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Things you wish you could say


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We've all had that moment, where we wished we could have said something, but didn't. Either because we couldn't, or shouldn't, or maybe are just too afraid to.

Well, I christen this the place to do such things. Go ahead, say what you meant to say. They won't find out. Or maybe they will, if they're smart enough. Sometimes you just need to be heard, even if it's not by the person who you want to hear it.

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I'll start..

You know, I'm starting to wish I never met you. They say it's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all. I say bullshit. I was perfectly happy before I met you. Ok, not perfectly, but a damn sight better than I am now. After all that's happened I just don't know what to say to you anymore. You bailed on me when I was only gone for 3 weeks, and it only took 2 of those weeks for you to move in with another guy. Then you tell me you're sorry you made a mistake and you didn't think I was coming back (even though you knew I was, don't fucking bullshit me) and that you still want to be with me..

Yet, I've asked you time and again to get the fuck out of there and leave him, I'm not sharing you with him. Yet you won't do it. Before all this shit happened, you were going to move out West with me, now when I ask you, I can't even get a straight answer. You keep telling me you love me and you don't want to lose me, but you won't leave him? What the fuckin fuck?

Don't even get me started on him. Let's leave out the *FACT* that he fucked his own blood *SISTER* (and not when they were kids, it happened 2 1/2 months ago), he has no fucking teeth, he's a complete jackass, and a walking testicle. Aside from all that.. Maybe you should tell him that you're just going to leave him as soon as something better comes along, and you will. I'm not even going to compete with someone like that, you want to stay with him? Be my guest. The fact that you want to stay with someone like that, completely turns me off. Jesus, what kind of a person you must think I am, to have to make a decision between he and I? Well at any rate, don't hurt him like you hurt me. You should at least give him a heads up that you will end up hurting him. Sister fucker or not, he doesn't deserve to be put through this.

To be honest, I don't think I could even have sex with you for a while, anymore, anyways.. I can't get the image of him doing Lord knows what to you, out of my head.

I'm such a fucking fool to have ever got involved with you in the first place. There were red flags all over, I just never saw them, or chose to ignore them. Stop playing games with my head, telling me you love me and miss me, and want to be with me, and when I ask you the ONE FUCKING THING I should have a RIGHT to ask for from a partner, you won't make a fucking decision.

These are my heart shields going up. Red alert. Engage.

P.S.- I feel a lot better now that I got that off my chest, even if it's just temporary relief.

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dig the idea of this thread - let's all remember to keep it limited to things not related to any other posters on the board, and if a board member recognizes a post about them, they should *not* reply, but let a moderator know, so that it may be addressed properly.

and now, back to your regularly scheduled topic, already in progress! :innocent:


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  • 2 weeks later...

You know what, I can't deal with this every other week. Maybe he was right, maybe girls like you are a dime a dozen. I hate the fucker but he's probably right. You're unfuckingbelievable.


And you know what the most fucked up part is? He's the one who said it, not me. What the fuck is wrong with you?

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Why me?!?

I say this because I am such a sucker for trying to helping any and everyone that has a problem (be it physical, financial or situational) that I forget to keep my mouth shut and, from time to time, end up writing a check that will take my mouth forever to cover. My road is definitely paved with good intentions, I just wish I had better resource access...

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:censored::censored: WTF :censored::censored::censored: IT!!!

Yep, I did it, went and wrote that :censored: check!! Now I can look forward to being a rodent exterminator for the next few days...AND I DON'T EVEN LIVE THERE!!! I only mentioned something because the last time this happened, you lost an entire stove to the pesky little bastards. WHATEVER...

Kudos Simon Bar Sinister...

holy shit, I just won $634 million!

...wish I could say that, then I could afford to Fort Knox the whole dang blasted neighborhood and gas all those little critters just for good measure. Not that I hate rodents, it's just messed up when they eat your food, destroy hundreds of dollars worth of appliances and don't even pay rent... :rant:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

You are such a jackass! How could you abandon me like that after we've been together for almost seven years! I actually loved you you coward! I hope that whore you knocked up two years before you asked me to marry you was worth it. Oh... wait... you divorced her one year after marrying her. As much as your betrayal hurt, I'm happy to have dodged THAT bullet.

And you... you're not too much better! You're my sibling and you didn't see fit to tell me that jerk was a slut! You deserve every bit of pain you're suffering from your marriage!

That's it. I'm done.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Why are you such a miserable excuse for a medical professional? Where did you get your license from...I mentally certifiable friend currently on permanent hiatus at New Bedlam Rest Home for the Emotionally Interesting...

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I am so tired of the guy random message "when we gonna hang out".........because it really means when we gonna :censored: !!!! So, I finally called this douche bag on it today, and asked him, why don't you just say "when we gonna :censored: instead of asking me when we gonna hang out, Damn, never, but stop throwing sugar on shit, cut to the chase, stupid....I am sure women do this to men as well though.

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"Why don't you shove the bar stools up your ass then that way no one will be tempted to sit on them."

My mother in law has bar stools in her kitchen and for some reason after years of everyone being allowed to use them, she made a rule that no one is allowed to sit on them anymore. Well I got caught sitting on them and yeah, this is what I wanted to say.

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