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Spirituality and Religion: Why is everyone so afraid to talk about it?

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I am just wondering how a site that is, even though it is called "Detroitgothic.net, would seem to attract more of an open minded, blunt, and "I just don't give a fuck about what anyone thinks" kind of crowd, however, it seems like people hold back on issues related to their belief systems, their mortality...no offense, but I am a bit disappointed at the lack of depth I see in people. Why is religion and spirituality such a taboo item? Why can't people face their own mortality? We all know we are going to die.., were not immortal no matter how many people actually want to play fantasy games about it, fantasy is fun, great,, but in reality...we will die........Do you care about leaving a legacy? Where did you draw your belief systems from...no matter how much we all may have in common, we are all very different.

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Because people these days have made it taboo.. I just saw on Fox News about a democrat lady who just "Came out of the closet" on her Christianity.. Really?

We've gotten to the point in this country in particular, where people are so afraid to offend other people that they will go to great lengths to hide themselves from the world.

Two things people generally don't want to talk about in public are politics and religion. I think mostly because people are too afraid to stand up for themselves anymore.

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Exactly! People are afraid to offend, afraid to not fit in........so they hold back who they are, what made them who they are...I will never deny where I come from, what I believe in, why I believe it and am so sick of people and their stone casting, hypocrites. Makes me think of that Scarface lines..something like in this world is a bunch of pussies, just waiting to be fucked!! Society is a bunch of fucking pussies can't even stand up for what they believe in...

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Oh, about 20 or so years ago, someone thought it was unconstitutional to force children to say the pledge of allegiance in school because that person said it was praying to the American Flag. Another said it was forcing their child to believe in a different god than their family's religion. Shortly afterwards, some lawmaker decided to listen to a group of people who stated the Constitution demanded a separation of church and government (interpreting the document to mean what they want it to as in the right to bear arms minus the "in time of war" segment, but I'm not touching that topic). The lawmakers made rules making it practically illegal for any school, church, or government or judicial facility to mention or display any form of religious symbolism. After one of the people who spearheaded this particular law was found executed along with her entire family, the torch was dropped. However, the damage was done. The church fired back. Quoting the separation of church and state doctrine, it was able to resume displaying their particular belief system's symbols. Over time, there came an outcry of people demanding more politically correct terminology when dealing with everything. Policeman became police officer. Fireman became firefighter. Ace Hardware is still having trouble altering their jingle after all these years (Ace is the place with the helpful hardware man).

Soon everything became P.C. It all had to be P.C. or some group was going to start griping about their "freedoms" being trampled on. By the time the next generation of children became adults, they had no idea WHAT was going on. I would hear young people (in their 20s) fussing about how "this" wasn't P.C. or "that" wasn't P.C. yet none of it had anything to do with what the original purpose of being Politically Correct was. They didn't even know what P.C. stood for. I had to laugh my but off at that one. During all this church and state insanity, children were being picked on by their schools for wearing "I Love Jesus" tee shirts and one teenager was forced to carry his Bible to school in a brown paper bag so as to "not offend people of other religions". It slowly became crazier and more bizarre with each passing year.

The final result is this, people afraid to rock the boat by simply stating or mentioning what they believe in. I, for one, am not one of those people. I believe in The Christ Jesus. The symbol X in xmas is actually the Jewish word for Christ (look it up). Christmas actually is a slaughtered way of saying (as happens with the majority of foreign words in this country) Christ mass, much like what happened with the Dutch word for Saint Nicholas which is Sinterklaas, which of course, ended up being pronounced Santa Claus by English speaking Americans oh about a century or two ago. Yes, there is a Hell, but Satan is NOT the ruler there, he's running around here on Earth with the rest of us, after all, "the dead in Christ sleep", thereby meaning those who died without receiving the Holy Spirit are still walking around (not as zombies) not realizing or not wanting to accept that they are dead. Why do you think there are so many ghosts wrecking havoc on people's lives? I sometimes laugh my butt off at those poor people who see crap happen and remain in denial until it nearly kills them.

Yes, I may sound like a nut to you, but I really don't care. (I'm talking about those readers who think that, not necessarily you. :hrhr: .) Too many people are afraid of reality or are in TOTAL denial. Think about it. If you believe you simply cease to exist when you die, would you want to face THAT? Energy is energy and it can never be destroyed. It merely becomes something else. I think that's why reincarnation is such a big deal to many people, although, some misunderstand what exactly that entails. That's funny too.

Yes, I was bored today. I wanted to go shopping but the site I usually shop on went down and is currently under construction, so you all benefit from the brunt, er, um, greatness of my (semi) infinite wisdom. Do enjoy.

Toodles! :welcome:

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:respect: and *bows*............to EagleRose, specifically for this: Too many people are afraid of reality or are in TOTAL denial. Think about it. If you believe you simply cease to exist when you die, would you want to face THAT? Energy is energy and it can never be destroyed. It merely becomes something else.

Thank You!! Straight up, raw, in your face, truth.....that's what we need more of. Whether we disagree or agree on beliefs is not the point. What I wanted to get out there was exactly what your whole comment entailed...and we need to be mature and adult enough to understand, respect, and honor all the beauty of humanity, the diverse cultures, beliefs, value systems....you get what I was throwing out on this thread. Thank you.

Me personally, I don't care what a person believes...I just am a student of life and humanity and always will be...the world has so much ugly on the surface but there is beauty in everything...I just think we, as humanity should start to show ourselves from the inside out rather than be so concerned with what's on the outside, covered in bling and fabric...with only what is seen by the naked eye....(I am not sure if anyone get's that maybe I did not articulate it well, but when I am more alert I can reinerate if need be)

Anyhow...*bows again*

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This thread embodies the original premises behind The Holy Crusades...

There is a reason why some Holy text state to not mix those of different religious beliefs...the ego of man has an innate desire to prove he is right and just in all things. When that is threatened, man reverts to a natural instinct to destroy that which threatened his belief a.k.a. his understanding of his very existence. Therefore, giving birth to the Communion of Saints being of like minded individuals.

Because I tend to play things close to the vest with regards to my spirituality and interpretation of religious beliefs, until I get to know a person, I am often accused of rejecting or renouncing religion altogether.

When I was a child, I did not know how to refrain from blurting out about things I saw, impossible information that I knew, or my connection to certain things. Fortunately, because of my age, those things were gingerly overlooked. However, I discovered as I aged, there were very specific topics you did not discuss outside of certain circles (which included more than just religion).

Given that I do not feel the need to prove myself through what I believe, I find it easier to communicate with individuals of all types of belief systems and religious backgrounds. I am not compromising my spirituality, it just allows me to learn more about those in my current surroundings without appearing as a threat.

Spirituality and Religion is but one, be it a major one, definition of who a person is, and when that part of ones being is not shared mutually, it creates a sort of belief caste system. When threatened...war

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Any subject that has a tendency to be "emotionally charged" tends to be avoided by most people. Politics and religion are particularly common examples but there are others. There are several reasons people tend to avoid the subject. I'd say for the majority, that is, people that wouldn't even bother to read this post, they just don't care. They aren't particularly curious about anything other than their own little lives and what they already believe , so why even spend any time thinking about what others might believe or learn something new?

Now, for the rest of us, people that actually might have some level of interest, but just avoid politics and religion anyway... Yeah, its mostly about offending or angering others or themselves. "Its more drama than its worth." or worse, If you talk about these sorts of things, people that might have otherwise been friends, start disliking you because they are ignorant. Not dumb, but ignorant, and because they don't like your beliefs, they decide they don't like YOU. Which sucks. :(

Me personally , when I see someone talking about "these kinds of subjects" even if i REALLY dislike what they are saying, i have at least some level of respect for them, becasue at least they care enough to talk about what they believe, rather than just the same fluffy, social softball subjects that are the norm.

One of my problems with "hanging out" , especially with large groups, is that unless I'm drunk or something (lol) after an hour or so (which is fine) I can only deal with it for so long or my brain starts feeling like its dying of starvation due to the mindless fluffy crap i have to keep engaging in. (assuming im not in hardcore wiseass mode hah)

I LIKE these subjects, and probably would like them even more than I do, but just don't get that much practice discussing them, becasue, people just don't have a habit of discussing them. So the social norm becomes to just keep things fluffy and pure-entertainment based.

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One of my problems with "hanging out" , especially with large groups, is that unless I'm drunk or something (lol) after an hour or so (which is fine) I can only deal with it for so long or my brain starts feeling like its dying of starvation due to the mindless fluffy crap i have to keep engaging in. (assuming im not in hardcore wiseass mode hah)

I LIKE these subjects, and probably would like them even more than I do, but just don't get that much practice discussing them, becasue, people just don't have a habit of discussing them. So the social norm becomes to just keep things fluffy and pure-entertainment based.

I know! I totally understand the "hanging out" thing. Whenever I am with a group of people, they always say "Why are you so quiet?" Well, I'm not always that quiet, but I just don't care to talk about football, or whatever random idiotic subject you have all chosen to talk about that has no substance, no depth, and no importance other than your own entertainment.

I can only take so much "fluffy" social babble, as well.

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I know! I totally understand the "hanging out" thing. Whenever I am with a group of people, they always say "Why are you so quiet?" Well, I'm not always that quiet, but I just don't care to talk about football, or whatever random idiotic subject you have all chosen to talk about that has no substance, no depth, and no importance other than your own entertainment.

I can only take so much "fluffy" social babble, as well.

Same thing here.., mind you I am one of the first one's to clown around and just be silly in a group because I attempt to make people laugh..but, I tried to engage my childhood friends in a conversation about politics before, around the time re-election was coming up and all they wanted to do was talk about who fucked who's kid's dad, who's pregnant by so and so, or, who got shot, who beat who's ass, and what bitches in the room they could find to stare down and gossip about...I try talking about things that makes them think, one of them laughs it off and tell's me to be quiet and chill out, so I don't even really hang out with them to much anymore...still love em, always will, but they have a different lifestyle than I do. Sorry I got a bit off subject.

Edited by kat
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  • 2 weeks later...

I know! I totally understand the "hanging out" thing. Whenever I am with a group of people, they always say "Why are you so quiet?" Well, I'm not always that quiet, but I just don't care to talk about football, or whatever random idiotic subject you have all chosen to talk about that has no substance, no depth, and no importance other than your own entertainment.

I can only take so much "fluffy" social babble, as well.

The fucked thing is I feel like I'm interested in a HUGE range of subjects, just that range seems to be a huge range of... shit hardly no one else is, hah. Its particularly evidinent on fuckin braindead facebook. Me: Hey i figured out exactly how cold fusion works ! Check it out <explanation> (2 likes) Some Slut: "Hey! I Cooked a salad!" (274 likes) ....

Same thing here.., mind you I am one of the first one's to clown around and just be silly in a group because I attempt to make people laugh..but, I tried to engage my childhood friends in a conversation about politics before, around the time re-election was coming up and all they wanted to do was talk about who fucked who's kid's dad, who's pregnant by so and so, or, who got shot, who beat who's ass, and what bitches in the room they could find to stare down and gossip about...I try talking about things that makes them think, one of them laughs it off and tell's me to be quiet and chill out, so I don't even really hang out with them to much anymore...still love em, always will, but they have a different lifestyle than I do. Sorry I got a bit off subject.

well thats easy I was the one that fucked that kids dad. So now can we get back to who to vote for?

What is especially frustrating is how easy, even if you DO get people, for 2 seconds, to talk about something with some substance to stop talking about it. Its almost like we are all nervous about talking about anything 'real', so at the first sign, we get off the subject. Someone could just say "tacos!" and then poof... there goes the discussion about religion or whatever it was we were trying to talk about.

Its a circular problem, many people might have some mild interest , but becasue other people don't talk about it, they don't, and so their friends don't and it goes around in a circle. Its almost like we should have "serious subject practice" and just get together and intentionally talk about non-fluff subjects , for like an hour, just for practice.

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I've been through Kundalini Syndrome and in numberless non-dual/bliss states or samadhi's from meditation. I rarely talk to anyone about what I believe, I think there's a feeling that if I started, things around me would uncomfortably change in one way or another. I don't want people to think too highly of me, nor do I want people to think I'm a lunatic. I believe enlightenment is a real medical condition, obtained as one disciple of Ramana Maharshi said, "The mind must die in the heart." What that actually means though I couldn't pretend to understand, if it is truly real the activation of it is still beyond the personality of the person it happens in but obviously a capability of the human mind.

This isn't like other topics to me where I could be as blunt and try to ignore the consequences. Modern science to me links any form of advanced meditation with Near Death Experience, there was a pdf on this where NDE's caused Kunalini Syndrome, which I believe I did in reverse, causing NDE's through Kundalini visualization practices. I don't entirely know what I might've done to my sense of self or mind in the years I've been studying and practicing more philosophical forms of yoga, but I have suffered in ways I can't easily explain, so from that perspective, everything me or anyone else with potential knowledge says has unknown repercussions. I personally fear my own "spiritual" views even though they are my greatest coping mechanism.

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Look at what's happening with Phil Robertson from A&E's hit show Duck Dynasty. That's why people are so afraid to talk about religion now days. 'Nuff said.

There's an attack on freedom of speech in this country. He didn't even say anything hateful. What, is it news to the whole world that homosexuality is generally not accepted in Christianity? What's next, banning the bible and calling it a manifest of hate speech? I mean if you look at what the man actually said, there's nothing offensive about it. Besides, isn't a person entitled to have his or her own personal beliefs? They asked him, in an interview. It's not like he went out of his way to get a message of hate out.

Plus, there's a huge difference between what the real issue is here. The people who were supposedly offended by his statements aren't understanding that there is a difference between not liking something, and hating something. Nobody *has* to like anything, they just have to *accept* most things. In example, I don't like white chocolate. Does that mean I go out to every store and smash every bar of white chocolate I see and rant on street corners about the evils of white chocolate? No. That would be hate. That's the difference.

Society this day in age is trying to tell you how to think. What kind of thoughts are acceptable, and what are not. Wake up and look around you, watch TV with that thought in your mind, and you will see exactly what I mean.

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Look at what's happening with Phil Robertson from A&E's hit show Duck Dynasty. That's why people are so afraid to talk about religion now days. 'Nuff said.

There's an attack on freedom of speech in this country. He didn't even say anything hateful. What, is it news to the whole world that homosexuality is generally not accepted in Christianity? What's next, banning the bible and calling it a manifest of hate speech? I mean if you look at what the man actually said, there's nothing offensive about it. Besides, isn't a person entitled to have his or her own personal beliefs? They asked him, in an interview. It's not like he went out of his way to get a message of hate out.

Plus, there's a huge difference between what the real issue is here. The people who were supposedly offended by his statements aren't understanding that there is a difference between not liking something, and hating something. Nobody *has* to like anything, they just have to *accept* most things. In example, I don't like white chocolate. Does that mean I go out to every store and smash every bar of white chocolate I see and rant on street corners about the evils of white chocolate? No. That would be hate. That's the difference.

Society this day in age is trying to tell you how to think. What kind of thoughts are acceptable, and what are not. Wake up and look around you, watch TV with that thought in your mind, and you will see exactly what I mean.

my thoughts exactly. i don't agree with his thoughts (at all!), but i was actually getting a little pissed off about this - people are entitled to their opinion. i'm disappointed in a&e for caving to this and suspending him...

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This is just sickening. He didn't even say anything hateful!

While admitting that they have received an unprecedented backlash over their role in Robertson being suspended, GLADD are by no means finished. They are now calling for Robertson to be re-educated on gay issues by making him meet with homosexual families in some kind of bizarre Alcoholics Anonymous-style treatment.

“We believe the next step is to use this as an opportunity for Phil to sit down with gay families in Louisiana and learn about their lives and the values they share,” GLAAD’s vice president of communications Rich Ferraro told The Wrap.

He never said anything about gays and lesbians not having any values. He never said what they were doing was wrong.. This is insane. People are no longer entitled to personal opinions or preferences anymore. If you're a Christian you're automatically anti-gay. If you're Muslim you're automatically a terrorist. If you believe in the constitution of the United States you're automatically an extremist. Re-educate. That is a very scary term. I hear that and think 4th Reich here we come.

Not to sway off topic here but I think this issue is a very good depiction of this topic in real life action. This really is why people are so afraid to talk about their own religious beliefs now.

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  • 5 weeks later...


This is just sickening. He didn't even say anything hateful!

He never said anything about gays and lesbians not having any values. He never said what they were doing was wrong.. This is insane. People are no longer entitled to personal opinions or preferences anymore. If you're a Christian you're automatically anti-gay. If you're Muslim you're automatically a terrorist. If you believe in the constitution of the United States you're automatically an extremist. Re-educate. That is a very scary term. I hear that and think 4th Reich here we come.

Not to sway off topic here but I think this issue is a very good depiction of this topic in real life action. This really is why people are so afraid to talk about their own religious beliefs now.

Of course it is. Some people can not live without having some sort of perceived wrong or evil to pursue. Nowadays, they want a cause to fight and people to accuse in order to make them seem just. Very few seek the truth anymore. All they want is to prove how right they are rather than deal with the facts. Even in the Christian community too many people are content to be lead around by things people tell us without seeking the truth themselves. They wouldn't know Jesus the Christ if he grabbed them by the nose and introduced himself. Its really becoming a pathetic mockery of religion here. Very slowly the truth is being buried in exchange for more sensationalized finger pointing. Now don't get me wrong, some things do need to be addressed. However, there is a time and place for that and not just because someone wants to make a public example out of a well known celebrity.

Edited by EagleRose
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