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Two Life Coach Radio Host Commit Suicide

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Two life coach radio host who did a show called "Pursuit of Happiness"commit suicide. If someone who has a show called "Pursuit of Happiness"ends up committing suicide is it any wonder why I am depressed most of the time. Then again I am always trying to cheer others up when I myself am feeling like ending it all.


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Not to sound too weird, but they were only human going through human things and hit a point where their combined happiness was compromised. In Japan, that would be the most romantic act ever. In America it's "Shocking" because all we care about is the headline. I am a behind the scenes person.

How would it appear if a person showed up to a self-help seminar and the speaker was seen downing a white powdery substance just before they spoke. The headline would read "Motivational Speaker Dopes Up Before Self-Help Seminar". Later it is found that the white substance was starch because they suffered from an iron deficiency and forgot their pills at home so they did the next best thing and purchased some Argo starch at the market so as not to be late to the seminar.

just food for thought...

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Which is why people in my chosen career field have a high rate of mental illness, suicidal tendencies, and are on medication themselves. It is believed that a good helper is one that has been there themselves and can literally feel another person's pain, not just empathy....but experience. I personally suck at solving my own life issues (also a common thing for social workers and psychologists) but I have yet to be a shitty social worker, in fact, clients have left my office, asking me to please be there worker, I get requested by people no matter what population I work with, I've told mother's to their face that I turned them into CPS and had them still keep me on the case....and shut the fuck up about it after they just got done cusing another worker out to me because they thought she was the one who called, not only that, but see me on the street, hug me and tell me thank you, or see me at a store and beg me to go back to the old agency I left because their kid started fucking up after I left, true story, not to sound full of myself..(y'all know that's not me)..I remember one time while doing my internship the first time I had a person really go into their life story in a therapeutic setting with me, well they ended up in tears after talking to me...I felt bad, I told my intern supervisor about it, and she said , "if you get them in tears, you've done your job".....believe me I know how true that is. Granted, I don't stay at a social work job long due to my hatred of the political part, it's a field that if you don't mesh on the value system, you can't stay, you will drive yourself crazy and end up ineffective to your clients, it's all about finding the right place, but back to the subject.......Shrinks themselves are known to have a high suicide rate, oh, and, fun fact, Sigmund Freud, the "father of Psychology" was a coke head!!! No, in all seriousness, mental illness and a life with psych meds is the price you pay for your love of humanity, for your desire to "save the world"

Edited by kat
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