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The explainations for fetishes and stuff and other things that make us freaks


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Okay, for real...

I think I probably have a daddy fetish or something similiar, I need to feel protected or looked out for...I don't really think that is a fetish, I think it's normal considering I am very independent and have always been since I was a kid, I was forced to be the mother and take care of my siblings, I was forced to take care of my little cousins, all before I was old enough to even think about sex. Not to analyze or justify my fetishs or my perversions but fuck it, that's what I do, I over analyze, so sue me. Anyway, when you go your entire life as the one in charge, the mom, the dad, the eldest as well, everyone has always looked up to you and depended on you for everything....but you yourself lacked anyone to depend on as there was noone there, well guess what, you have to find that in which you lack somewhere, it's like the reason you crave chocolate, because you lack magnesium, or a better example...back in the day, a woman, the story I heard goes somehow like Bathory had a servant who had gotten cut and the blood had dripped onto Bathory's finger, well, she looked at her finger and out of curiousity she tasted the blood of her servant..and liked it. It is said that after incident she began killing men, like over 100 I think they said, by I think poisoning them after she accepted a date with them as she was beautiful and single, so she would have a dinner date set up, poison their food with I believe either cyinide or arsenic I can't remember which one, and than drink their blood, she even would take literal blood baths in the blood. Well, the food supply back in the day was low in iron, low iron causes anemia, iron supplements did not exist back in the day and woman and anemia is very common, especially of childbearing age and back in those days, so drinking blood "vampirism" would make sense that it would feed the need for what Vera or anyone low in iron intake and immediately give them what they need for their body. Well that's kinda what happens I think with fetishes. That need is still there, it has to be fulfilled and for me, some people have physical lackings like the need for blood, others have emotional lackings, the need to be controlled, Mine rears its ugly little head in my relationships/sexual life...(but I like it that way, I can take care of myself financially, and any other way,, I don't need anyone to depend on for anything other than the ability to feel controlled, at times, and it's fun.

So, what theories can you discuss, things you have heard, ties you can make, connections to our inner workings...facing your stuff is the first step to integrating yourself back to reality.

Edited by kat
Damn it I think I was high when I initially posted this topic and was watching Deadly Women and crossed the Bathory and Vera stories. I created one badass killer bitch. Damn, pain meds, adderall, benzos and antidepressants. I should be dead. Omg.
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Good post. Its an interesting subject. One i think about often.

The real bitch with blood is the sodium and other things in there that you get way to much of (toxic levels) pretty quickly. One reason why they say cannibals and such never made it, they just die off and don't make babies. Not just becasue "eating people is gross" or "drinking blood is gross", that idea (it being gross) came as a self-defence mechanism over eons of people not surviving that engaged in such practices.

Not that its "wrong" in the first place. That came after. We decide what is right/wrong as a personal and collectively as a society what is wrong. That exploding star that created us, and the one that may (the sun) destroy us, couldn't care less if we j-walk or not. We decide(d).

I used to have iron-will level self esteem, since the car accident that has went into the toilet. I always felt "capable" and was a workaholic / protect others, etc. Hell the main reason I started DGN was to make it easier for "newbies" to not feel so intimidated, I could and for regulars to have a place they could talk about things in a way that is hard to do elsewere.

Since the car accident everything that i based my sense of self worth on, (ability to help others, produce income etc) has gone to shit. I still "feel" like i'm working all the time, just to "act normal" but from the outside looking in, i look, like a slacker, and i HATAAAAAATE slackers. Intellectually I know its "not my fault" but does not matter, the actual output is what matters. Which at this point is nil.

"Troy you <compliment>" is a pretty big turn on. Since in years past that was almost a daily occurrence, now its rare.

So , the minor dom fetish i had before (being one) seems to have gotten a lot more intense and turns me on a lot more when in a D/S situation. I was always good at "taking charge" of situations, I guess this is in a way, similar. Plus you know, them naughty girls need to be sorted out, and I'm up for the task. I used to like spanking (and related things similar to that) now its especially a thing. Bad girl! =P

I also have what I think is a "weird" fetish, in that its not weird... I just get turned on by women that seem tobe "dressed up". Not the cosplay kind of dressed up (I think thats fun but not what i mean). Just when someone takes the time to "take care of themselves" be it more "gothy" or just well-done up office worker with nice hair/makup etc. Not that they do this 24/7 but even though I'm broke, i try to make an effort to not look like the garbage man when I go see someone. Not becasue they expect me to, but because I want to. Nice to feel like I'm a priority.

Were my cute panty fetish comes from I'm not sure.

Maybe the tooth fairy brought me kick ass dimes when i was a kid. Well that tinkerbell probably wears some sexy ss panties, Probably got a peek and was ruined for life. You can tell by the way she giggles shes a freak.

I could go on about this sort of stuff for days (and do) in real life, just ask the people I put to sleep with my long boring anthropology/sociology talks. heh.

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  • 4 years later...
On ‎1‎/‎18‎/‎2014 at 10:20 PM, kat said:

Okay, for real...

I think I probably have a daddy fetish or something similiar, I need to feel protected or looked out for...I don't really think that is a fetish, I think it's normal considering I am very independent and have always been since I was a kid, I was forced to be the mother and take care of my siblings, I was forced to take care of my little cousins, all before I was old enough to even think about sex. Not to analyze or justify my fetishs or my perversions but fuck it, that's what I do, I over analyze, so sue me. Anyway, when you go your entire life as the one in charge, the mom, the dad, the eldest as well, everyone has always looked up to you and depended on you for everything....but you yourself lacked anyone to depend on as there was noone there, well guess what, you have to find that in which you lack somewhere, it's like the reason you crave chocolate, because you lack magnesium, or a better example...back in the day, a woman, the story I heard goes somehow like Bathory had a servant who had gotten cut and the blood had dripped onto Bathory's finger, well, she looked at her finger and out of curiousity she tasted the blood of her servant..and liked it. It is said that after incident she began killing men, like over 100 I think they said, by I think poisoning them after she accepted a date with them as she was beautiful and single, so she would have a dinner date set up, poison their food with I believe either cyinide or arsenic I can't remember which one, and than drink their blood, she even would take literal blood baths in the blood. Well, the food supply back in the day was low in iron, low iron causes anemia, iron supplements did not exist back in the day and woman and anemia is very common, especially of childbearing age and back in those days, so drinking blood "vampirism" would make sense that it would feed the need for what Vera or anyone low in iron intake and immediately give them what they need for their body. Well that's kinda what happens I think with fetishes. That need is still there, it has to be fulfilled and for me, some people have physical lackings like the need for blood, others have emotional lackings, the need to be controlled, Mine rears its ugly little head in my relationships/sexual life...(but I like it that way, I can take care of myself financially, and any other way,, I don't need anyone to depend on for anything other than the ability to feel controlled, at times, and it's fun.

So, what theories can you discuss, things you have heard, ties you can make, connections to our inner workings...facing your stuff is the first step to integrating yourself back to reality.

Where do I apply for the position of daddy?  I have the age part down.

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  • 3 months later...
On 2/14/2018 at 9:35 PM, DevilishLustyDesires said:

Messing around in a cemetery and ritual sex magic.

I've actually had sex in a cemetery, more than once.  I've also done a photo shoot in a cemetery at 0500, with the pre-dawn mist and clouds, etc.  Moody photography :)


But the sex in a cemetery... the first time was in 11th grade, while on a field trip with my history class.  Needless to say that was interesting just because of the chances of being caught.    The other times were as an adult, in my 20s.  I think the most difficult part was having access to a cemetery at that hour, as most of them are gated and closed after sundown.  Improvisation was necessary.  


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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...
11 hours ago, gwen said:

fetishes require human contact, no?

im out 

but here, this is funny...




As was eluded to before, they do not require human contact.  People can be attracted to all sorts of things that aren't human which include but are not limited to machines, buildings, fruit, books, cars, electricity, rocks, and animals (but do not do that one ever.) You can even have a specific fetish involving humans (or anthropomorphic creatures) and do that online, as people all over the world do that constantly.  Not to mention getting off on just ideas and physical stimulation, and those ideas may/may not involve humans in them.

I also think that this should get moved into the Sex & Sexuality subforum, but a lot of this is tied in with health (or a healthy sex life anyway.)

I wonder if I ever posted the fetish map...

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