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Shake-ups at work...

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Jon called me from work today, NOT on his lunch hour.

The new company that took over his shop is instituting major changes. They're going to start in the next few weeks. Everything from changing the payroll system (from weekly to bi-weekly), to cutting out their "normal" 45-hour week down to 40, etc.

And the scariest thing - our fears/suspicions that they have a "secret" shop set-up in Utah that they might close THIS shop down for... well, let's just say that now we KNOW there IS a Utah shop, and efforts to find a new shop to move to here in NC have been suspiciously stopped.

So, we're going to put our heads together and brainstorm how we can move as fast as possible back up to Michigan.

Fastest thing to do would be to sell the van we just bought. We only paid $650, it needs about $300 - $400 worth of work to be either road-worthy or sellable, and we can probably get $3,000 for it - which is exactly what we need to move.

But the thing is, keeping that van could be smarter. It then keeps us in the 2-vehicle category, which majorly will help us have dual-incomes in Michigan. And keeps us from being in bad condition if the truck breaks-down up there.

Not to mention, it has a class 2 tow hitch, and can cut our moving costs down by a few hundred dollars.

Sigh. I have a room full of stuff to sell on eBay, that might net us $500-$1000. And we would sell off a lot more of what we own in order to NOT move it and to make even more $$. And we'll start yard saleing again in the next couple weeks to find more stuff to sell.

I'm anxious to move back. I'm just so unnerved by this sort of push. Finding a job for Jon will be hard if he can't get into one of the companies that services the current product his company makes. And if I work any job that's not under the table, my creditors will find me and garnish everything I make. So we have to find a job good enough for Jon that will enable me to keep doing eBay as our 2nd income.

Not to mention finding a place to rent to us with pets. We already agreed we might have to move into a "less nice" part of Wyandotte to start with, as cheesier neighborhoods tend to offer rentals that are more pet-friendly (basically 'cause they don't give a shit about the condition of the homes they rent - uck).

Gads. What a pisser.

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Aww, heck. In comparison to what some DGN'ers are going through right now, this is nothing.

We have options. And a little pressure tends to galvanize us into action quite well.

I might end up still having some of those kittens with me when we move, though. If I can't find good homes before we move, I might have to bring some of them up for all those DGN'ers who wanted them. :wink

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gesH FC....... I am sorry.

How about the hopes of Jon being able to transfer to MI? Did that change as well?

Well i will be keeping my fingers crossed and hope you make a mint on ebay, i am sure it is bound to happen, lord knows people sell of really good stuff at yard sales (i know i did just to make a quick buck). i am sending you wishes of success and a smooth tranistion to your next phase.

Kisses n Huggs


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I might end up still having some of those kittens with me when we move, though. If I can't find good homes before we move, I might have to bring some of them up for all those DGN'ers who wanted them. :wink


Just drop one by if you come through Baltimore.....

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How about the hopes of Jon being able to transfer to MI?  Did that change as well?

Well, more than likely he won't be able to stay with the same company.

But there are still 2-3 companies up there that they list as "subsidiaries" on their website. These companies install & repair what he makes. We'll apply for him to work for them, though Jon's balking a bit at a commute. We're going to be living downriver, and these companies are in northern suburbs of Detroit.

Hopefully, he'll wise-up that those places will more than likely be a means of the most excellent pay he can get up there, at least to start. He can always commute for a while, and look for a different job closer to home if he has to/wants to after we get settled.

At least until we can settle in, establish residency and I can get my bankruptcy done with so I can work an on-the-books job again. Then, he can drop down to $7.00 an hour for all I care. So long as I can take up the slack by also working a $7.00 an hour job, it's all good.

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Well, more than likely he won't be able to stay with the same company.

But there are still 2-3 companies up there that they list as "subsidiaries" on their website. These companies install & repair what he makes. We'll apply for him to work for them, though Jon's balking a bit at a commute. We're going to be living downriver, and these companies are in northern suburbs of Detroit.

Hopefully, he'll wise-up that those places will more than likely be a means of the most excellent pay he can get up there, at least to start. He can always commute for a while, and look for a different job closer to home if he has to/wants to after we get settled.

At least until we can settle in, establish residency and I can get my bankruptcy done with so I can work an on-the-books job again. Then, he can drop down to $7.00 an hour for all I care. So long as I can take up the slack by also working a $7.00 an hour job, it's all good.


TO bad about the transfer thing, i will keep my fingers crossed on the other jobs, if he can snagga job up befor you gys get here it would be wonderful. Just let him know there are allot of People in MI who would enjoy a commute right now versus... well our job market here is terriable so many epople need jobs badly, i was aco hardware and there was this elderly man there inquiring about an application, any how the lady said we had so many apply that we had to stop taking apps after 2- 3 days, it a hard ware store probally paying next to nothing and they are bombarder with apps. Any how just the thought of how nice it is to actually have a job here in michigan might put some pep in his step about the commute. But other wise i too hate a long commute, and so does LEstat but he has been doing some driving latley, not everyday but a few of the side jobs from our add on craiglist have been a bit of a drive.

Keeping my fingers croossed, my eyes tightly shut and thinking really hard to help make everything okay.


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Hope everything is going ok on this - Moving is stressssssful~

Even if your creditors make moves through the court to garnish your wages, it can legally be no more than 25% of your take-home pay. Unless your ebay selling makes more than $480-$700 a week (average for office pay etc.) you should probably get a job.

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Hope everything is going ok on this - Moving is stressssssful~

Even if your creditors make moves through the court to garnish your wages, it can legally be no more than 25% of your take-home pay. Unless your ebay selling makes more than $480-$700 a week (average for office pay etc.) you should probably get a job.



Actually, depending on how many items I sell, I can make that much. Particularly back there in the north.

But if Jon makes at least, say, $12.00 an hour, we can maintain very, very well with me bringing in only about $200 a week.

DisturbedMania Posted Today, 08:23 AM

FC if Jon manages to transfer his job to up here, as long as you wouldn't mind breaking into a commission job you could work with me at Bankers we are generally always hiring and have expanded to an office in Ohio. My office is in Livonia.

Thanks, DM. I'll keep that in mind.

Michigan's job market sucks... Be careful moving here without some idea that Jon can get decent work....

We won't hit the road until he has a place to work already.

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