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Lyrics from a song that are amazing


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A LOT of Public Enemy lyrics; the first one that comes to mind is, "You singers are spineless/As you sing your senseless songs to the mindless." Probably my fave couplet ever.

Always liked Morrisey's lyrics, even as his songs got worse and worse.

Never really been much of a Springsteen fan, but damn, do I wish I'd written the lyrics to the opening verses of "Thunder Road":

"The screen door slams, Mary in dress waits

like a vision she dances across the porch as the radio plays

...and on through the "and that's alright with me" line. The song goes to shit after that, but damn, is that opening brilliant.

...maybe more later?

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This goes in the songs that make you cry thread as well.

It's called The Little Girl and it is a great country song. The end lyrics are amazing especially, the song is spiritual and oh if you've never heard it and aren't genrephopic it's a must.

"She says I know that man up on that cross, I don't know his name, but I know he got off"

Listen to the story of the song and you're heart will cry.

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This is like asking me what child is my favorite.  But in terms of "the greatest good" hrmm...



A Widow Deeply Scarred,
Somebody's Broken Heart
And A Washed-Out Dream

They Follow The Pattern Of
The Wind, Ya' See
Cause They Got No Place
To Be
That's Why I'm Starting With

I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer:

If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make that Change!


Words to live by, seriously.  Too many of us look for people to blame, not our own long string of errors.  If everyone thought the way above, the world really would be a better place.  Despite any associations with where negative as came from. 

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  • 2 weeks later...


In with the early dawn
Moving right along
Couldn’t buy an eye full of sleep
And in the aching night
Under satelites
I was not received
built with stolen parts
A telephone in my heart
Someone get me a priest
To put my mind to bed
This ringing in my head
Is this a cure or is this a disease

Nail in my hand
From my creator
You gave me life now
Show me how to live
Nail in my hand
From my creator
You gave me life now
Show me how to live

And in the afterbirth
On the quiet earth
Let the stains remind you
You thought you made a man
You better think again
Before my role defines you

Nail in my hand
From my creator
You gave me a life 
Now show me how to live
Nail in my hand
From my creator
You gave me life now
Show me how to live

And in your waiting hands
I will land
And roll out of my skin
And in your final hours I will stand
Ready to begin
Ready to begin
Ready to begin
Ready to begin

Nail in my hand
From my creator
You gave me life now
Show me how to live
Nail in my hand
From my creator
You gave me life now
Show me how to live
Show me how to live
Show me how to live
Show me how to live
Show me how to live

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  • 2 weeks later...


"Good Enough"

Hey your glass is empty
it's a hell of a long way home
why don't you let me take you
it's no good to go alone
I never would have opened up
but you seemed so real to me
after all the bullshit I've heard
it's refreshing not to see
I don't have to pretend
she doesn't expect it from me
Don't tell me I haven't been good to you
don't tell me I have never been there for you
don't tell me why
nothing is good enough
Hey little girl would you like some candy
your momma said that it's OK
The door is open come on outside
no I can't come out today
it's not the wind that cracked your shoulder
and threw you to the ground
who's there that makes you so afraid
you're shaken to the bone
and I don't understand
you deserve so much more than this
So don't tell me why
he's never been good to you
don't tell me why
he's never been there for you
don't you know that why
is simply not good enough
so just let me try
and I will be good to you
just let me try
and I will be there for you
I'll show you why
you're so much more than good enough...
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  • 7 months later...


Listening to latin freestyle will mess up you're affect. You wanna dance to it and be happy but then the lyrics are always like this!

I still love it and joke with people about this all the time!  Fuck now I'm sad because you don't love me...but wait I still want to dance I am probably crying while doing it though!  Damn it😂

Edited by kat
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Human Crossing - Project Pitchfork



Long Halls - White Rooms,
A Cage, a Name,
rat 41 - Distress,
the rest is Imagination,
Where have I been,
a Pain in my Body,
I taste Blood,
Where is my Home,
Cruel Eyes,
a Hand is reaching for Me,
the rest is Imagination,
is it Raining Outside,
is there a Sun,
is there a Sky,
is the Compassion,
dazzling lights,
needles - injections,
almond eyes - giving hope,
in the night,
almond eyes,
the rest is Imagination,
where have I been,
a pain in my body,
I taste blood,
where is my home,
cruel eyes,
a hand is reaching for me,
the rest is imagination.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Haus der Lüge
Einstürzende Neubauten


Hier leben die Blinden
Die glauben was sie sehen
Und die Tauben
Die glauben was sie hören
Festgebunden auf einem Küchenhocker
Sitzt ein Irrer, der glaubt
Alles was er anfassen kann
Seine Hände liegen im Schoss
Zweites Geschoss:
Rolle für Rolle
Rauhfaser tapeziert
In den Gängen stehen Mieter herum
Betrachten die Wände aufmerksam
Suchen darauf Bahn um Bahn
Nach Druck- und Rechtschreibfehlern
Könnten nicht mal ihren Namen entziffern
Auf ins nächste Geschoss:
Welches, oh Wunder! nie fertiggestellt
Nur über die Treppe erreicht werden kann
Hier lagern Irrtümer, die gehören der Firma
Damit kacheln sie die Böden
An die darf keiner ran
Viertes Geschoss:
Hier lebt der Architekt
Er geht auf in seinem Plan
Dieses Gebäude steckt voller Ideen
Es reicht von Funda- bis Firmament
Und vom Fundament bis zur Firma
Im Erdgeschoss:
Befinden sich vier Türen
Die führen direkt ins Freie
Oder besser gesagt, in den Grundstein
Da kann warten wer will
Um zwölf kommt Beton
Grundsteinlegung, Lüge, Lüge, Lüge!
Gedankengänge sind gestrichen
In Kopfhöhe braun
Infam, katholisch violett
Zur besseren Orientierung
Es hat einen Schaden
Im Dachstuhl sitzt ein alter Mann
Auf dem Boden tote Engel verstreut
(deren Gesichter sehen ihm ähnlich)
Zwischen den Knien hält er ein Gewehr
Er zielt auf seinen Mund
Und in den Schädel
Durch den Schädel
Und aus dem Schädel heraus
In den Dachfirst
Dringt das Geschoss
Gott hat sich erschossen
Ein Dachgeschoss wird ausgebaut
Gott hat sich erschossen
Ein Dachgeschoss wird ausgebaut
Gott hat sich erschossen
Ein Dachgeschoss wird ausgebaut
Gott hat sich erschossen
Ein Dachgeschoss wird ausgebaut
Gott hat sich erschossen
Ein Dachgeschoss wird ausgebaut
Gott hat sich erschossen
Ein Dachgeschoss wird ausgebaut
Dies ist ein Keller
Hier lebe ich
Dies hier ist dunkel
Feucht und angenehm
Dies hier ist ein

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/16/2016 at 4:56 PM, Moe Falcon said:

I love Possum Kingdom..one of my fave songs ever.

Me too


I've always loved Alkaline Trio's lyrics. This song is from my favorite album of there's, God damnit.

Alkaline Trio - Nose Over TailCrack my head open on your kitchen floor
To prove to you that I have brains
Meanwhile tin men are led by little girls
Down golden roads that lead to nowhere

Fine time to fake a seizure
Feel your mouth on mine, you're saving me

Whatever happened to that silly dream you had?
I want to make it real
I'd love to rub your back
Like a plane crash that never hits the ground
I fall in love with you
I'm nose over tail for you
Your voice like the sound of sirens to a house on fire
You're saving me


Edited by RosyBlue
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