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14 minutes ago, Not_Bean said:

I'm a therapist. I've been one for the past 10 years. I certainly didn't go into this field for the money. If I wanted to do something that paid well, I would've done something completely different. 


I care. A lot. I've heard it all: all forms of abuse, addiction, homelessness, intrusive thoughts, OCD, Bipolar, ADHD, depression,  anxiety, personality disorders...etc. I've heard some really fucked up shit. I've worked with men in prison, people in rehab,  community mental health,  and outpatient treatment. I've helped people that were actively suicidal by listening and providing them with coping skills and tools to feel better. I've helped addicts get sober and stay sober. I've also lost a few to their addiction, and those always hit me hard. If I came home from work a complete sobbing mess, my husband knew what happened. He didn't even have to ask. I still think about those people.


Sometimes I doubt myself, and I think anyone good at their profession does at times, because we give a shit. I've always wanted to help people. If I didn't care, I would go do some mindless shit job instead.


It's emotionally draining, and so I hermit a lot to recharge. I take time off every so often to recharge. I also continue my education to stay informed and up to date so I can best help my clients.


Are there shit therapists out there? Absolutely, but you can find that at any job.


You have to find the right therapist for you. Some will be a good fit, and some won't. And therapy can be really painful and difficult at times...any self reflection is. It's work.

I still hermit.. I don't think I have recovered yet from working in the mental health field and it's been years. 

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16 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

Sometimes I think I should seek therapy, but I also don't want to burden the therapist with my issues.  I feel like I'm the case that would break them and sends them to seek therapy of their own.  Also I've become pretty good at dealing with my own issues over the years.  But again, what the hell do I know?  I should probably seek it out anyway.  But I'm also lazy (but it's not lazy, it's ADHD) and cheap so I'm probably just going to keep putting that off.


13 hours ago, TronRP said:


Not to make light of the situation, but when the therapist sees you walk through the door they know they're getting paid.


7 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

But is it really worth it?



These comments hit the nail on the head:


6 hours ago, The1andonlyMEG said:

Right. Most therapists MSWs that I know, and I know a few, are worth their weight in gold but definitely don’t do it for the money. 

I will say it takes the “right” therapist. And some times that is really hard to find. And when you are finally at the stage of “fuck I really need to talk to someone and work my shit out” it’s EXHAUSTING to go from person to person, telling your story over and over to find out their is no connection and fuck this shit. And on top of that have to pay for something that didn’t do shit for you. 


1 hour ago, Not_Bean said:

You have to find the right therapist for you. Some will be a good fit, and some won't. And therapy can be really painful and difficult at times...any self reflection is. It's work.



My meaning regarding the comment @Scary Guy made was for you not to worry about burdening the therapist with your issues.  That is their profession.  There is a give and take.  And for those not doing pro bono work, they are getting paid as helping you is their job, but yes, as stated above, you do have to find the right fit.


Time consuming and emotionally draining, yet, most definitely worth it once you find the right one.


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2 hours ago, Not_Bean said:

I'm a therapist. I've been one for the past 10 years. I certainly didn't go into this field for the money. If I wanted to do something that paid well, I would've done something completely different. 


I care. A lot. I've heard it all: all forms of abuse, addiction, homelessness, intrusive thoughts, OCD, Bipolar, ADHD, depression,  anxiety, personality disorders...etc. I've heard some really fucked up shit. I've worked with men in prison, people in rehab,  community mental health,  and outpatient treatment. I've helped people that were actively suicidal by listening and providing them with coping skills and tools to feel better. I've helped addicts get sober and stay sober. I've also lost a few to their addiction, and those always hit me hard. If I came home from work a complete sobbing mess, my husband knew what happened. He didn't even have to ask. I still think about those people.


Sometimes I doubt myself, and I think anyone good at their profession does at times, because we give a shit. I've always wanted to help people. If I didn't care, I would go do some mindless shit job instead.


It's emotionally draining, and so I hermit a lot to recharge. I take time off every so often to recharge. I also continue my education to stay informed and up to date so I can best help my clients.


Are there shit therapists out there? Absolutely, but you can find that at any job.


You have to find the right therapist for you. Some will be a good fit, and some won't. And therapy can be really painful and difficult at times...any self reflection is. It's work.


I think that most don't go into it for the money, but you get some that get lucky and work in very affluent areas for very rich people and charge them a lot.  It reminds me of a very NSFW Doug Stanhope

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On 5/22/2023 at 1:32 AM, Scary Guy said:

Some say it's always a selfish act, but it's also a selfish act to want friends to continue to suffer if they truly want out.  Though I feel it shouldn't be a hasty decision and should always involve careful consideration and have supportive loved ones involved (and ideally involve some sort of terminal illness or chronic pain.)

I'm of two minds on this. 1. I understand why he did what he did. At least I hope I do. And yeah, he just wanted it to end even with what he got for help. Yet despite all of this, if you don't care of yourself, it's not going to get better and/or level out. 2. I do feel in some sense that it was selfish that he did it. 


On 5/22/2023 at 1:32 AM, Scary Guy said:

Unfortunately many in our society have a negative stigma against anyone with irregular mental health.  This leads to many not seeking treatment due to not wanting to be pitied, seen as weak, or possibly involuntarily institutionalized and ostracized from friends/family/work.  Not to mention some people can't afford to seek out treatment options which further compounds the issue.  We need to normalize not being ashamed for asking for help.



Another thing is even with the negative stigma on mental health, it's even worse for men because society tells that men are supposed to suppress their feelings. So, maybe even if you're getting help, you're not fulling acknowledging your feelings. 

On 5/22/2023 at 1:32 AM, Scary Guy said:

...We need to normalize not being ashamed for asking for help.

If you know someone who has bouts of depression and you haven't talked to them in a while please reach out.  If you're angry at them over some reason, well that's often trivial and trite anyway.  Try to work past it and repair the friendship if possible.  Some people have absolutely no one and you are someone.  While some people can't be saved, one should at least try if they can.  They should know they are accepted and cared about.



I have depression (and undiagonised adhd, besides the point), and know I should reach out to others. I just don't want to burden anyone with what's going on in my head because I know they've got their own lives going on. 

On 5/22/2023 at 4:28 PM, Scary Guy said:

Okay, can we normalize not using rain and storms as similies for sadness and depression?  I actually love those, and the smell of rain after.  Also the autism makes bright light hurt so the sun is not my friend ("it burns us.") If it was overcast all the time I might actually be happy.


There's something (think there were tests) that proved that for some people, sitting and just listening to the rain helps them relax. 


For me, I've been doing the best I can since my dad passed (lung cancer spread to his brain). And despite all that I've done, I still feel like I'm behind on everything.

I'll probably add more after some sleep.

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My other non goth friend just sent me this:

"You know what sucks is when you're trying to find a psychologist and you know you already have a problem with low self-worth? It's when you reach out to 9 psychologists and only 2 of them get back to you, and both of those to reject you."


Something else I hadn't thought of!

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5 minutes ago, Scary Guy said:

My other non goth friend just sent me this:

"You know what sucks is when you're trying to find a psychologist and you know you already have a problem with low self-worth? It's when you reach out to 9 psychologists and only 2 of them get back to you, and both of those to reject you."


Something else I hadn't thought of!

Damn. That would feel shitty.

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1 minute ago, kat said:

Damn. That would feel shitty.


I'm sure it does, and it isn't like he's not a good guy with a good job that can pay for the therapy.  Seriously one of my best friends and one of the nicest guys that I know (but I only try to associate with those anyway.)

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