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Mental health resources for Michigan

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This is from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services:

Community mental health resources:


Free or low cost mental health care:




If you feel like it is an emergency please CALL 911

(Sticky this thread please?)

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Monroe County? You arent moving away from me are you??  *cries*

We seriously need more mental health education (and funding) do you have a link to the location?

I have been working there a year. The driving sucks. I'm either moving, finding a new job or both. I do love all the water and Private beaches though rundown, I would buy do A tax auction, spend 7000, spend TBD to fix it upup lol. One of my step dad's,  he can fix anything for a pack of Newport.

Edited by kat
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thats a good price.  I need access to a good handyman. Plus I could pay with other smokeables  (ahem) since I'm "legal" now if newports were in short supply

I have been working there a year. The driving sucks. I'm either moving, finding a new job or both. I do love all the water and Private beaches though rundown, I would buy do A tax auction, spend 7000, spend TBD to fix it upup lol. One of my step dad's,  he can fix anything for a pack of Newport.

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thats a good price.  I need access to a good handyman. Plus I could pay with other smokeables  (ahem) since I'm "legal" now if newports were in short supply


lol. I knew something was up when you didn't notice that I said "one of my step dad's"

totally normal;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...
On Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 1:34 AM, sekhmet2002 said:

Hegira seems to be quite a good place to go in Michigan. In Ohio we have the Zepf center which isn't quite as good in my opinion but does a decent job. Been going there forever.

I go to Hegira And they have been pretty good to me.

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  • 3 years later...
  • 3 years later...

Okay, many people want to know how Troy went.  I was intentionally vague in my other post for a reason but word always gets around anyway and we may as well talk about it.  I don't think it's good to hide or shy away from it.  Unfortunately it was with a pistol in his mom's car.


I'm making the post in this thread for reasons that should be quite obvious.  Anyone who knew him knows that he wrestled with demons and PTSD for a very long time.  I guess they finally ended up getting the better of him.


Most people who take their own lives don't actually want to die, they just want the pain to stop.  They feel like they have no options, which is funny because I know Troy had a plethora of people who cared about him.  Many of us joke about suicide, and I've personally considered it on multiple occasions.  However I know that I'll die eventually so there's no need to rush things (and also mom said I couldn't until after dad goes so there's that too.) I also know I have many friends and family that would miss me if I went so I might stick around for a while anyway, since as I said there's no need to rush.  I am (for lack of a better term) lucky to have the supportive network that I do.  Not everyone does and that's really unfortunate.

Some say it's always a selfish act, but it's also a selfish act to want friends to continue to suffer if they truly want out.  Though I feel it shouldn't be a hasty decision and should always involve careful consideration and have supportive loved ones involved (and ideally involve some sort of terminal illness or chronic pain.)

I am selfish (shocker I know) and I want all of my friends to live forever and be infinitely happy while doing so.  Unfortunately life is far less kind and we don't get what I want.  Instead we get this sadness and grief.

What is the point of all this rambling?  My point is this.  If you feel a strong suicidal ideation/l'appel du vide, please reach out for help.  Doesn't have to be a professional, it can be a friend/family member too.  I find that good friends are often the best therapy (though they're obviously no substitute for medication.) If your family sucks, friends are better anyway because they're the family you pick for yourself.


Unfortunately many in our society have a negative stigma against anyone with irregular mental health.  This leads to many not seeking treatment due to not wanting to be pitied, seen as weak, or possibly involuntarily institutionalized and ostracized from friends/family/work.  Not to mention some people can't afford to seek out treatment options which further compounds the issue.  We need to normalize not being ashamed for asking for help.

If you know someone who has bouts of depression and you haven't talked to them in a while please reach out.  If you're angry at them over some reason, well that's often trivial and trite anyway.  Try to work past it and repair the friendship if possible.  Some people have absolutely no one and you are someone.  While some people can't be saved, one should at least try if they can.  They should know they are accepted and cared about.

Finally, if someone you know does take that early exit then do not blame yourself.  It was their decision, and although we may not agree with it they've made it, and it's unfortunately very final.  If you need to talk to someone about it then absolutely seek out grief counseling or a/some good friend(s).

“Shared pain is lessened.
Shared joy is increased.
Thus we refute entropy.”

― Spider Robinson

Finally, it's more fun to outlive your enemies anyway!

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6 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

Okay, many people want to know how Troy went.  I was intentionally vague in my other post for a reason but word always gets around anyway and we may as well talk about it.  I don't think it's good to hide or shy away from it.  Unfortunately it was with a pistol in his mom's car.


I'm making the post in this thread for reasons that should be quite obvious.  Anyone who knew him knows that he wrestled with demons and PTSD for a very long time.  I guess they finally ended up getting the better of him.


Most people who take their own lives don't actually want to die, they just want the pain to stop.  They feel like they have no options, which is funny because I know Troy had a plethora of people who cared about him.  Many of us joke about suicide, and I've personally considered it on multiple occasions.  However I know that I'll die eventually so there's no need to rush things (and also mom said I couldn't until after dad goes so there's that too.) I also know I have many friends and family that would miss me if I went so I might stick around for a while anyway, since as I said there's no need to rush.  I am (for lack of a better term) lucky to have the supportive network that I do.  Not everyone does and that's really unfortunate.

Some say it's always a selfish act, but it's also a selfish act to want friends to continue to suffer if they truly want out.  Though I feel it shouldn't be a hasty decision and should always involve careful consideration and have supportive loved ones involved (and ideally involve some sort of terminal illness or chronic pain.)

I am selfish (shocker I know) and I want all of my friends to live forever and be infinitely happy while doing so.  Unfortunately life is far less kind and we don't get what I want.  Instead we get this sadness and grief.

What is the point of all this rambling?  My point is this.  If you feel a strong suicidal ideation/l'appel du vide, please reach out for help.  Doesn't have to be a professional, it can be a friend/family member too.  I find that good friends are often the best therapy (though they're obviously no substitute for medication.) If your family sucks, friends are better anyway because they're the family you pick for yourself.


Unfortunately many in our society have a negative stigma against anyone with irregular mental health.  This leads to many not seeking treatment due to not wanting to be pitied, seen as weak, or possibly involuntarily institutionalized and ostracized from friends/family/work.  Not to mention some people can't afford to seek out treatment options which further compounds the issue.  We need to normalize not being ashamed for asking for help.

If you know someone who has bouts of depression and you haven't talked to them in a while please reach out.  If you're angry at them over some reason, well that's often trivial and trite anyway.  Try to work past it and repair the friendship if possible.  Some people have absolutely no one and you are someone.  While some people can't be saved, one should at least try if they can.  They should know they are accepted and cared about.

Finally, if someone you know does take that early exit then do not blame yourself.  It was their decision, and although we may not agree with it they've made it, and it's unfortunately very final.  If you need to talk to someone about it then absolutely seek out grief counseling or a/some good friend(s).

“Shared pain is lessened.
Shared joy is increased.
Thus we refute entropy.”

― Spider Robinson

Finally, it's more fun to outlive your enemies anyway!

This is a very thoughtful post. A perfect way to approach the subject. I particularly love the quote about shared pain. ❤️ 

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  • TronRP featured this topic
2 hours ago, Marblez said:

This is a very thoughtful post. A perfect way to approach the subject. I particularly love the quote about shared pain. ❤️ 


Well it's an issue that hits close to home for me, and many of us here.  Half of that damn list is either suicide or drugs (accidental suicide.)  Not to mention struggling with my own issues and those of various friends as well.  Which is why I say they are so important, as we're kind of a support system for eachother.  Really this could have been its own post, but this already has the resources at the top of the post too, and my intent was really mostly to highlight those.

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Okay, can we normalize not using rain and storms as similies for sadness and depression?  I actually love those, and the smell of rain after.  Also the autism makes bright light hurt so the sun is not my friend ("it burns us.") If it was overcast all the time I might actually be happy.


As far as life, shit has been bad for many for a very long time now and it doesn't appear to be letting up anytime soon.  Covid was just the fecal tip of this shit iceberg.  But this is now getting off topic.  All we can do is try to help eachother and the environment around us.


I know those pangs of loneliness and despair very well.  It's like having hunger pangs, but eating doesn't make it go away and that void is still there.  You just want to be held and told you are loved and that everything will be alright.  I miss her still, always.  Really I miss all of them.

Good friends are just lovers that for whatever reason you don't fuck.  Maybe you're not gay, or you don't want to test the friendship, or it just hasn't progressed that far, or there are distance issues, or whatever.  They can help fill the void, as can lovers, and sometimes family if you're lucky to have a good family.  However the void is still there, looming.  Anyone who is here reading this thread probably knows this feeling and has experienced it at one time or another.

I'm actually kind of shit at this pep talk shit.  I am not a ray of sunshine but a beam of darkness.  I am Debbie fucking Downer.  However this makes me basically an expert on it since I've been dealing with it for a very long time now, and I somehow manage to deal.  Philosophy helps, I like bits about Nihilism, Existentialism, Absurdism, Stoicism, and of course Hedonism.  I don't have religion but for those who do that can also help if you really need it.


I feel like half the scene hates me (even more these days) and I've had old friends that I've drifted away from (for better or worse.)  I have this everlasting longing for the past and better days, however I don't know how to get back there, I don't think I can get back there, and possibly shouldn't go back there.  I hate change unless it's change that I want (as do most autists.) However I know we cannot stop change and most of the time it's foolish to try because it's simply not in our control to do so.  Leaning to accept and embrace that change is the key to happiness, but I don't think I know how to be happy, just content.

No, that's not true, I can still be happy.  I hung out with friends last night and one gave me a gift and we had great conversation.  I also stopped by and visited another friend  who is sick to bring him some things that he asked for, and some other things that he didn't to help him get better faster.

Really I think that's the best we can do, is to get out and do things that make us feel good.  See our friends, hug our loved ones, try to live a fulfilling life, don't worry about the haters, and ignore most of the problems you can't solve anyway.


(not that I know shit about shit, don't listen to me, I am a moron, none of this is medical advice, go see a therapist)

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appreciate your input, SG, and the info related to troy's passing. my father went the same way, so i understand to an extent. i have no advice for anyone, more than what you've posted, so thank you for that.


i was going to write more, but everything sounds trite. maybe later, if i find the right words...

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15 minutes ago, torn asunder said:

appreciate your input, SG, and the info related to troy's passing. my father went the same way, so i understand to an extent. i have no advice for anyone, more than what you've posted, so thank you for that.


i was going to write more, but everything sounds trite. maybe later, if i find the right words...

My dad did as well.

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7 hours ago, torn asunder said:

i was going to write more, but everything sounds trite. maybe later, if i find the right words...


I mean I think everything I type sounds trite too, I mean who the fuck am I right?  That's never stopped me from making an ass of myself.


It's a fine line to walk with such a touchy subject, involving the founder of the forum who was close to many here.  I wanted to give this tragedy and the subject the respect they are due, while still staying true to myself.  I know many people also blame themselves over it and similar events.  I know I do with Alyse but that's a completely different situation and I know that I had almost zero control over it, but that survivors guilt is strong and "if only I'd have known!"

I think that we all think we could have done things differently, but we didn't and that hurts and angers us that the only thing we can do is try to move forward, but moving forward is hard when it feels like every step is filled with sadness.  It does get easier as time moves forward, but again it's not a pain I ever wish to get better and I almost feel a duty to carry it for as long as I'm able to think.  Though I don't think that's right and people should try to feel better and move on because the alternative sucks.  Also healing does not mean forgetting.  It's just these people left scars on our souls (for lack of a better analogy) and they were and still are very important to us.

Sometimes I think I should seek therapy, but I also don't want to burden the therapist with my issues.  I feel like I'm the case that would break them and sends them to seek therapy of their own.  Also I've become pretty good at dealing with my own issues over the years.  But again, what the hell do I know?  I should probably seek it out anyway.  But I'm also lazy (but it's not lazy, it's ADHD) and cheap so I'm probably just going to keep putting that off.

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3 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

Sometimes I think I should seek therapy, but I also don't want to burden the therapist with my issues.  I feel like I'm the case that would break them and sends them to seek therapy of their own.  Also I've become pretty good at dealing with my own issues over the years.  But again, what the hell do I know?  I should probably seek it out anyway.  But I'm also lazy (but it's not lazy, it's ADHD) and cheap so I'm probably just going to keep putting that off.


Not to make light of the situation, but when the therapist sees you walk through the door they know they're getting paid.

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5 hours ago, TronRP said:


Not to make light of the situation, but when the therapist sees you walk through the door they know they're getting paid.


But is it really worth it?


5 hours ago, SlavicGoth said:

 Exactly why I have no trust for them. I believe they really don't care


I mean they do care though!  Sometimes it's only about money but they do care!

I kid though.  I'm sure that most get into the profession because they like helping people.  Some will even do pro bono work on the side for those who actually can't afford it.


My only real fear is that I fully open up and I get a grippy sock vacation.

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