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No its not a band name but it could be. Anyhow, Old lady Marge, rest her soul and bless her beautiful heart..but she always used to say the only people that get ahead in this world are liars, thieves, and whores. Well, politicians are a great example of this but what do you think? Is this the truth? Do nice guy's really finish last?

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Its usually more "aggressive" people that get ahead, unfortunately that usually seems to go along with rude jerk (not always of course) behavior as well. Its typically not the quiet wheel that typically gets the oil. :(

I TRY to be nice almost all the time, somehow i manage to rub people the wrong way anyhow sometimes.. which then i feel bad about and it really bothers me. The bull-in-china-shop would just keep on trucking. Which might be someone nice, but more commonly its not.

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Its usually more "aggressive" people that get ahead, unfortunately that usually seems to go along with rude jerk (not always of course) behavior as well. Its typically not the quiet wheel that typically gets the oil. :(

I TRY to be nice almost all the time, somehow i manage to rub people the wrong way anyhow sometimes.. which then i feel bad about and it really bothers me. The bull-in-china-shop would just keep on trucking. Which might be someone nice, but more commonly its not.

Overall people either don't get the point of things in general which is probably why you feel you rub people the wrong way or, more often than not, based on what I see people don't want to get the point, don't wanna take the time to attempt to "get "others in general, after all, drama, and war makes the world turn, so if we were to have enough empathy or critical thinking ability to try and understand opposing views, and/ or things out of our confort zone (because of values, judgements, and stereotypes ingrained in us during the time we were developing our personalities) than we would have no reason to fight, and sadly, that's not our nature. Sucks.
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soo truth.

It's really sad. In a world where it seems like people with neither scruples or a lack of cash get ahead, there are many of us who are trying to make a living or just generally trying to be good people. It's the power and money that seem to win. Because we can't always afford to fight for ourselves, financially. I'd rather be kind and kind of broke, than be a well-to-do asshole with no heart.

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It's really sad. In a world where it seems like people with neither scruples or a lack of cash get ahead, there are many of us who are trying to make a living or just generally trying to be good people. It's the power and money that seem to win. Because we can't always afford to fight for ourselves, financially. I'd rather be kind and kind of broke, than be a well-to-do asshole with no heart.

well said. We can't take money and material things with us when were gone. .we leave our memory, our legacy. Money can't fix an ugly soul.
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Our society is run by socio- and psychopaths, so the system is set up to favor those kinds of people. The beauty of it is that most people can't believe that their "leaders" could be that amoral or immoral, so everyone keeps slaving away without questioning.

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