x4, stick true to my guns and decline the offer.  I was proud of myself for just having the courage enough to actually walk into the place alone.  However, that then prompted me to actually speak to my neighbors (who I am still convinced had something to do with the disappearance of my massive compressor) about automotive body shops.  I was actually put in contact with a guy who "says" he does the type of work that I am looking to have done.  The verdict is still out.

And since I was already out, after I returned the Canyon and feeling a bit more confident, I actually took myself to this new thing called a "UPS Access Point".  However, this particular one was in a hole in the wall, ghettofied, beauty supply stripmall.  I had to go there to pick up a package that Comcast sent to my service address instead of my mailing address.

Now I am in the midst of installing this new Xfinity "X1 Entertainment Operating System".  Currently, I am hooking it up to my gameplay CRT TV that I got from my mother.  However, others are trying to talk me into actually purchasing a flat screen.

...Change number n... :confused:

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On 4/9/2017 at 10:52 PM, TronRP said:

...Change number n... :confused:


My 1998 Toyota Tacoma literally fell apart and I ended up with a 2006 Toyota Tacoma Double Cab SR5 TRD Off-Road 4x4 V6 with bed topper included for a price I could actually afford...kinda still in shock. :blink:

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I think people should stop waiting until January 1st to try to better their lives.  Every day is a new day, and people shouldn't even wait until the next if they can help it.  Sure food/sleep/other responsibilities and needs can get in the way.  All that aside there's nothing stopping anyone from resolving to do things for the better.

But you all know how I feel about calendars anyway so this should come as no shock.

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I tried in 2016 to 'get healthy'.. I lost 50+ pounds.. met who I mistook for 'The Love of my Life'.. Gained 15lbs back, Presented and was diagnosed with MS.. So 2017.. I've decided to go back to the one person who has seen me through it all.. The one I forgot about and ignored for so many 'suitors'.. 2017, is declared the year of 'ME'. I'm no longer going to bow to let someone else shine. I'm no longer going to give love to the unworthy. So far, I'm all the better for this decision. I do what I want, now. Keep up or don't slow me down. Amazing how much a cripple can accomplish by her dam* self without useless, weak trolls to hold her down ain't it?! :rofl:

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