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DGN Random Acts of Kindness 3.00 - PAt least read it it please.

Troy Spiral

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DGN Random Acts of Kindness 3.00

Some of us occasionally have a few extra dollars and might want to buy you a gift but have no idea what to get you nor do some of us feel super comfortable giving out our address. (I Personally have no problem but some do)

Make a wish list !

Post the link here!

Keep it updated!

If you go in your wishlist and in the upper right corner there is a little "email" button that is the link you want to show us. Don't forget to click on "actions" and update your shipping info.


Wish List Instructions for Amazon Newbies (Suggested)

The most common way to make wishlists is on Amazon's page here, people can buy items right off it, and they don't need your address as amazon keeps it private.

Don't be shy many of us are broke, but when we aren't many of us LIKE giving gifts.

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I kinda suck at accepting gifts, compliments, hugs,etc...

I used to and still do to some extent, but some people LIKE giving gifts/hugs at least when they can afford it (hah) don't think of it like "begging" for things, its just an opportunity to share what your interested in and if someone wants to be nice they have an easy way to do it.

Post that wishlist!!

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Guess it's actually harder than expected to try to give stuff away...


Tron I don't think you have your delivery info setup. go to your wishlist and click "list actions" and put your delivery info in there (I'm guessing its not since it wont let me send you anything.)

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Dark your list just takes me to my own list. You need to click on the share icon that looks like a little envelope and post that please.

I posted his list under his posting...


darknight1 Wish List :right::right::right:http://amzn.com/w/29BKTUK046DQK

Note: If you already have someone's wish list and click share, all you have to do is copy and paste the url.... :evil:

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Tron I don't think you have your delivery info setup. go to your wishlist and click "list actions" and put your delivery info in there (I'm guessing its not since it wont let me send you anything.)


Wow...that seems rather funny since I've been telling everyone how to do that. Not sure what's up, but my delivery options have been set since 2002. Looking at the options, the only thing I can figure is to set another address and have things shipped to my sister.

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Wow...that seems rather funny since I've been telling everyone how to do that. Not sure what's up, but my delivery options have been set since 2002. Looking at the options, the only thing I can figure is to set another address and have things shipped to my sister.

I think I just screwed up with my butterfinger mousing.

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I think I managed to squeeze out money (kinda like squishing blood out of a turnip at this point) lol , for at least something for everyone that bothered to make a list. Hopefully it will cheer someone up.

One of the reasons I make a new thread is so that we know the lists are updated / people are still alive (rather than having this be one big long 300 post topic).

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"here we go again" hehe

I keep trying to send you something but your address info apparently isn't shared. I've done this like 4 times now, I know I was doing something wrong at first with Tron but I swear I'm doing the exact same thing with your account and it just wont let me send you anything.

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