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I have days where I become so depressed that I truly want to die. I don't mean just feeling down, I mean sometimes it takes every bit of energy I have not to off myself. Then after a few days it seems to pass and I am "normal" again. I know that I need help with this as I was at one time on an anti depressant medication. I was also in therapy but it was not a good place and my therapist spent our counseling time asking me when I was going to pay the bill that I owed her. I made payments every week, but every time I would go to her she would want to know when I was going to make another payment. I don't know why I am telling you this. I just feel like I need some help but I have no insurance. And since the last therapist did nothing but ask me about paying my bill, I'v not been too keen to seek anyone else out. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt myself. I know my family loves me and people need me far too much. But it does suck to feel this way.

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Believe it or not, but I am painfully shy and I have helped myself overcome some very difficult issues just by being on this site. It has worked wonders. I have found myself discussing things I have not spoken about to anyone outside of my immediate family. My suggestion is use us, use this board, let it all go and know you have a place to come back and vent on. I know I'll be here...just look at the board...I am usually somewhere... :hrhr:

Karada o ki o tsukete: Take care of your body = Remember to always find a way to make time for yourself...(it helps) :happy:

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I know the type of depression you're talking about. I actually committed suicide five times and woke up the next day five times. I took the hint. My life is more important than what I think it is. Someone needs me and I'm not working hard enough to help myself. I began seeking natural herbs and activities to fight depression. Having a person or several people to talk to helps a lot. There are days it gets so bad I don't want to even open my eyes (or go on a killing spree). Then I thank GOD for HIS love and tell the world where to get off. After I rant and rave for a few hours, I have my head on straight and keep going. Yeah, this probably sounds nuts but being a bullied child all the way through high school and my brains thoroughly worked over by Uncle Sam (Regular Army) can do number on a person's way of thinking. Despite what the medical community would like to have you believe (especially since many of them get kick backs on prescribing certain medicines that would kill you), you actually get better.

Hang in there! :construction:

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I have days where I become so depressed that I truly want to die. I don't mean just feeling down, I mean sometimes it takes every bit of energy I have not to off myself. Then after a few days it seems to pass and I am "normal" again. I know that I need help with this as I was at one time on an anti depressant medication. I was also in therapy but it was not a good place and my therapist spent our counseling time asking me when I was going to pay the bill that I owed her. I made payments every week, but every time I would go to her she would want to know when I was going to make another payment. I don't know why I am telling you this. I just feel like I need some help but I have no insurance. And since the last therapist did nothing but ask me about paying my bill, I'v not been too keen to seek anyone else out. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt myself. I know my family loves me and people need me far too much. But it does suck to feel this way.

Lately I have stumbled upon a similar if not same attitude from a number of people, including myself to an extend, and it all comes down to this. Supressed emotions from childhood or from a tragic event cause a person an invisible jail. In order to break free, first you must allow yourself to feel those feelings and then let them exhaust themselves. If you are like me and the stuff that happened to you are no longer recognizable, then continue working with it. Talk to people if you are ok to talk about it. If you don't know what it is, remember that what happened in your childhood is not your fault.. All the stuff that cause guilt, shame, anger, and the such... If it's recognizable, like maybe u didn't properly mourn the death of your dog, then allow those "intense negative sorrowy feelings' to flow freely and let them burn out.

Lola Jones (things are going great in my absence) also has a website divineopenings dot com

Women who run with the wolves

These are two I can recommend for now.

And like the guys above me mentioned, you are not alone.

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I can have bad days or feel like total crap. But I'm pretty calm and level most of the time. I used to have Major Depression and meditation was the main thing that got me through it, exercise helps tremendously though.

I think that anyone who's ever self-harmed needs exercise because it gives them respect for their body and another way to vent, which pulls them away from hurting themselves as a coping mechanism.

Here is an easy meditation technique for anyone interested. There's also a lot more on that site, I haven't looked into them all.

Edited by Class-Punk
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