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Currently some people probably can read this while many others cannot. The host that we have basicly is saying that we are dragging their server down. We have "unlimited bandwidth" (no such thing anywhere on the planet but they say that everywhere, and its true in a technical sense) but what no one has is "unlimited processing power".

Apparently dgn is causing some sort of computation hogging on the server we are on (we dont have a dedicated server we share it with many others, only way anyone gets reasonably priced hosting). I've made zero changes to the way DGNs "backend" runs in months, but supposedly we have almost been up to this "processing limit" for a long time but we just now bumped into it and they cut off access to DGN from a huge number of ip addresses until it gets solved.

Its a very technical problem that is not an easy fix and is not something i can do myself(requires access to encrypted files that we don't have regular access to as well), so i'm having to get both the company that makes the forum software and the hosting company to work together to figure it out. Not happening as fast as I would like but i'm trying.

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Unfortunately, that doesn't make me feel any better because I HOG DGN All The TIME. :hrhr:

Right before it went down, I was just noticing how many images I have downloaded to date...something like over 600. I just get too plain addicted to stuff I like and DGN is right at the top of the list, among only about 2-3 other things.

So...should I cut back...or is this one of those things that's bigger than all of us combined...

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I've had times where I've had over 60 posts a day...that was one of the reasons I started "Board Domination Week". It was kinda fun watching people trying to out post me in the forums...it would just make my day :hrhr:

However, after each month, I would have to find a new browser to log on with because the current one I would be using at that time would no longer allow me access to the DGN site. That's how I ended up on Google. I got nervous when I couldn't log on Thursday because I had exhausted all my browsers, but when my "smart phone" was denied access, that's when I knew something was amiss.

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! ! !

Wow I haven't seen him in a long time, either! Come to think of it, I haven't seen you on here in a while, either, FC! Good to see both of you again :) I hope all is well!

Back to topic, Troy, let me know if there is anything I, or anyone else, can do to help! Thanks for your hard work and dedication to the community over the years. I can't believe I've been posting here for over 10 years now, time flies!

Edited by Soulrev
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