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Workout Routines


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What's yours? Have anything to share that works for you?

I've been going through the old army routine lately. I've been mostly unemployed since my son was born and I became a stay at home dad. Decided recently to start working out again; get back in shape before I re-enter the workforce.

I know a lot of people make up workout "sets" and they follow that. I usually just do certain exercises until muscle failure.

Just looking for ideas, seeing what other people do.

I usually do daily exercises like pushups and situps, and rotate "iron-mikes" (kind of like squats), with flutter kicks, or mountain climbers, every other day. I build muscle mass really quickly, but I don't want to get huge like a tank.

I know people usually do cardio workouts to slim, and weight lifting, etc, to build muscle, but I am pretty limited in my cardio workouts. I have asthma, and I smoke, so running is just about out of the question. I used to be able to do it in the Army but that was years ago.

My biggest concern is my belly.. I have always had a bit of a belly since I was 12, never had a flat stomach, which is what I really really want. So, I've been doing situps like crazy.

Anyone have any tips or anything they'd like to share about their workout routines? I know a whole plethora of workouts from the Army, if anyone wants to know more about them.

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I am also a smoker so it sucks trying to do jogging, etc. I used to LOVE Pilates and have recently started trying to do it at home...I also love playing tennis/racquetball..I had been going to a club for that but I need to renew my membership. My job seems to take up so much time that all I seem to be doing is getting fatter, and fatter...it's my fault, I take full responsibility.

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Yeah that's why I stick to quick workout routines that really don't take much time at all. Can be tedious at times but if you stick with it, it pays off. I try to squeeze in pushups and situps whenever I have the chance, usually at least twice or three times a day, until muscle failure.

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  • 6 months later...

I go to the gym with my daughter, who plays roller derby with the Detroit Derby Girls. We spend 45 minutes on the elliptical, at varying difficulties, followed by a LOT of core work (planks, situps, crunches, leg raises, etc.). Then, we move onto whatever body parts we've planned to work on, using both free weights and machines.

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really started getting into squats and deadlifts yesterday

really paying for it today

LOL. Been there bro. One time in the army I did waaay too many calf raises and didn't properly stretch before/after.. I was walking around on my tip-toes for 3 days in terrible pain.

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I did 5 months of stronglifts 5x5, which is a heavy focus on primary compounds. Squats 3x a week, bench, rows, deadlifts and overhead press.

I'm now doing an intermediate program called 531. Still a heavy focus on squats, deads, bench and press but with minor accessory work added as well. My accessories are direct lower back work and ab work.

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I did 5 months of stronglifts 5x5, which is a heavy focus on primary compounds. Squats 3x a week, bench, rows, deadlifts and overhead press.

I'm now doing an intermediate program called 531. Still a heavy focus on squats, deads, bench and press but with minor accessory work added as well. My accessories are direct lower back work and ab work.

when you're done with 5-3-1, take a look at myo-reps, i think you'll dig it. let me know if you have any questions about it, i'll be starting my 2nd cycle of it in a week or two...

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I don't really have a specific routine anymore. Right now, with my work schedule being the way it is, I try to make it to class on my days off. Before I started my new job, I was able to get home within 30 minutes, change into my workout clothes and go to the gym for two hours. With my new job, the commute is a bit longer so I go to bed when I get home. I miss working out in the mornings. I've started doing CrossFit again recently, although, I haven't been to class in a couple of weeks. I try to make it to at least one Krav class, one CrossFit class, Kettlebell class and a kickboxing class. If I can't make it to CrossFit, I go to open WOD and do my own thing which is basic lifts like shoulder press, squats, deadlifts and bench press. Also, in the morning on my days off, I'll go for a bike ride for about 5 miles. I want to start running too....It's hard to do everything.

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